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New History Channel Show 'Gateways' ET robot probe alleged. Airs 3/19/8

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posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by The Coward
...In other words, the show was extremely lame!

agreed -- what a letdown, sadly that's not surprising.. in the episode, they show the cemetery, and reference it in passing, "magnetic pulses which can cause aircraft instruments to fail" -- and they show the GPR being used - but don't even discuss the use of the radar, nor do they even mention the "probe" / object supposedly buried. wtf?

instead we got 5 minutes on some lame light trail photo... weaksauce! all's i can say is, "Meh!"

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 11:36 PM
Oh no! And I've still got a half an hour of waiting for it!
I'm still going to wait and watch it, but at least now I won't have my hopes up...

I'm having a hard time understanding how this show can be what it claims to be, if they can just walk past a possible submerged UFO without even doing some remote sensing or something?

Anyway, I'm going to watch, but thanks for the warning


posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 01:04 AM
What an unbelievable let down! I couldn't even keep attention long enough past the old timey method of using those L shaped rods to find said "vortexes". Wow. I wanted to see them really dig deep into pine bluff and find out what the EM anomoly was. It's a show for ratings. Nothing will likely ever come out of it in the way of a big find. If I had the means, I would go to pine bluff and oversee excavation, film it, then really let out the truth, if there is any.

edit: I mean Pine Bush. See how frustrated I am? Can't even think right!

[edit on 3/27/2008 by Bryan Thornsberry]

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:03 AM
it was exactly as i suspected. just like every one of their other shows.
a lead into another show by giving you just enough to be slightly intrigued.
these guys are nothing but a kind of actor. they have been hired to air a show about ufos in a "secrets of the ancient egyptians" history channel way.
we won't find any satisfaction on that show. just an hour to kill

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by jritzmann
I didn't hang around to find out. ....

I saw a 5 ft tall ball of smoke beside the road....again, I wasn't stopping to check it out.....

I was freaked the whole night,...

Reminds me of those guys on Ghost Hunters... claim they are looking for Ghosts and jump out of their skin every time something goes bump in the night...

Kinda hard to investigate if ya cut and run every time something interesting starts to happen

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 03:27 AM
That stuff with the metal rod at Stone Henge was pretty weird.

So questions remains...
WHY didn't they investigate further? Why didn't they do any digging?

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 04:48 AM

Great find ! :-P


posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 07:34 AM
yea it was another let down. they didnt have really any new information, they didnt question any govt. officials they didnt do anything.

They said this qualifies as a vortex, next spot, vortex too, arizona is a vortex too. thats our show for tonight.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 08:02 AM
well after all the investagating to find out when this show actually aired, then the waiting. I set my dvr to record it. I only watched about 10 min of it and went to sleep. From what I saw I thought it simply sucked. What was with the guys hanging out in a garage with one of those tesla balls?? How did that prove anything? Some blurry photos, and a crack pot with a camcoreder in the middle of a field. That is when my head started to throb with disapiotment so I turned it off and went to sleep. I will try to watch the whole thing tonight.

Rather than paying $25.00 an episode from history channel you can download the whole season from itunes 21.95.


posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by trustnobody
well after all the investagating to find out when this show actually aired, then the waiting. I set my dvr to record it. I only watched about 10 min of it and went to sleep. From what I saw I thought it simply sucked. What was with the guys hanging out in a garage with one of those tesla balls?? How did that prove anything? Some blurry photos, and a crack pot with a camcoreder in the middle of a field. That is when my head started to throb with disapiotment so I turned it off and went to sleep. I will try to watch the whole thing tonight.

Rather than paying $25.00 an episode from history channel you can download the whole season from itunes 21.95.


Good God! I can't imagine paying extra for this bunk. I fell asleep about half way through. Glad I didn't struggle to stay awake. I can't imagine this show being picked up for a second season. What a dissappointment.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 08:48 AM
I fell asleep with the m & m's in my hand.
The kids even went to bed on time.

What about the magnetized tree, the strange hum, the signal, what's buried, who shot JFK? Ug.

I still tend to think that there is something weird there, and that they are getting resistance from the town. I hope it's not the last we here out of Pine Bush.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by hsur2112

I'm very happy to know that we all slept well last night. UFO Hunters should sold as a sleep aid.


posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Well, this episode didn't come on until 10pm Pacific for me on Time Warner Cable.

I actually managed to somehow stay awake until the last commercial break, so I missed about the last 15 minutes.

I'm sorry to have to dis a show we were all so excited about, but I completely agree with the posts here, it was a complete let down.

I'm really not sure how you could just walk on by this 'signal' coming from the ground, and not at least do some remote sensing. There is technology available today that can tell you what's under there, heck magnetic resonance imaging could do the trick. They make this sort of equipment in (comparitively) inexpensive packages, the history channel could surely afford to rent one, if not buy. In fact, I'm almost positive I've seen such equipment used on History Channel shows before, it's surprising to me (having worked in the Entertainment Industry) that A&E (owners of History Channel) didn't purchase such instruments the first time they were needed for an investigation of this nature. They could be utilized over and over again after that for free. That's just good business sense.

The show to me came off like they were focused on the Vortex issue alone, and merely included Bine Bush as an example of such a possible vortex.

To be honest with you, this was my biggest problem with the show, the use of the word 'vortex'. It really bugs me when people who are supposed to be doing investigatory research use words completely incorrectly. You cannot call a region a 'vortex', because 'vortex' is already a descriptive word for a region (of air, space, water, etc.) that is caused to move in a 'spiral' pattern. Since the term 'vortex' actually describes a specific type of an area (like a tornado, an area of air that is moving in a spiral pattern, or a water spout on the ocean, even a whirlpool, etc.) the term cannot be used as a generalized term for a region.

To me this is just basic, and once I understood what they meant by the term, the term itself bothered me throughout the rest of the show.

I also completely agree that the 'standards' for a 'vortex' were completely arbitrary, and really all they did was make for a list of interesting places with anamolies. None of these anamolies seemed to be connected in any way. For example, the Pine Bush anamoly was giving off magnetic field changes, but they tested Stone Henge for magnetic field changes and found none. So were clearly talking about two different anamolies here, yet they proceeded to include them both in this show, even though they'd proved in their research (before the show was aired) that the two were not connected.

At any rate, I'll stop rambling now, but I had a lot of problems with this show, and am pretty disappointed. It was nice to see Bruce Maccabee analysing images though. And it did seem that SOMETHING was going on at Stonehenge, but these guys failed to find any measurable force to guage.


p.s. totally agreed that the 'tesla light bulb thingie' was complete BS. Everyone knows that electricity in sufficient quantities will jump a gap to find a negative release terminal. It's seen in lightning, and in the modern capacitor. What a joke of an experiment!

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by WitnessFromAfar

That's why I don't understand why they are ignoring all the other 'possible' evidence at Pine Bush that appears would be easily verifiable. Is it that there is really nothing there other than a few strange photos? Why was the show originally to be aired as "Gateways", only to be thrown into the vortex mix almost as an afterthought?

ATS Field Investigators Needed!!!

Ooooh, there's a thought. Ats's own team of investigators. What should we call them.....

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by hsur2112

I wonder if they had more info on pine bush that they are not telling? The best thing would be to dig and find out what is down there. I agree ATS should have a show. I am clueless for names at the moment. Maybe later when my brain wakes up. Btw. Did you know your name spelled backwards is rush 2112


posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by trustnobody

I wonder if they had more info on pine bush that they are not telling? The best thing would be to dig and find out what is down there.

That's what I'm thinking. I'm surprised at the lack of follow up. Did they get 'discouraged'? The ufo hunters team appears to be a little too afraid of making, for lack of better words, any enemies. Oh well, what is one to do?

Btw. Did you know your name spelled backwards is rush 2112

Ooooh, welcome to the twilight zone! Fan? You are the first to notice or admit that you notice. 10,000 pts. if I could.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by hsur2112

Ooooh, there's a thought. Ats's own team of investigators. What should we call them.....

The Hoax Busters

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 11:20 AM
in total agreement. they have to know more thn what they were telling. i stayed up through the whole thing and it makes me happy to know that i missed some other shows i wanted to watch for reasurrance of what i already knew.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 11:31 AM
Hello, first post here.

I'm surprised at all the negative responses about this show. I've thought every one has been really interesting so far. I mean, did everyone really expect them to have solid evidence every week?

I'm curious if they marketed this show a certain way and that is why people are frustrated. But c'mon its the history channel. I think the show does a really good job at getting people interested in what is going on with UFOs right now. (As opposed to UFOs in the Bible)

The shows are only 40 minutes long so there is going to be a lot they don't cover but I like the fact that they are actually out in the field as opposed to most UFO shows where they just film people talking about UFOs.

Also I don't think they are making this show for die hard UFO enthusiasts. Its obviously for the general public. So stuff like the Drones and the Kecksburg case, which may be old news to most people on here, is fascinating to people who have never heard of them and maybe it will encourage more people to join sites like these and do their own research. And if the goal of the show is to get more people interested in UFOs then I think it does a good job.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by entermemo

Point well taken entermemo, and welcome to ats, even though it looks like you've been around awhile.

Tough thing is, we have hyped ourselves up on this one. It's frustrating to want something to get the attention that you feel it deserves, then it doesn't.
But as I said before, this probably won't be the last we hear of Pine Bush. And we will all probably be watching next week and the week on and so on.

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