posted on Oct, 10 2010 @ 02:45 AM
Hi everyone,
I was lead to this website tonight to write this comment in addition to reading the great information posted here. I have a lot of information to
convey so I hope I do not offend anyone, as I believe you will find it is all pertinent. What lead me here was my intrigue of the fact that O-neg
blood is universal (can be used by all other types) and it's connection to history. Thank you once again Google.
I have blond hair, exceptionally blue eyes and O-Neg blood. I have had my IQ tested on numerous occasions and have tested between 145 and 149 each
time. I also possess the abilities of preconception and precognition stated here. In addition to these, I have amazing recollection abilities that go
back to my first days after birth. I've also had many lucid dreams and visionary dreams, to include dream manipulation. My talents are too many to
list here, but I will say that I seem to be good at anything I set my mind to. This has never been of much use to me in the past because like so many
others, I was pointed in the wrong directions by social influences.
My journey into this subject started about 8 years ago when I was trying to join a website and one user name after another was rejected because it
was already in use. So I used something someone had said to me earlier that day to create my own unique user name for all websites (the one I use here
now). This person said I had "the body of a man and the heart of an angel", so I did a simple search on this. What I found intrigued me, as I was
led to a site on Angelology. I began to read about a class of Angel called 'The Watchers' or the Grigori. This moment sparked a search that ever
since has lead me from Angelology to the study of religion, philosophy, psychology, mythology and theosophy. Along this journey I began to draw my own
conclusion about life, the world around me and God. I was raised as a Methodist, so most of my conclusions were based on and derived ultimately from
the Bible and Christianity, but were also influenced by all my other research.
About a year and a half ago I was at a local college library when I cam across the term Gnostic. As this was a bit of new information, I
wholehearted shifted my research in this direction. As I began reading I found myself in the words on the pages. Not only had the Gnostics performed
the same act as I was doing, to draw their own conclusions, but remarkably drew the same conclusions I had nearly 2,000 years before. I was not alone
in this act either. The most recent (and famous) of which was the psychologist C.G. Jung. Who came about the Gnostics in his work on dream
interpretation. After which Jung became the first Modern advocate of the Gnostic ideology. What I found, is that not only was I a Gnostic, but I had
always been one!
The more I researched these diverse areas of learning, the more I found myself returning the the Grigori in one form or another. The Kabbalah story
goes something like this: After the creation of the earth and man, God sent 'The Watchers' into the Garden of Eden to watch over and assist man in
his learning. During this time, 200 of these Grigori betrayed Gods faith and took the daughters of Eve as wives and mates. For this act they were cast
down. The offspring were mutations, possessing supernatural powers. These beings were called the Nephilim, and are referenced in the Bible in Genesis
6:4 and in Numbers 13:33 and quoted "They were the heroes of old, men of renown". Later in my readings on Greek and Roman Mythology, I couldn't
help but think back to this quote in the Bible. This also came to mind when I came across statements like 'Star Seeds'. In some of my reading about
the Nephilim it was also implied that this could have been the origins of the lore on vampires and Lycanthropes, such as werewolves and
Now I do not suggest that those with the NEG RH factor are descendants of the Nephilim is the truth, nor do I dismiss it. I do have to admit, based
on the extensive material involved throughout history, it does make for some interesting speculation and debate. Neither do I say that this should be
taken literally, because the Gnostics (my) process says quite the contrary. This could all be metaphoric and simply imply genetic intrusion into the
human chromosome?