posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:49 AM
"The thing I would NOT want to see this turn into is a communal type society. As an American, I still want to be free to own and till my own
Please don't forget that other people have the right to live communally if they choose, just as you have the right to live independently if you
choose. The problem with Capitalism and Communism is that both decries the other as an evil which cannot exist anywhere. Some people work better in
tight-knit communities where everything is shared, and some people work best when they are working independently, and they like to see their labors
come to fruition on their own. Both of these are fine, they can exist side by side. People seem to have the impression that there can only be one
type of society or culture (even as they claim tolerance and multiculturalism). If your neighbors want to be part of a different type of lifestyle as
you and you deny them that just because it is not the life you would like to lead, then there is no freedom, only oppression, and that is what we have
Let me go into greater detail. If you go out and decide to start farming and living self-sufficiently on a totally unused, uninhabited piece of land
in our modern society, you will be doing it illegally unless you purchased the land yourself. But from whom? From someone else who purchased the
land from someone else back and back until you get to someone who at one point came to the land and said arbitrarily "this land is mine". So
logically the idea of "land ownership" is a delusion, it's just people making baseless claims. The fact is that all land on earth, used or not, is
claimed by someone. So it is actually impossible to legally live outside the system. There is no way out, no way to live a different life from the
one our system provides. That's not freedom. Nobody has the right to claim land they aren't currently using. Such claims are driven only by greed
and nonsense.