posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 05:11 PM
Actually, there's not too many things that i'm afraid of. I'm not afriad of dying, but more or less of what I will leave behind when I do die. I
don't want to leave knowing that I missed something, something that would leave others responsible to fix. There's pleanty of things that startle
me, it's not uncommon. Everyone gets startled, or worried. But the word "afriad" is extreme.
But, there are a couple of things that I do fear. I fear losing loved ones, that's my biggest.
Car accidents. I've lost too many family members to accidents.
Though, most of them were the ones who drank from the very bottle that impaired their judgement, causing their own deaths. It still frightens me. I
don't want to be the person who gets decapitated due to a horrific pile up. Having the police officials pry my body from a cold car in a winter
That's about it. Rats? Nah, they're just animals. Ghosts? Nah! Nuclear hollocaust? The cockroaches deserve to be the next dominant species.