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secret society no more ODDFELLOWS

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posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 12:12 AM
It's been interesting reading the myths about the oddfellows here.
THe Independent Order of Oddfellows were at one time the white collar of fraternal organizations.& a person had to be invited to join.Big mistake.
What the Oddfellows were famous for was Orphanages, until our Gov. Came up with D.F.S. Then members all but gave up. Were no longer secret. Any one can join Men or Wemon.THe 2 big charities are the Arthritis foundation & Visual Research. An individual lodge can choose what local charities it wishes to support. I challenge any one to check out my lodges website In the beginning the Order started During the Roman Empire. Tradesmen got togather and formed what is now called a Union, If a fellow tradesmen became ill or hurt and could not afford to survive fellow members would help.
It was considered ODD to help your fellow man back then. So this was the beginning of The ODDFELLOWS to help your fellow man.

(MOD EDIT: to correct spelling error in thread title)

[edit on 2/2/2008 by benevolent tyrant]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by barmshadow84
In the beginning the Order started During the Roman Empire. Tradesmen got togather and formed what is now called a Union, If a fellow tradesmen became ill or hurt and could not afford to survive fellow members would help.

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows began in the 1740s in London.

The first IOOF Lodge in the U.S. was started in 1806.

In 1834 the American IOOF separated from the UK version.

It differs from other similar fraternal groups in that it was - at least at one time - the largest international fraternal group run by a single governing body.

Your pal,

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by mmmeat

Correct. In 1748 at Glob tavern in England it's recorded. In 1806 in N.Y. 5 men started in the US. There's been recorded history since the 18centuery.
There is however a recorded legend which infers the Oddfellows can trace themselves back to 587 B.C. I refer you to this. This is where I'am getting my facts

(MOD EDIT: to correct link)

[edit on 2/2/2008 by benevolent tyrant]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by barmshadow84

Fair enough. I only knew what I wrote off the top of my head. There are plenty of websites about the Odd Fellows, and many of them have good information. Whether what is presented is a fact or not ... well, I don't know enough to believe that everything is a fact until it's been proven.

Odd Fellows is a good organization, they seem to do good works.

Your pal,

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by barmshadow84

So they give money to charity and take care of there own if one takes ill. They sound like a great society to join to be honest with you.

Dorian Gray

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by mmmeat

Thank You your a good man.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by barmshadow84

Hi barmshadow84!

I agree with your opinion of the Odd Fellows as I have been a member, first in Kentucky (Chosen Friends Lodge #2) and presently in Missouri (Jurisdiction Lodge #1) for some years. Since about 1993 I believe.

I'm interested to hear where you heard the origin of the name, however. I've heard several variations, but not that one. I've heard it was called by some an "Odd-fellowship" because it brought together men of different classes....something unheard of in England at the time (and to some extent, of course, even today). I've also heard that the word was originally "Hod" and not "Odd" and they were a "branch" if you will, of the operative Masons. At one time Odd Fellows DID wear Masonic-like Aprons, even in this country, so there could be some Masonic connection albeit many years ago.

As far as groups go there have been a couple dozen. Here in the U.S. we are the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.) and there is a remnant of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (G.U.O.O.F.) They were sort of the equivalent to Prince Hall Masonry from the days when most fraternal societies didn't allow men of African-American descent to belong.

Stevens' 'Cyclopedia of Fraternities (1907) shows a chart on page 253 with the following groups:

Ancient & Honorable, Loyal Order of Odd Fellows
Patriotic Order of Odd Fellows
United Order of Odd Fellows
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Manchester Unity
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, U.S.A.
Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, U.S.A.
Ancient Independent Order, Kent Unity
Nottingham Imperial Order
Ancient Noble Order of United Odd Fellows, Bolton Unity
Improved Independent Order, S.L. Unity
Derby Midland, United Order
The British Order and
The Norfolk and Norwich, the Albion, the Kingston Unity, the Leeds United, Leicester Unity, the Economical, the Ilkstone Unity, the Enrolled, the Ancient, True, The Staffordshire, The Auxiliary, the West Bromwich, and the Handsworthy Orders of Odd Fellows.

Sure were a bunch of us!

In F.L.T.

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 03:46 AM
The coolest part about being an Oddfellow though is that if one finds themselves out of work, they can contact another Oddfellow in an adjacent township, and seek work with them. Being a 'Fellow, they are obligated to help out their "fellow man".

It's also the only "secret society" that freely admits both men and women as members. For one, I think this is a noble cause. Secondly, it helps society at large.

I'm in full support.


posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by TheBorg

It's also the only "secret society" that freely admits both men and women as members.

I'm not an Oddfellow, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought only men could join the Oddfellows, whereas the Rebekah degree was for women (sort of like the Eastern Star)?

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
I'm not an Oddfellow, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought only men could join the Oddfellows, whereas the Rebekah degree was for women (sort of like the Eastern Star)?


This was true for quite some time, but around 1999 or 2000 (if I recall correctly) the Sovereign Grand Lodge changed this rule AND the ritual to allow both men and women to join the Lodge itself. The ritual was changed to include both sexes. The Rebekah still exists, but barely.

There are still different groups of non-connected Odd Fellows societies across the globe and some groups (Manchester Unity Odd Fellows, I believe) have admitted both sexes for a number of years.

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by TheBorg
The coolest part about being an Oddfellow though is that if one finds themselves out of work, they can contact another Oddfellow in an adjacent township, and seek work with them. Being a 'Fellow, they are obligated to help out their "fellow man".

Not sure who told you that, but they sold you a "bill of goods" because that's BS. Sounds like what the Anti-Masons spread that a Mason is bound by oath to help other Masons without reserve, and it simply isn't true.

Sure, as sworn members of the same organization, they should help each other, but there's nothing that "obligates" another 'Fellow to give work to 'nother. Nothing at all.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by Appak

Well, it's possible that I misunderstood what was told to me, and in hindsight, I think I was. No one can force another to do something that they don't want to do. I think what I should have said was that it was a common practice for the Oddfellows to help other fellows find work in an area near them, since they know their way around the area's business district.

Obligation may not have been the word that was used. I'll have to go refresh my memory on that one.


[Edited for missing "I".]

[edit on 6-2-2008 by TheBorg]

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 06:01 AM
And their chairs- upraise arms with hands with eyes in the palms... Coolest thing ever.

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by senrak

SENRAK You say that you belong to MO. lodge # 1 It's my understanding Lodge #1 doesn't exist any more I do know what Lodge # is the lowest though, What's Up

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by barmshadow84
SENRAK You say that you belong to MO. lodge # 1 It's my understanding Lodge #1 doesn't exist any more I do know what Lodge # is the lowest though, What's Up

Jurisdiction Lodge #1 is technically the Grand Lodge of Missouri (I.O.O.F.) It was organized for members whose Lodges had gone defunct but who wanted to remain members. We send our dues to the Grand Lodge each year and receive a dues card. I just got mine from Kenny a few weeks ago. So, I really don't have a "home" Lodge, but am a member in good standing. I live in Cape Girardeau and there's no Lodge close by any more.

posted on Feb, 7 2008 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by senrak

Ok fair enough I also know Kenny quite well, was just on the phone with him ealier different topic though.
How about starting a new lodge? It's work,my brother did it, I'am restarting 1 in march, been closed for about 100 yrs.. We need more young blood in the orginization

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by barmshadow84
How about starting a new lodge? It's work,my brother did it, I'am restarting 1 in march, been closed for about 100 yrs.. We need more young blood in the orginization

I'll send you a U2U

with my e-mail address.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:26 PM
To help futher the character of mankind

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 07:22 PM
The Oddfellows has been around as long as the Masons have...only about 50,000 oddfellows are active in U.S. but were slowly growing...I'm a member of #5 for 24 years and Lodge # 2 for 7 years in St.Louis,Mo and we do alot for the Community and Orphans in our area and in the U.S. It's the best fraternity I ever join...and I'm active in Masons,Scottish Rite and Amos,Demolay...
I"m not sure if there are anymore G.U.O of O.F ( Grand United Order of OddFellows) left in the United states...but there Head Quarters Building in Atlanta,Ga is still standing on Auburn Street...built in 1912...I found a G.U.O.of O.F. Apron dates back to 1845..and was told by members to hang on to it...I also go around U.S. and take pictures of Oddfellows Building and Oddfellows Cemeteries, I have over 1000 pictures I've taken in 9 States and continue my Hobby till i can't fine anymore Oddfellows Temples...any Question about the Oddfellows or G.U.O.of O.F.

Mod edit to remove personal information.

[edit on 27-12-2008 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 01:48 PM
anyone have any info about the loyal order of odd fellows?

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