posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Hey guys..this is my first time to this board and i am taken aback. its crazy. for some reason i've been thinking a lot lately about what i want to
do with life which led me to think about volunteering abroad which led me to looking at different immunizations/etc. then i randomly decided to look
up my blood type (O-) and wow i was blown away.
a little about me.. i have a multi-racial background african american, caucasian (swedish/irish that i KNOW of..) and native american. its weird
because my mom is also o- and she has red hair!
but i feel the exact same way as everyone else.. i have the crazy ringing in my ears that sounds like a TV is always on (i used to cry to my mom about
this when i was little), i used to have an obsession with space/ufos/paranormal (still love it!), empathetic illnesses, sense of being separated from
mankind (but i still feel the need to do something huge for mankind), a sense of KNOWING that there is something huge out there that i'm supposed to
be doing, low blood pressure, great hearing (but awful eyesight), and i've always wondered why any electronics i've owned break. i also saw on a
site that some people have a strong interest in egypt or greece or spain (and maybe a few other places), i too have an intense interest with Egypt
that i've had for as long as I can remember and get this--my boyfriend is egyptian and it is ridiculous the connection we have. after all of this, i
am excited to see that there may be an explanation but frustrated that i may never find it out!!