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Why 'superbugs,' TB, leprosy and other pestilences are invading U.S.

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posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 11:48 AM

Why 'superbugs,' TB, leprosy and other pestilences are invading U.S.

Americans have long taken the wonders of medical science for granted, watching as disease after disease has been conquered with antibiotics, vaccines, better nutrition and pharmaceutical "miracle drugs." But today, the magic isn't working ? and something scary is happening.
Thanks to self-destructive "alternative lifestyles," out-of-control immigration, the overuse of antibiotics and other causes, long-"vanquished" illnesses are once again ravaging the U.S., puzzling scientists and terrifying millions of victims and their loved ones.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 11:48 AM
This is something everyone really needs to be aware of. As a medical laboratory worker, I see that these "plagues" seem to be increasingly at a very speedy rate. 10-15 years ago, it was very rare that you would see a case of leprosy coming in. Now, it seems week to week we are getting 3-5 cases to test. something to keep in the back of your mind the next time you fill those antibiotic prescriptions.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 12:06 PM
What does it mean by "alternative lifestyles that are self-destructive"? That sounds a little biased.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by forestlady

It's probably not that biased. It's bad enough that we live in a society fo large numbers of people. However Alternative lifestyles change up the landscape.

For example, there is now a new type of staph infection which is much worse than MRSA and is being found more and more in circles of gay men

Now, that doesn't mean hetero people can't get it, it appears that it is being communicated during sexual relations. As a man, I completely understand. My wife showers before and after sex. I rarely shower prior, and depending on how wiped out I am may not after either (until morning).

This is of course because boys are made of snails and puppy dogs tails :-)

My point here is that the "Alternative Lifestyle" got my attention too, but the data is pretty evident, although this type of staph and HIV are not exlcusive to gay men, they do occur predominantly in these cultures. That being the case, it does mean that alternative lifestyles are furthering the disease.

It's really obvious why though. When you have a change in an environment, bacteria take advantage. It's like when we first started using Anit-biotics. That was a change in the environment of the bugs which were causing problems. And in the end, it allowed them to grow out of control.

Same with the lifestyles of gay men in general.

Same goes for people who share needles

Same goes for people who pass a marijuana pipe without sanitizing the mouhtpiece with a lighter,

all of these are alternative lifestyles which allow diseases to grow quicker. Does it mean these are bad lifestyles? No, because there are controls you can put in place in each situation.

Get the males like me to bathe more often before and after sex. Heck, teach us to wash our hands properly.

Get people who use needles not to share

Get people whow commonly pass pipes in a circle to put fire to the mouthpiece.

The alternative lifestyles are not the cause, but they are a conduit.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 01:02 PM
My personal feeling is it's not just the above things leading to these mass scale emergences of old and new epidemics. I feel that the gov jets that are spewing chem-trails all over the sky every day are partaking in a genetic experiment of introducing these viruses via airbourne dissemination. Bird flu, Morgellons, ect., are in my opinion being introduced and dropped into our environment by TPTB, IMHO.

A sample collected a couple of years ago from one of these mass sprayings found RED BLOOD CELLS in it. Now tell me, why would they be spraying blood cells out of their exaust systems? Very unnerving stuff.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 01:14 PM
As for the antibiotics, some doctors give these out like they are CANDY and the patient has absolutely no use for them. And then you have immunity. As far as immigration goes..yes, I believe that a lot of this crap is brought over when these people come here. Which is why that needs to slow down or be stopped. I am tired of having to side-step these people in stores or cater to them trying to understand them just because they can't speak our language. I would not be so stupid to go to another country and expect them to understand me. So many people are coming into this country and bringing God knows what in with them. I see it on a daily basis countless times a day.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 04:12 PM
So far you guys are all correct IMO. Lifestyle is a huge issue. Overall cleanliness no matter what sexual orientation or drug of choice is a key component. Bacteria tends to change very rapidly over the smallest of environmental change. It doesn't take much. The variables honestly are quite endless. Don't forget about the crap that is in our food. A HUGE variable. Think about it, did you ever notice how young people now adays are bigger. The guys seem to be taller and more muscular and the girls seem to have bigger breasts and at an earlier age. This has to be a factor of steroids and chemicals in our food. When I was growing up, if a girl had large breasts, she got made fun of by other girls. And if a guy was real solid and muscular, he was a freeak and immediately put on the wrestling team. Now kids have to compete for everything, and if you aren't the right size....ADIOS. So, needless to say, we have to consider multiple variable that account for this resurgence of old bacterium. I believe this data is not biased and is accurate. I need to show this to the microbiology lab and get there input. Could be interesting thoughts. I will update if anything new. Thanks again everyone.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
What does it mean by "alternative lifestyles that are self-destructive"? That sounds a little biased.

I thought the same thing. Actually, I'm wondering if it's more a case of pre-fab virus that's causing all of the sudden global damage . . . in less than five years bird-flu has figured out all by its tiny little self how to mutate to achieve human contagion? And Leprosy's back? . . . didn't we cure that, along with TB and Pox? . .

Or maybe it's just too much corn syrup.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by OptionToChoose

And Leprosy's back? . . . didn't we cure that, along with TB and Pox? . .

Yes, Leprosy is back. We didn't cure TB per say. Being in a hospital all day, we are continuously warned about possible TB cases and we have to take necessary precautions...masks, gloves, etc.....If you get TB you can get rid of it, but it has not been completely "gotten rid of".

A new case of leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is diagnosed somewhere in the world every 60 seconds, but in the United States outbreaks remain rare. Only about 130 new cases are discovered each year, mostly among immigrants from areas such as Mexico, India or the Caribbean, where the disease is more widespread.

Leprosy new cause for concern

There are not many cases reported each year in the US, but as we allow more immigrants in, the risk increases.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by OptionToChoose

Yes, Leprosy is back. Check this out.


posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:31 PM
If 'lifestyle' equates to hygiene, then yup...

There is also increased human mobility...including military deployments.

See this latest story:

New Bacterial Infection Linked to Military

[edit on 9-2-2008 by loam]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:33 PM
Global warming plays a big role in this. Tropical diseases that have stayed in a particular geographic range for hundreds of years are now migrating into Europe, where they previously couldn't because the temps were too low.

Same thing is happening with certain endemic diseases in Mexico that are migrating into Texas.

External News Source:

Climate change is exacerbating the spread of infectious diseases, according to new research.

Warming temperatures are causing organisms to migrate, Professor Paul Hunter told a conference in the UK.

In Europe, ocean swimmers have been infected with illnesses normally associated with warmer waters.

Let's face it - germs like warm weather. They'd move to Florida if global warming weren't scheduled to put it under water. (And I'm only half kidding.)

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by AWingAndASigh

Makes since to me but I am sure the "global warming is a hoax" crowd would disagree.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Juicy

I would say anyone feeding of the 'normal' commercial foodchain in the U.S. (i.e. predominantly meat) would probably get more antibiotics than a doctor prescribes in a lifetime.

A long standing issue in the trade war between EU and US is American beef is not allowed on European markets because of its uncontrolled residues of antibiotics and hormones.

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