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messages in german......NWO? .... UFO....?

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posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:21 PM
I can't waste even more time on this.
Translating something so that it means the same in both languages without anything being lost, is a slow and painfull process.

A summary:
It goes on to say how all the other planets except for Pluto have already entered the fourth dimension.
The Earth won't be able to sustain life during this huge dimensional leap
The leaders know this but are keeping us in the dark.

Then the "alien" talks about China presenting a danger for an atomic war, and how the souls of those in the middle of an atomic blast get so shredded, that it takes them hundreds of years to get back together.

Something like that.
I can't continue watching.

These people should get a life. Maybe then they wouldn't have to live an imaginary one.
I am very sorry for people, who need beliefs like that to comfort themselves. They are usually very depressed and unhappy people, and a cult like this gives them hope. Everything will be better in a higher dimension..

Yeah.. What does that remind me of?

It's ALWAYS the same principle:
- Get people to agree with you by talking about how horrible this world is, how it could be so much better, if only people loved and understood each other.
- Tell them it's somebody elses fault that they are unhappy. It means they don't have to take responsibility and can blame that someone else. Man, that feels good, doesn't it.
- Slowly start introducing the belief system, step by step, more and more.
- Give them hope. They don't have to do anything, just wait (for the ascension beams / heaven / whatever). Untill then, they can pump each other up, how horrible everything is, and imagine, how great it will be.

Unfortunatelly, people want to know when. The church got away with "when you die, if you are nice".
But these cults have to set a date sooner than "when you die". Sooner is better, right? Only this way can you compete with church, which offers essentially the same thing, only with different words.

Unfortunatelly, this means your belief system now has an expiration date. And when it comes, you better be damned good at making excuses. Otherwise people get very pissed off, and in the end, even more depressed, then they were in the beginning.

This is why the Ashtar Command leader in my country fled to the US "in search of his soul twin". And it's also why my friend killed himself - the expiration date.

Good times.....

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by h3akalee
Your opinion count's as you are directly translating it and giving your personal opinion.

Thanks once again !

Thank you.

Well, i mentioned this on the other thread, but i knew this Ashtar Command cult very well back in 94 and 95.

They were predicting EXACTLY THE SAME THING back then in 94. The Photon Belt is coming, we are going to the fourth dimension, the end of the world and ascension will be here any moment now, maybe tomorow, maybe next week, but definatelly before 11.11.94.

Then in 95, guess what. Well, the critical mass for the ascension wasn't reached yet, so the end is coming any moment now, maybe tomorow, maybe next week, but definatelly before 11.11.95

They have a big thing for "11.11"

Well, 96 was when my friend couldn't take the excuses anymore, and "ascended" himself.

So you will have to forgive me for my "dislike" towards the Ashtar Gallactic Command.

Anyway.. They are predicting the exact same sh** over and over again, year after year.

I don't understand, how desperate some people have to be, to believe all the excuses and still continue trusting their "alien" channelling leaders.

Oh, BTW: In my language, "channeling" means the same thing as "sewer".
The content is identical, so it fits..

In both cases, it carries human liquid waste.. The only difference being, that in the case of channeling, it's mental liquid waste.

That's why i call it "mental diarrhea".

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 01:16 AM
Are you serious??? Your buddy just "ascended" himself? That is so weak...
I appreciate you translating this garbage, no matter how painful it must have been.
I personally hate these bast$$ds for doing what they did to you, your friend, and both families.

When is this "kid" that poses as the OP going to learn that this is no joke.

Please, OP, in no way take this example as lending any credence to your little theory. People base their entire existence on this, and terminate their being due to ignorance.

Learn a lesson...

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by cbianchi513
Are you serious??? Your buddy just "ascended" himself? That is so weak...

What do you mean by "weak"?

I already mentioned, that he commited suicide, right at the beginning of the OPs other thread on the Ashtar Command.
And i heard my friend wasn't the only one to do this, when their leader fled to the US.
The "lucky ones" got away with a severe depression and a lot of medication.

I don't know what became of them later, once the group fell appart.

But i wouldn't be surprised, if Ashtar Command was active in my country as we speak. If they are, they probably know nothing of the events back then...

BTW: I put the word ascend between ".....". He didn't put it like that in his letter.

He wrote something like "Don't be sad for me. My life was horrible and i know the next one will be better. I hope we meet eachother again."

That was the letter he wrote for me. We were actually living together at the time, because his parents threw him out, because he joined the Ashtar Command.

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by cbianchi513

Tread with care mate there are other way's to get your point across.

I think you need to take a break thing's will go downhill fast for you here at ATS if you keep that attitude !

Trust me i know from experiance !

Take it easy !


posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 09:27 AM
yes thankyou Deezee for your time and your translation very interesting

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 09:35 AM

I already mentioned, that he commited suicide, right at the beginning of the OPs other thread on the Ashtar Command.

and to think i was 11years old at the time that transmission went to air

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by ST SIR 86

I already mentioned, that he commited suicide, right at the beginning of the OPs other thread on the Ashtar Command.

and to think i was 11years old at the time that transmission went to air

What do you mean?

I wasn't even born, when that transmission aired.

But i still know WAY more about the Ashtar Command, then i ever wanted to..
All of the things i mentioned happened between the years 1993 - 96 in my country (Slovenia).

I don't know what was going on before that, and the only things i know about after that time, was from what some of the other followers told me, after their group fell appart.

Most of them were in a very bad state.

[edit on 4/2/08 by deezee]

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