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Sit-x and gun confiscation question.

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posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 03:46 PM
Do not flame me if this is already posted!! I searched but did not see.....

In a Sit-x where martial law is declared and the authority decides to take the guns away (a la Katrina/New Orleans), does anyone have any advice or experience on how to avoid the loss of all firearms? Someone from New Orleans who has dealt with it would be great.

If you gave up "some" of your firearms "voluntarily" and were ultra cooperative would the cops still do a thorough search of your residence or just a cursory walk through?

Does burying a weapon in a remote location make sense or is there, in my opinion, just WAY too much risk of someone else finding it? ie. children or criminals. And would you use cosmoline or alternative to protect it and clean it when possible before use or just seal and wrap it?

Did the confinscations in NOLA include crossbows or bows?

Becuase this site is read by "them" a U2U would be fine. I have my own ideas but would greatly appreciate input. I am sure there are others on here who have the same question.


posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 09:35 AM
I would doubt they would just give up and call it a day if you just handed some guns over. I think burying them is a good idea, and I would use cosmoline personally. If any of you have ever bought any old military guns covered with that stuff, it is a pain to clean off, but it works well. I am torn, I dont think I would give my guns up easily, but then again I have my wife and child to think about. So shooting it out is probably out of the question. However if my wife and child werent around, I think out of my cold dead hands would be the only way they would get it.

I will let it up to you on where to hide guns, if you have access to a place away from your residence that would be your best bet, just dont tell anyone where you put them. Keep that your little secret, as well as any food, water, etc you have stockpiled. Also make sure if you hide some guns you hide some ammo along with them.

We cant be scared to speak our minds on here with the threat of some government baffoon peaking over our shoulders. We are the power, not them, and they need to know if they try to take our second amendment rights away, it will get ugly. I believe the time to be silent and scared of them is over, they are overstepping their bounds, and by god they need to know we arent putting up with it anymore. I think the majority of us are peaceful citizens, and do not wish any kind of violent fighting. However I think most of us are concerned about the steps our government has taken to do away with our constitutional rights. We need to shout it from high above, we arent putting up with it, no more school yard bullying will be put up with. We are free, we love this country, we are not the enemies, dont make us into it, stay out of our lives, leave us alone.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by gunner36]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 09:41 AM
Firearms manufactured before 1899 are exempt from all federal restrictions and regulations. If you can grab yourself a couple of these then no agency local state or federal will have no idea you have them since any registration would not apply and no FFL is required to sell one.

Otherwise, in areas where registration is mandatory, decide which firearms you will most like to have in a sit-x situation, seal them in PVC or by some other method and give a call to the local PD and say they were swiped from your truck in the parking lot of the supermarket when you stopped off for milk while coming home from the range.

They can't confiscate what you don't have.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 09:46 AM
get together all the materials needed to make a firearm and just store it maybe enough to make two (in case you make mistakes) no gun to take and plans are available all over look up P.A. Luty and or Expedient homemade firearms..

I have a hiding spot for mine that is indoors and unreachable without a great amount of disassembly with tools on behalf of those that are searching..

and don't forget ammo hide some ammo as well
and if you store it take the time to buy some desiccant to keep the moisture
out of them still no guarantee but will definitely have a much longer shelf life..


posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 09:56 AM
Use Pvc and seal the threads at both ends with plumbers putty or tape. Completely waterproof. Then bury where in case of flooding you are still able to get to them. Enjoy!

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 11:47 AM
Im afraid that when they show up at our doors for our guns, if we can not account for, and hand over all our registered firearms they will cuff us and take us away. So even if you hide them they will be of no use because you will not be there to use them because youll be in jail. This is just one sceneario that I have thought might happen. But the government will only know about our legit ones, They will not know about the ones we got under the cover of darkness, and they will not know how much ammo we have. So if you have a stash that dosnt have a paper trail I would burry those along with the ammo and just give up the legit ones. Also I think they will have dogs who are trained to sniff out guns search our inside and outside property. When they come to take away our right to bear arms we more than likely wont have any rights left. Or you can take my method when this goes down...."From my cold dead fingers".

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by tac109

Not sure how it is where you are at but here we don't have to register firearms
yes you have to register if you buy a new one but I inherited several handguns recently and checked with the state to see about registering them and they said that if I inherited them or they were given to me I did not have to register them


posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:00 PM
As suggested above hide them well. Consider also having and becoming proficient with a bow. Alternate methods of weaponry will serve you well in the future. More so than a good weapon, learn to use your body as well, so stretch daily, hike, walk and run. Keep your upper body strength in shape and keep your powder dry.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by antar]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:37 PM
Just a thought. If everyone in Sit-X killed just one "confiscator" before being killed (or arrested) themselves, how long before they run out of "confiscators"?

Let's say they use 1,000,000 people. That's 1,000,000 people from the general population of, what, 175,000,000 gun owners?

Do you begin to see the math? I'm beginning to think that what someone else posted is correct. They WANT us to have the guns, and they are going to do everything possible to get us to turn them on ourselves.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 01:05 PM
You have to start shooting the confiscators before they get to your house. When it starts happening you have to instantly go on offense. If everyone runs, hides and buries their weapons, we will lose. The only way to win is stand and fight when that time comes. If you pack up your guns and run for the hills you will get stopped at a roadblock, and the will take your guns. If you stay in your house and wait for them, they will show up with overwhelming force and take your guns, if you fight, you will die.

The only way to live, and keep your guns is to start killing them when they are at someone elses house, or on the way in to town, set up an ambush. Get a small group of capable armed friends and make a plan.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 01:32 PM
As far as registered and unresgistered firearms I do not think there will be much of a difference. In NOLA they just went house to house. I do not think they had lists. I seem to be having my original conclusion reinforced. Hide some, turn some over, have some unregistered, see what happens.
The PVC is a good idea. I had actually purchased some old sonar bouy cases for the same purpose. As far as burying with my off site stash, I am still too uncomfortable to do that. It's one thing if some kids dig up some MRE's, entrenching tools, and water purification tablets etc. but guns??

I think the most important idea is to not be there when they get there.
Of course there is always the cold dead fingers option.

Also, if it is martial law on a massive scale you have to question how long the National Guard and local law enforcement would be willing to enforce such an extreme measure. Patriots tend to join the Army and any patriot would understand the complete suspension of Constitutional rights. Right?
I do agree that if someone were going to fight they must do it at the onset.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

In addition, you can also buy reproductions of black powder weapons with far fewer restrictions than modern cartridge weapons. I've been considering buying a black powder revolver and a few spare cylinders that I can pre-load as a last-ditch hedge against any sweeping gun control bills that might make their way through con-gress. Sure, it has its limitations, but at typical self-defense ranges of 50 yards or less, a .44 caliber slug is a .44 caliber slug. Its gonna leave a lot more than a mark.

They might be confiscated along with the cartridge guns in a disaster like Katrina, but I strongly doubt there will be a nationwide ban on this type of firearm in the next 30-50 years of my lifetime, if ever.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by vor78]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by vor78

Also, when finding ammo has become next to impossible you can make your own black powder and shoot just about anything you can stuff down the barrel.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 07:45 PM
You can also buy element proof/odor proof bags that are made for long term storage, I have never used them, but they claim that the bags will keep 100% moister out and can be buried in mud and no harm will come to the contents. On another note, I hope that "They" do read these threads, So they will know how we feel about things these days.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 08:21 PM
I have a friend who has a sign on his door that says:

This is a Mennonite House.
No smoking.
No guns.
No backtalk.

Of course, my friend isn't a Mennonite and I have no idea where the old sign came from, but I do know something about his firearms collection and his Cuban cigars...

[edit on 8/2/08 by Pellevoisin]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:25 AM
If anyone were to be a bigger fool than our current occupant of the White House, it would be the occupant who ordered gun confiscation. Ask any current soldier how well gun confiscation is working in Iraq, then ask him if he would do it in the USA. He'd tell you were nuts and he understands that it would be a far worse situation than any he faced in Iraq. BTW one of the few good things our selected representatives did after Katrina was pass legislation outlawing the confiscation of privately owned guns by local authorities as was the case in NO,La. after Katrina. The Mayor of NO,La and the Governor were both hit with class action suits in Federal Courts for civil rights violations for unlawful seizure of private property without due process. They left the 2nd Amendment issue out of it and the US Supreme Court for the Southern US District agreed with plaintiffs that the order was patently unconstitutional as there was no legal basis ie the gov't needed the guns. The ruling is under appeal of course but it doesn't look good for the Mayor Nagin. I saw a report that many of the armed looters were actually non-local gangs pillaging anything light,valuable and not easily obtained. They came prepared to do battle with local gangs with guns and boats. They were primarily hitting pawn shops and pharmacies.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:41 AM
Funeral plots. Expensive put full proof. Even if you can not afford it, land next to cemeteries is normally vacant undeveloped land. Nuff said.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:48 PM
Umm... burying and or hiding your firearms from those who would confiscate them kind of defeats the whole purpose of the second amendment...

So if you plan to do this, just give them your guns... they obviously are of no use to you, or you family and country...

A Citizen would never hide his liberty...

The Second Amendment, is what protects the Second Amendment. learn this.

when they come you give them the option to walk away, if they do not, they are your enemy, you do what you have to.

I'm quite sure this site is read by "them" let them read it and let them know some of us at least still preserve the spirit of resistance, let them fear us, they should.

[edit on 11-2-2008 by C0le]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:07 AM
I abhor violence so I hope they may figure out something besides that retard strategy. It has Phonics monkey jack **f written all over it. All I can say is Uncle, if you do it its because of faulty advisers leading you astray.

Just don't know. I have junk hunting rifles so if I could get a check for the full value I will pack and ship them to Uncle any way requested, but even junk value has to be paid in full.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:33 AM
if you cannot obtain cosmoline to presereve your guns or other tools..obtain a grease which has a silicone base.

I have a silicone base made by dow corning. Types of this silicone base grease is sold in auto parts stores.

You specifically want a silicone base grease as it functions as a moisture barrier ..for which standard axle/wheel bearing greases do not.

Higher powered caliber firearms have a metal composition which is more heat treated..meaning the moleules of the metal are more densely formed. Not as easily prone to rusting/corrosion. .22 cablier firearms use a softer steel without as much heat treatment. Molecules are not as densely formed. This accounts for much of the cheaper price of the average .22 firearm....Less heat treatment.

I have tested this in a year long test of a Marlin Glenfield model 60 and a 1903 Springfield Rifle in PVC piping . Axle/bearing grease the first time around. Second time around silicone grease. The axle greast failed miserably on the Marlin Glenfield Model 60 telling me the difference in metal composition. The springfield faired much better. This lead me to search out a different grease and settling on a silicone based water repellant grease to serve as a moisture barrier.

This applies whether you choose to bury them or not. Silicone based greases can be removed much easier than cosmoline. No doubt that cosmoline properly done is very very effective...but can many of us even get cosmoline?? I can get this silicone based grease up the road at the local auto parts store.

Just some additional informations for your consideration.


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