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More Fake 9/11 Evidence from the Moussaoui Trial.

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posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:13 PM
And again, still waiting on you to see if maybe he did live with friends at that address or if it might have been an apartment. You are trying to make a mountain not out of a mole hill but out of a ditch.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:28 PM

Since retiring in the mid-1990s, John Talignani had ordered anything and everything from television, cluttering his cramped apartment in Staten Island, N.Y., with an endless variety of appliances and memorabilia

Just last month we responded to a house in town after family members
hadn't heard from the elderly woman who lived there. Had to force our
way in, then tunnel through mountain of junk. Found her dead.
This was second dead body call in a few months.

Also I carried my old drivers license after renewing it - get 3rd degree
from cop once after being stopped. Many people carry old licenses
and other forms of id months. even years after expired.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:42 PM
I know much for certain.

!. The cost of leasing NYC space is extremely high, including small efficiency apartments.

2. The average retired person is not normally independently wealthy from the types of jobs the gentleman is stated to have held.

3. Unless, the gentleman was a shrewd investor, I seriously doubt that by cramping up his apartment (pack rat is the normal term description for such activity by humans), he would not have enough to have a winter and summer home in two different states. What is the cost of living in FL compared to NY?

4. Many retired people sell off their northern property, or, if leasing or renting, simply pack up and leave cold areas, to permanently reside in warmer climates.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 05:26 PM
why not just pay one of those credit websites do a background check on the guy. If he was going down to Florida in the winter there will probably be addresses attached to the report.

My grandparents had Florida drivers license also and they were from Ohio. They stayed in Ohio in the summertime and rented places in Florida in the Wintertime. That type of winter migration to Florida is not uncommon for older people in the USA.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by IvanZana
From SUpercop to Flight Attendant..... what a dream.

I'm even confused by this statement. Why is quiting a job as a police officer to become a flight attendant bad? Why is that not a good dream to have? What occupation do you think is less stressful and pays more money? What occupation lets you travel and see the world? I would take any job on an airline over being a cop any day of the week.

So, the conspiracy is that she picked a job that you don't like?

And the other conspiracy was that an old man who lived in NY had a Florida drivers license?

Are those the two points to this conspiracy thread so far? I just want to make sure that I understand the point of this thread.

[edit on 2-2-2008 by zerotime]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 06:38 PM
John Talignani's drivers license has some other oddity/discrepancies..
(besides the 3 year old expiration date)
The address of 8611 Huntsman Lane, Port Richey FL 34668-2019, was actually the address belonging to:
Louis & Denise Crisci, who purchased this property in 1988 and sold it in 1994 to their neighbor Charles & Almae Mitchell (reference: L577 BEAR CRK U 4 PB23 PGS135&136&137&13)

Three years previous..

On 02/08/1985, John & Selma Talignani bought 7202 Bramblewood Drive, Port Richey, FL 34668-6911 (reference: L337 ORCHID LK VL U 5 PB 23 PGS 57TO59)

[edit on 2-2-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:11 PM
I will be making some calls to the Florida authorties to discuss the issue pertaining to these licence issues.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 10:04 PM
link posted by Valhall

Exh. GX-P200068 (intr'd: 04/11/2006)
Photograph of the driver's license of John Talignani found at the scene in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, where Flight 93 crashed.

This is odd. This driver's license with this address is no where in Florida's DMV database. Instead, the only driver's license listed (which is the same driver's license number as in the pic - T425473273110) has an address of 305 Ridge Creek Blvd, Ocoee, FL 34761 - WHICH IS NOT A VALID ADDRESS. Further to that, the Florida DMV database shows the driver's license with the Ridge Creek Blvd address to be issued on June 23, 1998.

Florida seems to do everything screwy, so assuming they do something logical like other states probably isn't a good assumption, but I've never been able to get a re-newed driver's license without turning in the old one. One could assume that he lost the old one and then found it later, but it's weird to carry an expired driver's license when you have a valid, new one. But the major point here is that Mr. Talignani does not show up in the Florida database with Huntsman Lane, Port Richey, Fl address ANYWHERE...he only shows up with the Ocoee - NONEXISTENT address.

But to complicate the situation further, John Talignani, according to Jere Longman's Among the Heroes was supposed to be living in Manhattan at the time he boarded Flight 93. So now we have to assume he lost this driver's license (which doesn't even exist in the Florida DMV database), got it renewed (with a Florida address that doesn't exist), and then kept a non-existent, expired Florida driver's license as some sort of souvenir while living in Manhattan.

That's a weird pile of incongruities, now isn't it?

[edit on 2-2-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 11:13 PM
Yes it might be. What does it prove though? That he was a secret agent? That he didn't really exist? That he was not on the plane? That he as on the plane? If it is a conspiracy what is the conspiracy about I wonder?

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

In your original photo comparisons, there exist two different facial expressions and poses. The hair is different in both. The glasses frames are different. Yet the same dates appear for same time issued and termination. Two different addresses for the same dates.

Ivan, as I recall you mentioned some of the above. However, the gentleman's hairline certainly receded and thinned quite obviously in a very short period of time from the first photo to the second.

It becomes too obvious one of those photos is very probably an altered forgery. Including what may be the signatures as well.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by sputniksteve

I also have a drivers license displaying an address I moved from 30 years ago, and I carry it every day (I have my own reasons for this). I challenge anyone to find anything connecting me to that address, where I lived as a student. This does not mean I do not exist. It just means I have a drivers license with an old (very old) address.

In any 260 random individuals, a few are going to be carrying anomalous ID. You would expect this. It would be normal. If all the ID evidence recovered from the crash sites checked out as current and valid, and traceable to real individuals, THEN I would be suspicious. VERY suspicious.

This drivers license tends to make me think it must have been genuinely recovered from the site. If it was some kind of fake, there would be no anomalies. Of that you can be certain.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by OrionStars

That's because the license on the right is fabricated. The sentence underneath it says "This is how the drivers license should look". Which means means nothing that they are different because one is just a copy of the other with a different address on it.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by sputniksteve
reply to post by OrionStars

That's because the license on the right is fabricated. The sentence underneath it says "This is how the drivers license should look". Which means means nothing that they are different because one is just a copy of the other with a different address on it.

It is not a copy. They are different. They have the same issue and expiration dates, plus, what looks to be identically the same signature (red flag). There are more dissimilarities than likenesses (duplication/copy).

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana

Original source picture from the Moussaoui trial exhibit.

Hi all - firstl up I'm not a 911 conspiracy guy but noticed this article out of passing curiosity. I am a designer and I look at images, photoshoped, digital, normal all day every day and something strikes me about the 2 pictures presented here. Taking into account the different lighting and scanning techniques used to capture the 2 cards, there are still subtle variations between the images that makes me feel that they are not the same photo.

Firstly I believe it's the same guy but (using the image on the left as my main reference) the things that catch my eye are:-

Glasses on the left look slightly different shape at the base of the lens, slightly thicker at the top and don't appear to be tinted or 'reactalight'. There is also no reflection at all on these glasses, which is a very difficult thing to do properly when taking a picture, especially with the typical booth shots that you use for id. Instinct would say that perhaps there is no glass in these glasses.

Eyes look dead and possibly photoshoped but that could be an effect of the moment the picture was taken, we've all seen weird natural phenomena with photography, not to mention the picture quality here is not great - but instinct again says that something is amiss here.

Head angle is slightly further back, meaning a tiny bit less forehead, a wee bit more under the nose and less of a crease & shadow under the chin

Head overall is looking a fraction more to 'our' right, this adds slightly more crease in his neck, again shadow is effected at the base of the neck and throat.

The shirt at least looks identical to the one on the right this jars with me also due to the subtle differences with everything that is happening above the collar - I'd have to say mister adobe had been in town again.

They made a pretty good job of his hair though.. apart from the wee bit on the right but no ones perfect.

So treating this like one of those spot the difference pics you get in magazines - i'd say that if you had a decent scan of each of these images and placed them on top of each other in photoshop and played around with the transparency of the top layer you would struggle to match these up perfectly.

Like I say I am NOT a 911 conspiracy dude but I am cursed with noticing photoshoped or inconsistent images. Good luck with your investigations



posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 10:09 AM
The picture on the left looks like a picture of a dead body. The way the head is tilted, the fake color in the face, the look in the eyes, and the face is looking pulled back instead of down. To me it looks like this guy was on a slab and prepped for a funeral, they took a picture of him, and made a license. He looks like my grandfather did at his funeral, bad makeup job, and slack face

Wild conjecture here, but how better to put "real" people on a plane, than to put real dead people on a plane. Now of course I have absolutely no proof, but it just jumped into my head when I saw the picture

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:20 PM
I am still waiting to see why there is a conspiracy here!

What is hilarious is that you can put ANY address down at the RMV to appear on your license.
He may have lived at the address stated because he lived there at the time his License expired.

Again.... what is the conspiracy?

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 07:34 PM
I'm still waiting for a couple of posters to realize that Ivan photoshopped the driver's license so he could put in what he believes should be the correct address.

He isnt claiming there were two separate driver's licenses, he is discussing that there appearantly an incorrect address on Mr Tag's license that was recovered from the crash site.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
he is discussing that there appearantly an incorrect address on Mr Tag's license that was recovered from the crash site.

John Talignani's drivers license has some other oddity/discrepancies..
(besides the 3 year old expiration date)
The address of 8611 Huntsman Lane, Port Richey FL 34668-2019, was actually the address belonging to:
Louis & Denise Crisci, who purchased this property in 1988 and sold it in 1994 to their neighbor Charles & Almae Mitchell (reference: L577 BEAR CRK U 4 PB23 PGS135&136&137&13)

Three years previous..

On 02/08/1985, John & Selma Talignani bought 7202 Bramblewood Drive, Port Richey, FL 34668-6911 (reference: L337 ORCHID LK VL U 5 PB 23 PGS 57TO59)

If you 2 guys Captain Obvious and Swampfox are having a hard time with this material U2U me and I will Gladly explain what you refuse to see.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

Sorry, I see what you are TRYING to do. Still waiting for you to answer why a snowbird has to leave detailed documentation on why they spend the summer/fall in New York and the winter in Florida.....or why its wrong for a father to cosign a mortgage....or for him to have a mailing address at a friends house.......

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 02:44 AM

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