Originally posted by Nohup
Originally posted by Scorched_Ohio
Tell me your opinions! Thanks!
I think you're making a mistake equating the Nazis with the NWO. It was the NWO that fought and destroyed the Nazis in WWII. The NWO is more about
standardizing trade and encouraging individuals to use their talents and efforts to uplift humanity in general rather than trying to homogenize people
(particularly along ethnic lines) to make them more compliant to the State. The NWO doesn't need human robots, it needs innovative people who know
how to solve problems.
My God, why are you even @ this site? Nazi's/NWO don't equate? ABSOLUTELY ludicrous. Project Paperclip, CIA (KIA - demon name), pentagram/gon, Thule
Society, phallic worship (Wash. Mon., Empire building), etc., AAAAALLLLLLLL the way back to child sacrificing Mayans/Pharoahs draped in gold. Ever
notice the GOLD trim around certain AmeriKKKan flags? Ever hear of misopaisic horrification? Impalement? Saturnian Gnosticism? Elite Luciferianism?
Mormon Druids?
Knights of Malta?
What you're calling homogenizing is also called ASSIMILATION, REGARDLESS of resistance.
The NWO does MOST CERTAINLY WANT HUMAN ROBOTS; they ALREADY EXIST as clones with synthetic neural networks (military apllications - syntel remote
WWII was staged so that the Orthodox Jews could be slaughtered while Ashkenazim/Khazar 'Jews' could be GIVEN Israel by a CORRUPT U.N. created by
the ROTHSCHILDS. The Rothschilds own Israel, the P2 infiltrated VatiKKKan, the U-SS-A federal reserve, and over 60% of the KILLER pharma.
If the NWO is so concerned about 'encouraging individuals' to 'use talents and efforts to uplift humanity', then why's the 'Network'
with-holding the 1/2 dozen AIDS vaccines? Why's Directed Energy being used to topple towers instead of cancer? Why's there MASSIVE INVESTMENT in
CROWD SUPPRESSION technology instead of 'humanity upliftment' technology?
Israeli-Britain/AmeriKKKa didn't fight & destroy the Nazi's, they ARE the HORDCORE ARYAN SUPREMACISTS to begin with; Hitler WAS a Rothschild.
CIA (the fall guy for NSA) doesn't even come close to MI-6 as far as intel. If AmeriKKKa's CIA's got Montauk DEW's, then just imagine what MI-6 is
developing while EVERYONE has their sites on AmeriKKKa.
Bush/Obama related to Windsors (Quee
Homogenizing (paricularly along ethnic lines) is EXACTLY what the NWO is about; racial/cultural genocide so the sheeples ARE MORE COMPLIANT to the
We're not alone in the Multi-verse, NOR at the top of the food chain. There is a WAR ON HUMANITY that's been going on for countless centuries. There
is a predatory element within this multi-verse that is making the Sacred Human Tribes suffer as a result of an attack on the Aryans. Our 'junk' DNA
IS NOT the 90% or so we're told; the 'junk' DNA is the 10% we're operating with (the 90% isn't junk & needs turning on) and the hybridized
Satanic bloodlines killing EVERYTHING are operating at 50% junk.