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Work of God or Weather Mod: Tornados hit Huckabee States hardest.

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posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 03:40 AM
Maybe its just a coincidence.

Mike Huckabee takes 21 delegates w/34% in Tennessee, 20 delegates in Alabama w/41%, and 26 delegates in his home state of Arkansas w/60% of the vote.

There were some freak storms that occurred after the polls closed, killing 30 people in Tennessee, 4 in Alabama, 13 in Arkansas and 7 in Kentucky.

Maybe I am up too late looking at, but the states listed hit me like a lightning bolt. The hardest hit state, Tennessee, had Huckabee getting 7 more Delegates for only 2% more of the vote. So is somone punishing these Southerners for choosing Huckabee?

I know the theory has flaws (why Kentucky then?), and I am not trying to make light of anything, especially the numerous losses the citizens of those states are feeling emotionally and fiscally. I would just like someone else, who can think out of the box, to look at this with an open mind.

I am open to the possibilities of "coincidence", "work of an angry God, made at Huckabee's use of Christian Propaganda", or even "Romney 'employees' from Clear Channel hacking into HAARP, and bringing down the microwaves of wrath"

I don't know, that sounds weird, I know. Maybe its is all just a coincidence.

Edit to add links!
February 5 - SUPER TUESDAY
Severe weather, tornadoes kill dozens across South

[edit on 7/2/2008 by DocMoreau]

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 03:46 AM
Well, i dont like him, but i dont think God punishes this area or that area, even if its Huckabee

Earth changes and strange weather are to blame. iF god was punishing people, he would have lifted Huckabee and sent him flying 1 mile

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Me either. Don't hate him at all. In fact, I think he is a role model to all Obese people.

Maybe it was more the mental connection of reading two articles so fast with states listed similarly, but one being about the election, ythe other about the destruction.

Still I would like to see some Radar screen grabs before I completely put this thing to bed.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 04:16 AM
It is an interesting theory and one I did not consider. I used to live in the heart of Tornado alley and even got a huge thrill of tracking and chasing storms in the hopes of getting the perfect picture. One thing I can say for fact is that the tornado season does not start until April and I found these storms to be odd in that they came early.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 04:19 AM

Doc, by morning you will have quotes here from the Holy Bible, without a doubt, which will explain why his states were hardest hit. Huckabee will welcome any apocaliptic event, in fact, he'll take the credit for it.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

In a way, thats what I am saying DG.

Of course Ol' Huck could spin it that way, but what if it isn't God making this weather, by a super heated airmass caused by HAARP bubbling out the ionsphere.

I don't know if Ol Huck could actually claim it if he tried, with the number of "Chem-Trailiens" out there watching the weather wars.


[edit to add]
PS... I wish I hadn't used 'Chemtrailiens'... it has a nice ring to it for a website to investigate these claims further

[edit on 7/2/2008 by DocMoreau]

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 04:42 AM
Going with the coincidence as well Doc.

Now some on the left would love to say it's gods punishment for being Christian. Evil Christians deserve to die, see even god thinks so, so vote for X candidate.

While those on the opposite end of the spectrum would say, it's proof god wants the Huckster to get elected. You see god is testing the faith and resolve of his minions, err believers even, and is proof god loves us so vote for the Huckster. Or something just as demented.

The places hit have long histories of tornado activity. The college in TN that was hit, was also hit 4 times already this decade by tornado's. And one woman that died in KY had built her home in a specific spot, because tornado's in the past had missed that particular spot while passing through her property. Sadly, it was bound to hit that spot eventually.

So I don't think it was god or haarp, or earth changes, or climate change, or global warming, or global cooling, or uber close passing asteroids causing plasma discharges, or alien's creating cloud cover, or feuding area 51 employees blowing hot and cold air, or a satellite creating drag causing atmospheric disturbances, or anything other than two storm fronts colliding on a Tuesday evening. Feel free to add your own caused by X in this thread, will make be feel better later, while wading through the hate some will heap upon me.

It is an interesting coincidence though and thanks for pointing it out.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:15 PM
No one wanted to touch the Weather Mod/Haarp angle I see.

Actually I see, not too many wanted to touch this much at all.

Coincidentally Yours,

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