"They'll take our guns!"
My friends, the "NWO" or whatever you want to call them, will
happily let you keep your guns. Matter of fact, count on it.
First off, your guns are going to be useless against something with that much governmental control. If they want you dead, you will die, it's pretty
simple. Besides, the conspirators aren't going to be getting shot at in a revolt. Heavens no, that's what your all- volunteer military force is for
- made of your sons and daughters who have willingly sold themselves as mercenaries.
Second, an armed populace is a populace that can be turned against "undesirables" to great effect. The people who own the most guns also tend to be
the people most eager to go out and bag a Mexican or a Muslim or a Homosexual or whoever they think needs to die. Lift the gates and watch the yahoos
charge out.
Third, we don't even
need the bigots and yahoos. The #1 cause of gun ownership in America is because people are afraid of each other. We're
fed a never-ending stream of "entertainment" and "news" telling us that gos, everyone around us is a dangerous crazy person and we need to isolate
ourselves from them and arm ourselves against them. Don't let your kids run around the neighborhood! Don't invite the new neighbors over for dinner!
Anyone not in your immediate family is a suspect! This has the net effect of fracturing communities, creating little individual nuclear family islands
where once there was a close-knit society - and everyone has their guns at the ready for "when
they come." Only
they have already
come, and it's your fear and unease they want.
Fourth, the conspirators have read 1984 just as much as you have, they've seen the same movies, read the newsletters and peruse the internet. You
think they're going to start confiscating guns? Hell, no, because everyone
just knows that'll be the "first step." That is, it's
counterproductive - especially as an armed populace is no longer a threat to any government and useful for nation-wide vigilantism and isolation of
All this is without mention of the fact that the weapons manufacturers are linked arm-in-arm with these guys...