posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 06:49 PM
anything at all.
death, bugs, being alone.....everyone fears something....what is yours.
i fear death greatly..i mean there is no way to express how much i fear that. i am pretty darn afraid of snakes. i am also pretty friggin scared of
it has to be pretty high up....i could handle being on a ladder or on the roof of my house but you are not going to catch me on some monster, high
ride at some amusement way, no how..
of course i am also afraid of something horrible happening to my wife or son. i am sure anyone and everyone has that fear though.
oh yeah, rats and, i want NOTHING to do with those dudes...when i worked at the pet store, people would come in and want to get rats or
mice for their snakes to eat and i could not grab them....i used to always have the customer come back to the employee only area and get them out of
the cage way i could handle touching them..
i don't know what it is about them but they freak me out like you wouldn't believe...
so, what are your fears?