posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 07:47 PM
I'm helping out a friend who wants a client management system for their small business. I've coded most of the stuff using PHP retrieving data from
a mySQL database. I've never actually implemented anything before and so am kinda noob. Here are my thoughts for how I am going to do this and just
wants some feedback.
I am going to be installing Xampp on their server. I am using this because basically i haven't used anything else as all my PHP work here i have been
using Xampp for the database. Secondly it's free.
From what i understand i am going to have to install this on their server then open the correct port Xampp uses on their firewall, or configure Xampp
to use an already open port. Then add a password to disallow unauthorized access.
Any suggestions or criticisms would be appreciated
EDIT to Add: This could possible be more suited to the website design forum. Mods feel free to move this if necessary.
[edit on 4/2/2008 by iCEdTenG]