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Ron Paul Is Popular at the Super Bowl

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posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 08:41 AM

If the presidency were decided by the people posting signs in and around Phoenix during Super Bowl week, Ron Paul would win in a landslide.

Although John McCain will win the Arizona Republican primary, I've seen more signs supporting Paul than I have for McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton combined. Many of them are like the one above, combining Paul's face with the New England Patriots' logo.

So what does all this mean? Does the Super Bowl attract more libertarians than people of other political persuasions? Does the Paul campaign have a strategy of appealing to football fans? I don't know. But the signs are everywhere.

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 08:43 AM
I found this to be quite an en lighting thread, do you guys see losts of this kind of support for RP in your areas? A lot of the comments at the site of the OP seem to allude to the media blackout...

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 08:56 AM
Well, I'm in Austin, TX and all that I see are Ron Paul signs. What's really interesting is that many of them are homemade signs. These signs have been out for months. New ones surface each day. No other candidates' signs are posted in my area, except for one Obama sign that was posted just three days ago. I have seen not one sign, bumper sticker, physical show of support for McCain, Romney or Huckabee. I've noticed that Hillary has a bumper sticker or two but nothing significant. Edited to add: I wanted to add that one of the two Hillary bumper stickers that I've seen actually had a "NO" sticker attached before her name. LOL!

It's amazing how many people are becoming active for this Presidential Election, and I attribute all of that to Ron Paul.

I had the privilege of seeing Ron Paul speak on Saturday in Victoria, TX. Ron Paul is an inspirational speaker. Hundreds of people showed up to express their support. Ron Paul took the time to shake hands and take a picture with every supporter that wanted one even though he had to attend a live debate on MTV. He truly is hope for America. It's upsetting but not surprising that his support doesn't extend to that of the elite and mainstream media.

[edit on 2/4/2008 by Bangin]

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 09:09 AM
Yeah it's amazing, RP is amazing - I am not even American, yet I feel the importance of his voice... there is just something about this guy, I get the strong feeling that he is honest and reasonable. He is the only one out of the whole lot that I would trust.

To be honest the other candidates scare me, dunno why, maybe I am just crazy, but I get bad vibes from them... only Ron doesn't give me this feeling.

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 12:00 PM
I live in the Midwest and do quite a bit of travelling to cities of all sizes. I have yet to see the large amount of signs some of you talk about. I see a few Ron Paul signs as well as a few signs for the other candidates. Paul has a very small number of supported who happen to be very zealous. His showing in the primaries so far confirms has virtually no popularity. I understand his supporters think everyone is conspiring against him, but most people live in the real world.

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 12:45 PM
I'm seeing lots of Ron Paul signs. I thought only us internet conspiracy nuts knew who he was until this election season. I am quite surprised by the amount of support I see. I'm also very surprised at the dedication of his supporters. I've seen multiple people on the side of the road near busy intersections in a Army town no less. I've seen them 4 or 5 times near the shopping center where i work and it seems like different people or at least vehicles there. They had the blue Ron Paul signs that seem to be the standard design and a homemade Google Ron Paul signs.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 01:09 PM
I've seen more Ron Paul signs and supporters than all of the other candidates- WHICH IS GREAT...but why is it that he's not winning polls????

We know people are voting for him and it seems to be ALOT more people too...

I smell a dirty campaign full of nothing but rigging..

I havent lost hope yet for Ron but it is frustrating to see how well everyone else is doing and how low he is on the map. Thankfully, he's a fighter and hasn't bowed out yet.

The polls must be faked...and if the polls are faked...the election will be as well perhaps.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by dj05544

Let me explain something to you Paultards. The election process is not based on the number of signs a candidate has. Ron Paul's basic ideas are so naive that only superficial and under educated people buy into them. Anyone with any sense at all realizes you can't just make sweeping cuts in the government without vast repercussions.

Now that super tuesday is over and, once again, Paul has been further humiliated, hopefully he will have the decency to put his tail between his legs and go home.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by dirtonwater
reply to post by dj05544

Let me explain something to you Paultards. The election process is not based on the number of signs a candidate has. Ron Paul's basic ideas are so naive that only superficial and under educated people buy into them. Anyone with any sense at all realizes you can't just make sweeping cuts in the government without vast repercussions.

Now that super tuesday is over and, once again, Paul has been further humiliated, hopefully he will have the decency to put his tail between his legs and go home.

What are the personal attacks on RP for?

Of course elections are not based on the number of signs, however a trend should be followed up into the main results. As in England there are very few 'Lib Dem' and 'Green' signs during elections and these political parties don't do as well as the conservatives and labour (who have more signs).

It's good that someone has a unique vision. The ideas might seem naive but remember, the man is a doctor - he is smart. He has also been in the game (politics) a very long time and therefore knows whether what he's doing is or is not viable.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 05:07 PM

Benjamin Franklin said that if you found the majority agreeing with you, it was probably time to start rethinking your opinion.

Obama had some true supporters, so did Mccain, but they were such a tiny % of those votes. Don't pretend that because the mass of sheeple in America voted for Hillary/Obama/Mccain that you somehow are right. There were intelligent votes for these guys (some people I hold in high regard liked Obama and McCain, and I respect that 100%), but most of the votes were just sheeple doing what their TV/social worker suggested.

The majority has always been dumb.

WHat would you have us young folks do? Those of us who inherit a country trillions in debt and in unnecessary wars/nation building, who think that the majority is entirely uninformed?

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by dirtonwater
reply to post by dj05544

Let me explain something to you Paultards. The election process is not based on the number of signs a candidate has. Ron Paul's basic ideas are so naive that only superficial and under educated people buy into them. Anyone with any sense at all realizes you can't just make sweeping cuts in the government without vast repercussions.

Now that super tuesday is over and, once again, Paul has been further humiliated, hopefully he will have the decency to put his tail between his legs and go home.

This isn't a personal attack on RP... It's a personal attack on all who support him. Welcome back to sixth grade! Thank you (in your obviously infinite wisdom) for pointing out how grossly inadequite RP supporters are at making important choices! (sarcasm)

The funny thing is, Ron Paul is not giving up, nor will I think he will. It's been theorized that Huckabee is only hanging in there to hurt Romney, but still no mention of RP on the MSM.
I really hope he drops the Republican ticket and runs Independant. I think it would be fitting to run "Independant" anyway, kind of ironic.
There are a lot of signs here in good ol' ulta-conservative central PA, most, if not all home made.
He's got my vote- the rest of them are CFR all the way anyway.

[edit on 6/2/08 by cbianchi513]

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 05:26 PM
i think Ron Paul has inspired hope in a lot of people who have a lot of energy and a lot of good ideas on how to promote an idea... perhaps America has not seen this kind of revelry before because there was no one that inspired the energetic portion of the populous... impossible to determine, but i'd suggest the majority of Paul supporters are educated thoughtful people fed up with being trampled on and fed lies... at least, that's what i see here at ATS...

so why all the signs at the Super Bowl? perhaps because his supporters are smart enough to know that the cameras are on and the world is watching... perhaps the people supporting the other candidates are either too lazy or not quite bright enough to take adavantage of the "free" advertising... just perhaps

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 08:22 AM
I saw a news article that said Ron Paul is continuing in the race for the white house. Shows he is just as much a liar and hypocrite as all the others. His big thing is to cut spending and waste in government. But he is willing to waste millions of dollars donated by disillusioned people to continue his campaign. He always was a joke, but now that everyone knows it, why does he continue ? This poor guy obviously has some mental health issues. I seriously think he might be senile. Someone needs to pull the poor guy aside and tell him 'dude, lets go have some pudding'.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 08:49 AM
Ron Paul is using funds to run for President. The funds were donated by people for that purpose. If Ron Paul did not use the funds for this purpose and dropped out while he was still receiving donations, THAT would be a waste of millions. Your post record indicates that you, dirtonwater, either have mental health issues or someone is wasting their money by paying you for your failed attempts to discredit Dr. Paul. Seriously, which is it?

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 09:14 AM
i was wondering when "that guy" would show up. I believe "Paultard" is the definition of trolling/flaming/baiting.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 09:50 AM
It is better to just let people go like dirtonwater, they add nothing to the conversation. Especially when they come out with the whole "paultard" BS. It sounds like you get your talking points from Medved. Even if Paul dropped out of the race, I am still writing him in, I just cant in good mind vote for anyone else that is running. That way when my child asks me, dad what did you do to stop this country from sliding into an abyss, I can tell her, honey I voted for Ron Paul. That is where I thought there was a real hope in change. Call me a paul tard, a paulistinian, whatever other weak ass personal attack you can, it doesnt matter.

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