Dude your avatars rock! Wish I could do that, my drawings usually don't go past inanimate objects with sunglasses and cheesy grins. Could you do one
for me please, I like the one I have but I'd like something to do with my username.
Sure Irishwolf, what do you have in mind? Find me a picture, you can usually get them on www.deviantart.com, post me a link, and i'll modify it for
you with your username on it
Hello Marty, I'm having a problem with the website which hosts my avatars, and i lost the one i had here. Can you make me a brown eyed brown hair
lovely one again?
Also, please, i think my brain is malfunctioning again...how do i load one up as an avatar now? Did they change the system?? Forgot to say thank you
so much!!!