posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 04:09 AM
OK,Thankyou for your patience.I can now put everyone out of their misery.
On another thread we agreed that first place would get 6,000 points,Second would get 3,000 points and third would get 1,000.
I've explained above how the result was calculated.Luckily we do have a clear winner.
It is...........................
(MSSS) - A True Story of "Something" Inside of Me. --- by ScienceGuyQ
Congratulations ScienceGuyQ!
The next places are more difficult as we had 4 stories on 88%.
They were:
(MSSS) Spontaneous Human Combustion ---by Genya
MSSS: Mechanics of a Cataclysm --- by DeusEx
(MSSS)- One of Those Nights ---by DeusEx
MSSS - Best Friends Forever --- by worldwatcher
So as there is 4,000 points left in the kitty I think it is fair to award 1,000 points for each of the four stories.
If any member wishes to find out how each of their stories faired then U2U me but remember this is for fun so no death threats,OK?
Congratulations to all.The standard was very high indeed and,as ever,it was difficult for the judges.