posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 11:22 PM
Is what you are posting directly related to the OP, or are you just taking the thread on a tangent?
Are you getting caught up in someone else's derailment of the thread? I know I sure have, many times.
The easiest way to cure this is to read the title of the thread, read the OP, and then read in full the link to the whole article. Once you have done
that, you will be in a much better position to comment, and chances are your post will be on topic.
But there are many good reasons to read whole threads before you post:
1) You will be much better informed to make your post.
2) You will stand a much better chance of not posting something that has already been posted in the thread.
3) You will not put the burden of being informed on the others in the topic. Now this part really kinda irks me sometimes. I most often will not
respond to someone who comes out of nowhere with some statement or question that clearly indicates they have not even read the OP, much less any of
the rest of thread.
This is problematic also because then the person asking the question (that was answered 20 posts ago) will start feeling like they are being ignored.
Then they get some kind of personal thing going on with the Original Poster. And all that because of their own laziness not to read the OP and/or most
of the thread before they respond.
4) Often a thread can change direction dramatically when a new post comes about that sheds very important information on the topic at hand. If you're
still sitting there arguing the OP once that new post has occurred, now you have put the burden on others to update you, when the update was already
5) Your chances that someone will reply to your post will be greatly increased. Because if you have done the minimum that I am suggesting above,
chances are that what you are now going to post is a) very relevant to the thread topic and OP, b) has not been posted before, c) contains an angle
worth contemplating, and d) increases the chances of other members wanting to read more of your posts. So it's a win/win.
6) (Courtesy of NGC2736, forum moderator) It is easier to moderate, thus reducing workload on the staff.
7) (Courtesy of NGC2736, forum moderator) It is less likely that threads will result in shouting matches, personal attacks, etc.
8) (Courtesy of NGC2736, forum moderator) Threads are more understandable and readable.
9) (Courtesy of NGC2736, forum moderator) You will reduce the chances of your temptation to post a one-liner comment that really does not add anything
substantial to the thread.
10) The more reading you do on the subject, the better position you will be in to Flag and Star threads and posts from an informed standpoint, making
the flag and starring system even more pertinent.
11) You will probably get more friends, as time goes on.
This topic has probably been discussed before on ATS many times over, and thus in a sense I stand guilty of repeating what has been said before. But
some things are worth repeating, and this is my personal appeal to members, especially with so many new members coming on board in the last couple of
years. I'm just trying to make this a more enjoyable place for all.
[edit on 4-2-2008 by TrueAmerican]