posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:52 PM
In the regard of this document I would like to add some more details. Being a large file that deals mainly with a phenomena like the green fireball
maybe won't get the right attention but is a document worth the time to go through in order to understand the seriousness that Air Force dealt with
In some cases the objects thought to be weather balloons were in fact unknown . Launching time of the balloons didn't match with the time of the
sightings. In other cases the flying pattern itself was contradictory with that of a weather balloon. And yet in other cases the speed, trails, color
and movements made it impossible for the object to be classified as a balloon.
The same contradiction we find with the classification as meteorites. Some time sightings lasted for minutes (even 75 minutes with a very slow
movement) and some time for seconds. Some time the objects separated in three to four smaller ones with the same characteristics, color, brightness,
flying pattern, altitude... Same times there movement was erratic and upward which makes it impossible to be a meteorite.
The above were just to mention few off the details regarding the green fireball phenomena but throughout the whole document there are countless more
details and specifics whic IMO make it a very interesting document to read.
[edit on 13-2-2008 by Telos]