posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by mattguy404
Its about freedom my friend. I dont want a govt official deciding for me to see a doctor.
And no I dont want a socialized medical system run by our govt. Look at how well our govt takes care of us...
1. Katrina - it took the govt 4 days to find and get water to people who were on tv asking for it.
2. forced sterilization programs - nice eugenics movement started by our fascist friends the rockefellers. They took anyone deemed "unfit" to breed
and sterlized them, many of which werent even told.
3. injecting citizens with syphalis - US Army injects black soldiers and black civilians with an std and fails to tell them what it actually was. And
worse, they withhold treatment so they can study the effects. They watched these citizens suffer and die horrible deaths like lab animals.
4. injecting citizens with plutonium
5. releasing viruses over populated cities
6. burning toxic waste on govt sites
7. allowing corporations to dump flouride in the water then later convincing us its a good thing
8. agent orange - used to spray the jungles of vietnam to kill the foliage. Oh and it causes awful cancers but it took 30 years and several lawsuits
to get the govt to admit the stuff was bad for us. Of course it doesnt matter now since most of the vets exposed are dead but at least the govt doesnt
have to pay out benefits now
9. Gulf War syndrome - from agent orange we now have gulf war syndrome. Its most likely linked to the depleted uranium shells being used now by the US
military. We see history repeat itself as the govt denies any such illness or any problems with uranium shells. And in 30 years when everyone is dead
a study will prove conclusively that umm yes exposure to depleted uranium is bad for us
Those are just a few of the many examples of how well our govt takes care of us. Maybe its just me, but I would prefer to take care of myself...I'll
live longer