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A question to all who do dirt work? Have you found anything?

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posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 02:29 PM
I do not know if this is the correct forum if it is not please feel free to move it.

I was on my way to work this morning and happened to stop next to a construction site. I started wondering what kind of item have been revealed during excavation for a new building or parking lot? If something is found will the foreman just tell the employees to keep on or does the job stop?

My question is to all here who have done dirt work. While working on a site have you seen anything unusual get uncovered? If so what was it or what do you think it was? Also how was the situation handled?

It seems to me that here in Dallas there is a ton of construction so there must be some items that have been uncovered.


[edit on 2/5/2008 by lakewoodrealtor]

[edit on 2/5/2008 by lakewoodrealtor]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 02:36 PM
Many of those people have found things such as arrow heads.. Old pots and cooking ware from the native american Indians!
Many things that we will uncover here in the states are as such.. Old indian relics, Indian bodies which are dug up and moved to a new location!
Which in my eyes is a very very bad thing to do..

But most of that stuff is kept very hush hush.. They dont want you to know about all the things they dig up in the USA.. First off there are many things found which are kept secert for good reason. They are protecting themselfs from either laysuits, upset Native Americans that still live, and or just the fact they moved many bodies.

Alot of the time, Murders are dug up to find people who where killed in the 50-80's are just being unearthed to this day..

Now I would like to see what some of the Iraq constructors come up with in that zone.. Now thats an old old place.. Older than Native America here.
Summerian lived there.. And many relics are still buried..

And I ask myself this.. I think about whats down in the dirt there..
Just how much money do you think is on the ground right now? Today if had a wish from a genie lets say..
and you make a wish for all the money thats just on the ground or underground, how much money would that be?

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 02:56 PM
Interesting reply, i remember a number of years ago a old slave grave yard was uncovered during the construction I75 here in Dallas. The bodies were moved and then re buried. I do not remember if any artifacts were uncovered but i do know there was a full archaeological dig done in the area.

I like the fact that you brought up Iraq also. I know we have a number of civil engineers here that could most definitely shed some light on this subject.


posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 06:18 PM
I worked a part time job in a landscaping place, and a new truck full of dirt arrived and when i was shoveling it i found a Chinese newspaper.


posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by lakewoodrealtor

It seems to me that here in Dallas there is a ton of construction so there must be some items that have been uncovered.

Im from Dallas and a lot of my family still lives there. My parents are pretty deep in the PALEOtology world and have been on digs all over the world...

Anyways, from stories Ive heard them tell, that fossils are often found in these construction sites...especially in Texas!

What a great topic!!

[edit on 5-2-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 07:07 PM

Can you elaborate on the finds? and what happens when something worthy is found?

Would you ming probing your parents for a little information on this subject?

Side note where in Dallas are you from? You can guess by my name. East Dallas rocks.....


[edit on 2/5/2008 by lakewoodrealtor]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by baconvein

Mr. Bacon

I have a few questions?

1. Your general location?
2. Could you tell if it was a local chinese paper? Did it seem as if it was old?


posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 07:40 PM
Ok here are a few links I have found.


Dive Bomber

The Alamo

Indian Burial Ground

Indian Village

Chineese Tomb "Video"

Please lets see any links you may have or can find.

Also I would still like to hear some personal experiences and how they have been handled..


posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by lakewoodrealtor

I can try when they are done "jetting around the world" LOL
But usually when someone finds a signifcant fossil, I think the Dallas Musuem of NH is called. However, I know many people just keep what they find. My parents have an incredible collection....but not from construction sites.

Here is an article on something found in Dallas in our recent history

My father is also a Paleo Sculptor and created what you see there under "making the model"

Oh and in my previous post...I ment to say "paleo" not "anthro" LOL

[edit on 5-2-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 07:46 PM
If you ask the foreman at most construction sites, they don't seem to mind someone coming in after hours with a metal detector. I do that around here(Pennsyvannia) and occasionally it pays off. I've only been detecting for a little over a year so I don't have much experience, but other people have told me they have had a lot of luck at construction sites.

I've never heard of anything being found that challenges history or anything like that though.


posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 09:33 PM
I worked in Golf Course construction in London, Ontario - Westhaven Golf and Country Club - and we found lots and lots of arrow heads. We were told to keep it quiet so construction wouldn't be stopped.
Digging in a park in Kitchener, Ontario with my kids, we dug up a bunch of lead and ash. It was an old land fill that the park was built on. We also found lots of china. I'm sure there is more stuff buried there, but because we dug up the lead and ash, the city did tests in the area and had to tear down and rebuild three houses to clean the contamination up.

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