posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:25 PM
I would like to propose a novel idea to get rid of gun crime.
Instead of punishing the law abiding gun owners with laws limiting their rights, lets us punish the actual criminals who break the law with illegal
guns. The reason criminals are so quick to use guns in crime is because the punishment is not YET sever enough to deter them from doing so.
Here is how we can change that.
1. A national law is passed saying that it is a capitol offense felony to have a firearm in your possession while knowingly committing a crime.
2. As a means of keeping justice swift a provision is provided such that all sentences under this bill are carried out within 12 months.
3. Another provision in the bill would automatically move the appeals pending for persons convicted under this bill to the top of the stack to
increase the chances of them being heard quickly. I would even propose more federal appeals judges to get the cases moved quickly.
4. To free up the necessary space to accommodate the influx of gangsters, I would turn loose anyone who is in prison for simple marijuana possession.