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Video/Audio Willie Nelson: Twin Towers Were Imploded Like Condemned Vegas Casino Buildings

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posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 03:40 PM

No flashes, no squibs, no compressed air, no planes.


posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 04:01 PM
Nobody is popping a blood vessel. I just had a moment of wondering at how the conversation turned from a show about 9/11 into the raging debate on the people involved, complete with posts trashing them.

I felt that instead of a dry, and sometimes ignored post to stay on topic, I would point out how far astray things had went.

And I love humor. I think Willies brain may be fried. But I also think about half the brains in the whole 9/11 debate are fried. Poking fun at Willie Nelson is fine, but it doesn't tell me, or anyone else, if there was something germane to 9/11 brought out on the show. It doesn't speak to what this meant for or against the 9/11 issue.

Did anybody learn anything? What does it mean when celebrities weigh in on an issue of this magnitude? Since Willie Nelson is well known to a broad spectrum of middle America, will more people be aware of the controversy? Does the opinion of those that would listen to Willie Nelson really matter? Is there a trend showing people in the entertainment industry are speaking up? Does the press pay more attention to a debate when well known people speak about it?

You see, these were the kinds of things I started reading this thread wondering. And none of it was really addressed. Maybe I'm wrong to want to know more about what really matters. Maybe I'm reading People Magazine and just think it's ATS. Maybe all that anyone can do in this day and age is post their own sound bytes.


[edit on 5-2-2008 by NGC2736]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by NGC2736

Great points, and well taken. I appreciate your point of view and totally see where you're coming from (really).

To your point, when a celeb at large weighs in on something, I think it’s fair to qualify them. Personally, if I want to talk bio fuels, I think Willie is your guy. Conversely, if you want to talk global politics, or 9-11 conspiracies, I don’t think he’s any more credible (or less) than any other lay person, like me.

I really didn’t intend to inflame people like I did. Honestly, I was kinda shocked. I thought what I wrote was pretty funny and did get my point across without being nasty. A fair question would be “okay then, what exactly IS your point?”. My answer is I don’t know why Willie Nelson would be lauded for his opinion on 9-11 more or less than any other layperson. The fact that he sides with the Truth movement is interesting, noteworthy but, IMO, doesn’t point to anything other than one man’s opinion.

I don’t see my post as a sound byte; I see it as a quip. A sound byte would be everything you allude to in your post. A quip is a light hearted way of making a point, even if you don’t agree with it..

That’s all.

I certainly didn’t want to give the impression that he is somehow not entitled to his opinion, nor did I intend to put down the thread.

I hope that we can joke with each other more than this thread indicates. If Rosie O’Donnel came out saying 9-11 happened exactly the way I think it did, I would say something like “…she thinks that only because I bribed her with cake, women and doughnuts…”

I hope that others will cut me some slack and realize we are all in this together.

At the end of the day we are all on the same team. At least, that’s how I view all of you.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by SlightlyAbovePar

Not a problem. I have a problem with celebs though. I feel they get more bang for the buck than they deserve. And it doesn't matter what the subject is.

If Paris Hilton came out saying the JFK killing was a CIA job, she would get ten times the press that serious researchers do.

Still, you can't change human nature.

So did WN speaking about 9/11 make a difference with Mr. and Mrs. John Q. in the country music heartland of America? Could he spark thought where none of the rest could? I guess the answer will be forthcoming. Certainly a lot of people listen to him.

PS. Don't lose the humor. I wasn't picking on you, really. It's just that I live in the very middle of middle America, and I often wonder what it would take to wake people up from their nappy time dream that all is well.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 04:28 PM
I think one of the reasons that some here want to trash Willie is because they know he has an enormous, huge audience here in the Southwest.

People pay attention to Willie and they just MIGHT start to investigate and question the official version on their own. There are true believers that idolize Willie; now maybe their perception will change.

Scary when conservative, Evangelical, rednecks start to ask the same questions as the CTers. They aren't stupid, just a little ideologically challenged and that is rapidly changing as like everybody they don't like to be chumped out. Thanks Willie Nelson, you are a fine American and a Patriot.

[edit on 5-2-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 04:28 PM

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 07:43 PM
well if Willie "By-God" Nelson says it's so
then it's so


posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 10:32 PM
Well, I for one am afraid to post in my own thread.

I went to work this morning, had a pretty average day. I get home, get comfortable, check in on what's up at ATS, and Uh Oh.

First thing: New U2U... I thought: Uh Oh, what's that?

It said a thread you started has been moved to another forum. I thought: Uh Oh, what thread, and where did they put me?

Checked my profile, and saw the Willie Nelson thread was put into the 911 Conspiracy Fourm, and I thought: Uh Oh, this can't be good.

I saw there was 45 post now, and I thought: Uh Oh. What the hecks been going on around here all day! Then I read the posts, and I though? Some of you people doth protest to much.

Honestly I try to avoid this kind of confrontational forum, but since I'm here, I must say: "It's Willie Nelson." How does a guy like that evoke these kind of emotional responses in some of these posts?

This forum is very tough on people who speak out against 911, and other posters that back them.

So here you go. I stand with Willie's assessment. The guy is just trying to voice his own opinion, and I tend to agree.

Uh Oh....

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 08:26 AM
That settles it for me if Willie Nelson says that it was it must be... hehehe

I would really have a hard time basing any of my beliefs on the opinions of a Musician with the track record that musicians have these days. Willie is a talented musician, and like most musicians I think that he should stick with his strengths.

I am not anti-musician but I think that people in general should stick with causes that make sense to who they are. My perception of Willie, right or wrong, is he appears to me to be a pot smoking, burned out brain country singer who is teetering on the edge of being a has been. I am not say that is who he is, that is just the appearance that I see through the media surrounding him

I don't see where he has any expert opinon to contribute to the cause of the towers were a controlled demolition. I would think that as most of the populous think he is a drug taking crack pot it might even hamper the cause.

Just my observations...

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Lou2You

The reason people are applauding Willies "coming out of the closet" about Black Tuesday is that it is a brave thing to do, with plenty of risk and no benefit to himself. It is this selflessnes and courage that is sorely lacking among media personalities regarding this issue. Everybody involved in the entertainment business has seen how those who voice their opinions about the involvement of the U.S. Government in murdering thousands of its own citizens gets treated, and it isnt good.

Someone of the legendary stature and broad multi-generational appeal of an American Icon like Willie Nelson publicly stating his veiws on this taboo media subject will surely bring this message to millions who had never before even considered that our own Government was the the realMurdering Terrorist on September 11, 2001.

I for one am proud to say that I have shaken Willies hand and I applaud his courage, Thumbs up Cowboy!

[edit on 6-2-2008 by ItsHumanNature]

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 02:06 PM
Some of you truly are acting foolish. Of course Willie Nelson doesn't have the credibility of an engineer or a pilot etc.
Willie Nelson is a legendary American icon. He embodies what is good about America: free spirits, morals, and liberty.
People greatly respect Willie Nelson and for that simple reason, his words get much more attention are much more powerful (to the public) than any scientist.

Originally posted by ItsHumanNature
reply to post by Lou2You

The reason people are applauding Willies "coming out of the closet" about Black Tuesday is that it is a brave thing to do, with plenty of risk and no benefit to himself. It is this selflessnes and courage that is sorely lacking among media personalities regarding this issue. Everybody involved in the entertainment business has seen how those who voice their opinions about the involvement of the U.S. Government in murdering thousands of its own citizens gets treated, and it isnt good.

Someone of the legendary stature and broad multi-generational appeal of an American Icon like Willie Nelson publicly stating his veiws on this taboo media subject will surely bring this message to millions who had never before even considered that our own Government was the the realMurdering Terrorist on September 11, 2001.

I for one am proud to say that I have shaken Willies hand and I applaud his courage, Thumbs up Cowboy!

[edit on 6-2-2008 by ItsHumanNature]

That was excellent. Thank you.

[edit on 6-2-2008 by Trauma]

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by biggie smalls

Biggie.........I was there..........and watched it all (execpt for the 1st plane stike) the people who were not there; how can you possibly state that nothing hit the towers?

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Tranceopticalinclined
Once that happens then you'll have 20 presidents declearing land and dictating.

I hereby declare myself supreme lord and ruler of the entire land previously known as Santa Ana, California as well as the surrounding areas heretofore known as Orange County. As my first act, I declare all those who would impose their personal wills upon others to be enemies of the state. Those who are willing to live and let live may do as they please, so long as it harms none other. All other existing laws are abolished. All taxes are abolished. If you wish to support this administration, you may send donations of cash, Newcastle or Jack Daniels.

If every individual were an Emperor Norton, I wonder what kind of world this would be.

This makes me think of the concept of a sovereign individual which I originally discovered in the book of the same name.

But now I'm going way off topic...this whole idea might make for an interesting discussion elsewhere.

BUT ON TOPIC, I just listened to this clip after hearing today's podcast of the latest Alex Jones show in which he very briefly mentioned the Willie Nelson interview on Monday. Never been a fan of country music, but I've had great respect for the man since I heard him doing PSA's for NORML years ago. I rather randomly decided to pick up some of his music a couple weeks ago and I've been diggin' it. Rock on, Willie!

[edit on 6-2-2008 by shipovfools]

[edit on 6-2-2008 by shipovfools]

[edit on 6-2-2008 by shipovfools]

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by m3rlz

I like how they immediately follow up the radio quote by mentioning his "political" activities...specifically, being anti-war, support gay rights, and supporting someone named 'kinky'. (maybe there is something subliminal in this.) Anyway, nice to see mainstream coverage of this, but they obviously weren't willing to even briefly touch the issue of what "really" happened on 9/11. Just a little laugh at the kooky old hippie-ish country music dude.

And assuming the PrisonPlanet logo flashed on the screen was superimposed by whoever posted the video to YouTube, it seems the news clip did not mention the name of the "national radio" show he appeared on.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 10:08 PM
Why in the heck is questioning what really happened on 9/11 POLITICAL??? Do people even know what politics is anymore? It seems like every issue that has to do with how we percieve the world around us gets lumped into "politics"... and to me, that's a horrible thing to do because people hate politics, and when you lump all of that stuff together, you tend to get people who turn right away from you and go "I hate talking about politics. Stop talking about politics."

How in the HELL is recognizing wrongdoings within your society political?

If anything, this is anti-politics. This is pointing out what is wrong with politics. This is another nail in the coffin of what we refer to today as "politics".

When I think politics, I think of the word LIARS. When I think opf truth, I think of the word HUMANITY and the word PEACE and the word FREEDOM.... and if you think those are political issues, you've already given yourself away and deserve to be used and abused as so.

So... in summation, it bothered me the way the newscasters lumped questioning 9/11 with politics. No, you hairbrained floozy. It's common sense. Politics is the OPPOSITE of that!

(I was referring to the female newscaster)

[edit on 6-2-2008 by indierockalien]

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 11:58 PM
Willie knows as much about engineering as he does about the tax code. Fire one up, doobie genius.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by ferretman2

I don't think I ever said nothing hit the towers. Where did I mention that? Can you quote me on it? And if so, did I mean it?

The story we were told is not how it happened. Do I believe two planes hit the towers? Yes I do.

But I don't believe two skyscrapers fell because two airliners crashed into them. Micro nukes were used as were welders on the support cables. A guided missile was used on the Pentagon.

Where did the planes go? They pretty much vaporized. That is what happens when two objects hit each other at such speeds. It is also possible the structural integrity was compromised due to the explosions from the bombs. However, the melting point of the building material is much higher than the highest temperature of the fire.

Those buildings were helped down. Tower 7 was pulled.

I said it. Tower 7 was demolished.

One airliner was shot down by the US Air Force with civilian passengers on it.

I am wondering where the passengers went?

Were they all put on the plane that was shot down to hide the evidence?

We have remote control planes on a small scale, why not a large scale?

Open your eyes. Something different happened than we are told.

Question the facts.

Do the research.

Then come back and tell me there's no conspiracy.

Watch some videos, read some testimonies.

These buildings had terrorists attack them alright.

What you don't hear is their connection to the government.

Al Qaeda was trained by the CIA.

Do you ever hear that in the news?

How about the history books?

The conspiracy goes deeper than you can imagine.

We even have a Boeing spokesperson laughing at the idea of a 767 reaching a cruising speed of 500mph at 700 feet in elevation.

The wind speed would be too high and the lift not enough for a plane of that size.

It would crash. No 80th story hit or whatever it was. Ground floor would have been pretty messed up, but there would be no collapse of the building if the plane actually hit 500 mph.

[edit on 2/8/2008 by biggie smalls]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by biggie smalls

Micro Nukes? AF shot down that PA airliner?

How did workers manage to smuggle that much explosives into buildings without anyone knowing? Were they freakin' ninjas or something?

You know, if Bush wanted to start a war, I can think of way easier means to go about it than destroying the WTC.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by jerico65

Workers never smuggled anything.

It was Mossad. Israeli agents were arrested on the George Washington bridge with explosives and sent back to Israel soon after.

Check your newspaper clippings from 9/11. You'll find the story.

How do you explain that one?

Get to it bud.

5 dancing israelis on 9/11

Israelis detained on 9/11 sue DOJ

It just so happens they were in suspicious clothing and celebrating on the GW bridge looking at the Twin Towers.

No coincidence.

Nothing to see here.

Carry on.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by jerico65

Bush needed an excuse to attack Iraq and Afghanistan.

There is no better reason than a fabricated attack from the terrorists of Al Qaeda, a CIA operative group.

You really need to do your research.

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