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Michael Savage Rants on NWO and FEMA work camps

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posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 10:49 AM
I could not find any audio but Michael Savage was unbelievable last nite!

I tuned in around 9:30ish and as soon as I hit the station I hear him go "I am against the NWO and the globalists..." and then ensues one of the most invigorating rants I have ever heard on talk radio.

I am talk radio junkie and dont really find myself to often agreeing with Savage but he is really entertaining, and last nite it was awesome!

he continued his rant on about FEMA camps and how they are gonna take our guns and how the NWO will completely bring the US into a police state. if anyone can find the audio it was within the last 30 mins of the show last nite.

honestly it was amazing! (i rolled my window down and stuck my fist out for him yeah im a nerd)

anyone hear this?

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 10:52 AM
You can probably find this on
He's been anti NWO for a loooong time, so this is nothing new... Sometimes he just gets a bit more "fired up" than usual.
He was also really hitting the presidential candidates pretty hard-the majority of them are CFR!
I love the guy, listen to him just about every night.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 10:56 AM
What really got my ears was the stuff he was saying bout FEMA work camps and the CFR. I wonder what he considers the NWO is it just globalists/CFR types? He has a pretty big listener ship I hope some of the sheeple that heard him last night wake up today and google "FEMA work camps".

and yeah he was really fired up last nite it was like a amazing alex jones rant without at the end he didnt yell "YOUR SCUM!!"
gotta love alex. Ill try to find it on savage nation see if I can somehow just get that rant up.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 11:04 AM
I guess his site is down your link and my searches in google kept freezing my browser when I attempted to connect (firefox) guess I will just have to try a little later today.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 12:20 PM
Why is the CFR ( constantly demonized by people? Their magazine, Foreign Affairs, is quite good. What is so threatening about them?

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 12:39 PM
The NWO and FEMA camps are of course real. But Michael Savage RANTING? This sounds suspicious to me.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 12:39 PM
"They'll take our guns!"

My friends, the "NWO" or whatever you want to call them, will happily let you keep your guns. Matter of fact, count on it.

First off, your guns are going to be useless against something with that much governmental control. If they want you dead, you will die, it's pretty simple. Besides, the conspirators aren't going to be getting shot at in a revolt. Heavens no, that's what your all- volunteer military force is for - made of your sons and daughters who have willingly sold themselves as mercenaries.

Second, an armed populace is a populace that can be turned against "undesirables" to great effect. The people who own the most guns also tend to be the people most eager to go out and bag a Mexican or a Muslim or a Homosexual or whoever they think needs to die. Lift the gates and watch the yahoos charge out.

Third, we don't even need the bigots and yahoos. The #1 cause of gun ownership in America is because people are afraid of each other. We're fed a never-ending stream of "entertainment" and "news" telling us that gos, everyone around us is a dangerous crazy person and we need to isolate ourselves from them and arm ourselves against them. Don't let your kids run around the neighborhood! Don't invite the new neighbors over for dinner! Anyone not in your immediate family is a suspect! This has the net effect of fracturing communities, creating little individual nuclear family islands where once there was a close-knit society - and everyone has their guns at the ready for "when they come." Only they have already come, and it's your fear and unease they want.

Fourth, the conspirators have read 1984 just as much as you have, they've seen the same movies, read the newsletters and peruse the internet. You think they're going to start confiscating guns? Hell, no, because everyone just knows that'll be the "first step." That is, it's counterproductive - especially as an armed populace is no longer a threat to any government and useful for nation-wide vigilantism and isolation of communities.

All this is without mention of the fact that the weapons manufacturers are linked arm-in-arm with these guys...

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 12:52 PM
Apparently this "ranting" phenomenon is sweeping the nation!

really though I just thought it was interesting that someone with such an audience was just straight up calling out a bunch of stuff that I commonly see here and other related sites on the supermation infohighway, has anyone else heard a conservative talk show host on the level of savage mention FEMA camps? I sure havent...

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by cbianchi513
You can probably find this on

Actually his site is

He has some good thoughts but he gets carried away at times. I used to listen to him but the local station dropped him because half the time he's a bit loony.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
"They'll take our guns!"

My friends, the "NWO" or whatever you want to call them, will happily let you keep your guns. Matter of fact, count on it.

Well put Fox, I have been commenting on my supspicions about this myself and I agree that they will let us keep out guns. I suspect a plan to create and then capitalize from internal strife here in America is in the works, but alas it appears that those behind this plan have a problem.
No guns= No internal strife or rebellion = no excuse to implement total totalitarionism

The dulling down and shattering of society and making us as a whole into SOMA popping zombies worked a little too well. They needed the masses to accept the blatent lies offered as explanations of their Black Tuesday attacks for a while, to get a complete grip on the military and to weed out dissention among the ranks. The second step would be to use this unified military to institute total domination over the U.S. population.

I think they were counting on people waking up and getting mad as h#!! by now, yet everyone continues to wander around glazed eyed and does nothing. Even after releasing more and more evidence to show even the most doped up and brainwashed in America that they did indeed pull 9/11, nobody is riled up. At least not publicly and certainly not in any large numbers.

What would Macheivelli do in this situation? You can't manage the people to fight amongst themselves no matter how much you instigate, yet you need this rebellion to introduce totalitarian rule. He would of course advise the "Prince" to create this internal rebellion himself so that he himself was in control of it. So beware folks, the next 19 to be framed for an event to precipitate a military crackdown in the U.S. might be YOU. The paper trails to make you an ideal patsie for whatever "attack" they devise is being created by yourself everyday. This includes people on both sides of the fence about what is going on.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 01:14 PM
The only reason I think that they will let us keep our guns is because they have satellites with energy weapons or some other technology that just makes guns only good for killing ourselves.

I heard something on Alex the other day a guy was saying something like this, "what good is your grandpas rifle against a robot in space beaming energy weapons at you." Boy did that make me feel helpless.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by 911fnord

Good point, I have been giving the implications of this type of technology a lot of thought. The answers I have come up with are really scary. People go on all day about disintegrator rays powerful enugh to vaporize the Towers, yet dismiss the possibility that such weapons could or are being used to kill individual people.

Those in charge know exactly who each and every person who is even supicious of them is, and exactly where they are, usually down to a meter or two. No need to make a big mess and attract attention by vaporizing people, just a litttle spurt of radiation, and the person would be dead in a weak, day, or year. The cause of death would of course be cancer of some sort and no suspicions would be aroused.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 01:50 PM
its just completely depressing. In the back of mind I kind of found refuge in the fact that if all else fails I can atleast go down shooting at my enemy a honorable end a kind of movie like braveheart scenario but if they just roll into town with one of these or something from herethen uhh well I hit the ground and they roll up turn it off arrest me and I spend the rest of my days breaking rocks and eating soylent green in the FEMA camp.

[edit on 5-2-2008 by 911fnord]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 11:29 PM
the trigger event for this is the very deep recession we are headed into, with no end in sight. the downward spiral of losing jobs and decrease in spending (especially by the wealtlhy) will snowball into a self reinforcing cycle made worse by falling home values as well as banks losing billions ( and their refusal to offer hom equity loans and refi's) no matter how much "the fed" cut's rates. throw into this ugly mix, inflationary prices (thanks to mainly supply and demand issues) in rising energy and food costs, yet also rising health care costs. People are going to be hurting (bad) , en masse.

The NWO is simply the elite's idea of how society will be run after the economic collapse that becomes global. The system has been running on the american consumer, american's have enjoyed a much higher standard of living , than the majority of the world, (esp. compared to what they produce) . As this system falls apart in the consumer led recession a new system for society needs to be designed. This is the NWO, and it will be designed in the Elite's intrest. The CFR is their mouth piece, most of the people join it for "prestige". The bilderberger's are a higher level of scumbag "who plan the class warfare". I think it is a pretty solid bet Fema "work" camps will become a household name by the end of 2009, i would also wager that violence and drug use will skyrocket. also a world wide plague to get rid of billions of useless eaters could also be in the plans, although this is less of a possibility than anything else mentioned in my response.

good talk

[edit on 8-2-2008 by cpdaman]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by 911fnord

Who needs energy weapons? What's that single-shot hunting rifle going to do for you against a squad of trained fighters (I really hesitate to say "soldiers" in this case) armed with multiple automatic weapons? They don't need star wars weapons, just superior numbers and a slight edge in weapon quality.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:23 AM
I agree Fox.

If I remember correctly the main jist of the guy who was speaking was to point out how for the most part our side of society the normal citizen hasnt really changed much, we still just goto work make money, friends, relationships etc. etc. not much has changed in the last 50 years but on the other side of society the governing side much has changed, and back in the day we were able to storm the castle so to say and change things and we did it with pitchforks or fire or guns and thats not changed for us but for the ever present THEM it has changed they have the advanced weapons energy type defenses and this change is very important because it shows how were no longer able to just rise up and change things.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by cpdaman

Surely !! You give the Bilderbergers Ilk much more credit for planning than they are worthy of....Your account of the consequences of a global recession are fairly accurate....I might add that,any body who supports the theory of every man for himself will not survive.....Keep in mind,should the senerio you described become a reality, alot of technology that now exists will be useless.....Your safety will be driven by your will to survive and your ability to stay among people you know and know you....OH ! one more thing....Your ability to humble yourself before God and seek his protection....

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 08:48 AM
i am a talk radio junkie myself and just recently was introduced to michael savage... I only got into talk radio about a year ago.. it's like theunderground truth .. I hate watching the junk on tv... anyway.. MICHAEL SAVAGE ROCKS!!!!!!!! I wish I would've heard the show...

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by theodorej

so true.. so true

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