In his thread the ex area 51 employee zx4551 states that they are going to have an experiment to see if they can open up a wormhole and it may or may
not destroy the earth
Interesting topic i read in the paper today stating that CERN are going to turn on their particle accelerator this year to accelerate particles at the
speed of light and smash them into each other.
A scientist has claimed that this could produce a wormhole which might be of use to time travellers but they could travel no further back into earths
history as the time it opens will be set as year 0.
Very interesting story and perphaps this gives some credit to zx4551's claims.
If i find a link to the story i will post.
I cant help think that this thread is a little redundant if the question is "Area 51 employee telling the truth?" since this is currently
ongoing here.
The CERN particle accelerator is also being discussed in depth and makes for some good reading.
Really, both these "insider" threads should be terminated. I have proven without a doubt many times that Mr. No One is a faker. The other insider is
a worse liar.
This crap just gets in the way of real research, plus just adds fuel to the fire that ATS is not a serious research website.