posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 02:03 PM
Interesting stuff! I don't usually log into these sites but you got my Type O- blood going! I share many of the same traits as others here except I
have dark brown eyes, dark brown hair, olive skin and am Cuacasian. Family history has been mostly lost but the olive skinned side ,we think , is
French, and teh blonde-blue eyed side is German.
I have sme questions for the group:
1. Is there a tendency to have unusual or unpredictable reactions to medications and even herbs? I do.
2. Is there an inclination toward music, if so, is there a "typical" typeof music? I resonate to drumming/percussion.
3. Is there a tendency toward foods? Mine is seafood, salt water fish.
4. Is there any commonality as to the types of people RH negs are attracted to for their mates?
5. Of the four elements (earth,air,fire,water) which is the most resonant? Mine is water.
6. Do RH negs typically follow an established religion or are they more inclined to an individual spirituality they define from within? I'm the
latter, myself.
7. If RH neg is alien, did the originators come in peace? don't know if that's possible to answer! Is there a shadow side to RH neg?: I wonder of
the serial killers are RH neg?
I've got plenty more but will stop for now.
Great thread! I hope it continues!