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watch Fahrenheit 9/11 documentary by michael moore

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posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Sleuth
The link in the first post isn't working. The videos in the second link have been removed. Does anyone know of any other source for this film?

I taped my copy when it was on TV. For those not having the opportunity to do so, the first place to look for books and videos is always

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:00 AM
oh good grief..i cannot believe i am going to do this...has no one here heard of Blockbuster? or Movie Gallery? Most chain video rental stores have a copy of Fahrenheit 9/11. And the HONEST ones also stock a copy of FarenHYPE 9/11. If you are going to watch Michael Moore's fiction then you should at least watch FarenHYPE as well.....

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
If you are going to watch Michael Moore's fiction then you should at least watch FarenHYPE as well.....

I had no idea such a movie existed so I went and watched on about first 15 minutes then I had to stop because it was so poor on content. If you call Moore liar then you should call makers of 'Fahrenhype' also liars.. How come they could otherwise include material where former New York mayor lies (or mis-recalls) about seeing the video footage of the 1st plane hitting, and after that seeing second plane hitting 'live'? As far as I know, there wasn't footage about the first plane before the second impact..

Moore's 'Fahrenheit'

Peterson's 'Fahrenhype'

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:54 PM
No, I said that if you were going to watch Moore's fiction, then at least you should watch the other one as well. I cannot tell you which one to believe in. However, based on Mr. Moore's record on producing lies......I know which one I WONT believe.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Yeah well - I think Moore represents some type of gonzo journalism, I don't either buy everything he says.. Nevertheless, he make movies about issues, real issues I might add. Even tho not all of his facts are straight, it doesn't devalue the issue he is making his 'documentary' about.

I think 'fahrenhype' is more like personal attack against Moore's work than a documentary supporting opposite view.. Instead of recommending debunk-movies, you could recommend some real stuff that doesn't aim on debunking someone else's stand, but instead backing up one's theory?

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by v01i0

Yeah well - I think Moore represents some type of gonzo journalism, I don't either buy everything he says.. Nevertheless, he make movies about issues, real issues I might add. Even tho not all of his facts are straight, it doesn't devalue the issue he is making his 'documentary' about.

Ah I see, so making a movie using out and out lies about an issue is wonder there are so many clueless people in the world, especially concerning 9/11.

How about even tho NONE of his facts are straight...or even facts....

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:19 PM
In the movie Fahrenheit 9/11, Moore mentions a natural gas pipeline to be built across Afganistan, is this true or false? He also mentions lies by the Bush administration about Iraq and the threat it represented to the US, were those lies or not?

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:38 PM
I'm being cheap. I'm looking for a free online copy. My wait continues. Thanks anyway.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:48 PM
Michael Moore is nothing more than a White version of Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton. He is a hypocritical White poverty pimp that makes his living using scare tactics, pushing his agenda on the unsuspecting, uneducated so called disenfranchised that believe they can't do it on their own.

Tell us about your investments Michael.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Michael Moore is nothing more than a White version of Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton. He is a hypocritical White poverty pimp that makes his living using scare tactics, pushing his agenda on the unsuspecting, uneducated so called disenfranchised that believe they can't do it on their own.

Tell us about your investments Michael.

We get it. You loathe a human being you very likely do not personally know. However, this topic is not about Michael Moore. The topic is concerning his documentary film.

Out of curiosity, have you ever demanded Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, David Rockefeller, Silverstein, or an othere's on that side of society tell you all about their investments? Did you rant at their persons for lying to and cheating the taxpayers, while making huge tax free profits off us and 9/11/2001?

Back to the regularly scheduled program - the documentary, not Michael Moore the individual human being. Exactly what was it you did not find accurate or true in the documentary? Please be specific.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 11:12 PM
Farenheit 9/11 is as much a documentary as "This is Spinal Tap" Actually, Spinal Tap is probably more truthful.

To address infinity...

Yes at one point UNOCAL talked about building a pipeline across Afghanistan, however, had dropped those plans long before Bush became President. And yet, Mr. Moore tries to use the pipeline as evidence that Bush only wanted to invade Afghanistan so UNOCAL could build their pipeline. In addition, he uses a visit by the Taliban to the US in the 90s as proof that Bush was in bed with them.....Moore never ONCE states that it was the Clinton Administration that invited them on the visit in a misguided attempt to curry favor. However, from watching F 9/11, you will NEVER know that Bush had NOTHING to do with the Taliban or their visit to the US.

Should I post the other 57 lies from Farenheit 9/11??

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 11:24 PM
According to records from the DOE, George W. Bush was already in office in September, 2001. That means Michael Moore was accurate and told the truth in his documentary:

The Oil Connection: Afghanistan and Caspian Sea oil pipeline routes

Don't think there is a connection between Afghanistan and the oil monopolies? Think again. The information contained in these partial Department of Energy reports are current as of September 2001. You can read the complete texts at and (For more links, also see This story could be bigger than the Pentagon Papers if it were discovered that the "war on terrorism" were an excuse to end Afghanistan's civil war in order to secure the Southern route of an oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea through Afghanistan. In 1998, the Taliban signed an agreement to proceed with the pipeline, but the civil war has kept the project from getting started.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by OrionStars

Its a nice twisting of some of the facts, but again, its wrong...


Whatever the motive, the Unocal pipeline project was entirely a Clinton-era proposal: By 1998, as the Taliban hardened its positions, the U.S. oil company pulled out of the deal. By the time George W. Bush took office, it was a dead issue—and no longer the subject of any lobbying in Washington

This gent has done a fine job of researching Mr. Moore's Mockumentary

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

So you would rather take your opinions from the media at face value, rather than the US bureaucrats' own documentation. That is up to you.

I do not prefer to accept media accounts without first validating those media accounts are correct. That is my perogative to do so.

Perhaps you also need to do a study in who owns the media, and has the power to tell their personnel what to say, when to say it, and how to say it according to employer demand. If employees desire to keep receiving paychecks and company paid benefits and perks from their employers, they do what they are told to do when reporting.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:41 PM
i THINK THAT THE ENTIRE 911 incident was planned and everyone is keeping things a hush hush, thats a given. The only reason thing don't be let out is because they fear they will not be able to control the american people any longer. This entire world is corrupted and for what money, which will not be valuable in a couple of years to come. Then what everyone in high places just seem to want to go higher when there is no place to go. Greed nothing more than that.This whole sysytem is corrupted and that will never change. Freedom of speech has gone out the door , no one is suppose to speak anything negative about the presidents: are they God. They are human just like any other american, they are not perfect just like everyone else. Thy are misleading the people, trying to keep them program into thinking certain things, just like this website. It states that you can reply anonymously but they are still recording you IP number MIGHT AS WELL PUT MY PHYSICAL ADDRESS. There is so many things going on out there that none of us will never know. That really doesn't matter to me because the world will be coming to an end soon(Im not a terroris). There is nothing you could really do. What is to be will be that's my motto.

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