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Negative Blood Type (RH Factor) and Alien History

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posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

Well you see we both live in different worlds you have had your proof.

I've met many liars in my life, and I personally don't know you, and be honest you know the world we live in, how can you trust anyone these days.

The difference between you posting a picture now and the others who have tried to show evidence is that you didn't come here to show proof, that's what would make it more believable.

Posting a picture may not be proof for many, but at least it would be something.

I'm not demandig anything by the way, it's entriely up to you, I don't mind at all, and if you don't post anything it wont affect me, so don't worry, I will forget about it.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 06:38 PM
I have been doing a little research and discovered some very interesting academic theories on the relationship between the Basque and Sumerian languages. I have yet to teach myself how to provide links, sorry.

If there were a connection between the two and one were to believe we humans are some kind of genetic soup it would have happened around the time that the Bible and the Sumerians documented the arrival of the Anunnaki.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

When your on the website, look for the bar on top of your screen showing the website name, right click on the name and click copy, then when you post here right click where your going to write and click paste, link shows up.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 07:10 PM
well i also would be interested in the pics..
you dont need some webspace from someone, ats is giving you all you need!
go onto the MemCenter button right on top here, klick there the "Member Upload Space" link and upload your pics.
then, click (when writing a new post) on the earth-icon above this text you write, insert the name you want us to read, then the copied link from the browser you want us to show, voila!

hey, i was the one mentioning monkeys. hell, is there such a difference between monkeys and primates? well, i did not want to offend some animal!

i am also reading this thread and are happy to read every day some more news!
thnak you all for contributing.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 08:38 PM

Here is a link that has some history for the Basque. I'll keep searching for more. Thanks for the help.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by Witness2008]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:25 AM
As much as I would like to post the pics the aliens have told me that now is not the time. I may be able to post them some other time. But I realized they were monitoring me via other members of my family through odd behavior.

Ever since I mentioned posting the pics my brother has been checking up on me every 20 minutes for the last few hours. He NEVER does this, he usually doesn't care what Im doing on my computer and I can tell he is making up excuses as to why he is checking up so often.

For a 20 year old pair of scissors that my mum had forgotten she even had, I asked for them and she became very aggressive and hostile over a pair of scissors. They don't even know has my blood on it, they NEVER act like that its either, its the gray's telling me to "back off" and leave it alone.

I got a nervous feeling and hesitation in my body about asking for a pair of scissors!! I mean think about it their just scissors its shouldn't be a problem should it. But like I said I understand the messages they are sending me. i have to abide by it. I probably shouldnt of metioned it let alone offered to post them.

I only considered posting them as I was once curious about aliens just as everyone else is, what they look like, how smart they are stuff like that. They dont want me giving proof this rare so im going to have to leave it for now. Maybe another time.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Drakiir

Hey don t worry its only a pair of scissors please don t get upset about this. Maybe we pushed you abit too much for evidence. I don t need evidence so don t worry.

Do you think its true that since this experience you have never looked back? Don t you find it all abit overwhelming at times? We all say we d love to meet and talk to aliens like you have but really would we actually be able to cope with the result on a daily basis? You say now its affecting how your family are reacting to you about these scissors.

I saw an alien for 5 seconds about 5 years ago it didn t say a word yet its affected me in a massive way , my whole outlook on life has changed , I don t sleep well , Im constantly trying to work out what it was and I never even spoke to it!! You ve gone much further than me yet you seem quite level headed about it. Your experience would consume my life.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Do you think its true that since this experience you have never looked back? Don t you find it all abit overwhelming at times? We all say we d love to meet and talk to aliens like you have but really would we actually be able to cope with the result on a daily basis?

You have some good questions there and Im happy to answer them.

1) I have never looked back in a positive sense because I was given a higher understanding of society, human life and technology. I understand people better, I can connect emotionally with someone by touching them filling their body with emotions. I can also receive brainwaves faster than any person face to face that I communicate with. In essence this means knowing everything someone says before they say it.

The negative side is knowing everything that I say or do is monitored around the clock as with my families reaction to asking for a pair of scissors.

2)It can be overwhelming at times with the hardest part being to get extra information, I have to physically find another contact genetically identical to me and thats extremely rare. Only through them can I communicate directly to the greys and other spicies. I once had a contact turn up in a shopping centre and within 2 seconds we were talking but the shop was vacant it was just her and I.

Its a restricted an complicate life but you never know whats going to happen next, what unexplained event just happened, whether it was real or a dream. Its a life of many questions but little answer and to find the answers you have to search the rarest of all people.

If anyone has seen the movie The Forgotten it kind of goes along those lines except the gray's don't pull people into the air and aren't that aggressive in real life.

[edit on 9-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Drakiir

Stop de-railing the thread with your non-sense, the only people that believe you make up a load of BS like Mr Green.
This thread should now actually be put in skunkworks because of the "nutjobs". It was actually a nice thread until you started saying your "story"...

[edit on 9-2-2008 by SKUNK2]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by SKUNK2
reply to post by Drakiir

Stop de-railing the thread with your non-sense, the only people that believe you make up a load of BS like Mr Green.
This thread should now actually be put in skunkworks because of the "nutjobs". It was actually a nice thread until you started saying your "story"...

[edit on 9-2-2008 by SKUNK2]

you do realize that you're derailing the thread as well. Good Job, Hypocrisy!
Anyway. Still have yet to test my blood type. I just don't understand why I was never told when I had my blood tested (several times) a few years ago (for my thyroid and blood sugar lvs). And why doesn't my mom know?
I thought parents knew the blood type of their children just in case they get hurt? Maybe I'm mistaken. lol.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by SKUNK2

This thread contains all kinds of thought, and includes the connection with negative RH factor and possible alien connection. We are moving right along and I would appreciate that the posters here not be slammed in any way.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Chiiru

I also find it odd that the medical community does not share such vital information. I am glad however the information is not on birth certificates for reasons that this link will show

I know people that have dobated blood and still do not know their type.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by SKUNK2

Hey Im being polite and answering Mr Greens questions.

Your agression and hostility are not appreciated so guess what you can tell Mr Green to cram it and that he's full of BS since that seems to be your character. Im not doing it Im answering his question, its called being polite and having respect.

Ill move it to a new thread and let Mr Green know, and thanks for the support Chiiro and W2008

[edit on 9-2-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 9-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by SKUNK2
reply to post by Drakiir

Stop de-railing the thread with your non-sense, the only people that believe you make up a load of BS like Mr Green.

[edit on 9-2-2008 by SKUNK2]

I take it you are refering to my post The Greens Are Real on yes as it happens skunk works. Well I am not making any thing up at all. I swear on my life what I have said on ATS about anything is 100% true. In fact I find it very hard to lie maybe thats a rhesus trait too.

I am very sorry some posters have decided to leave this thread.

Rhesus negatives search for the truth I believe, it is not in their nature to lie in order to find the truth what would be the use in that. I would like to thank witness2008 for starting this fascinating post.

On the question of why all mothers don t know the blood group of their child, well if your mother is rhesus positive hospitals don t often do blood tests as they know the baby will not have raised an immune response in that mother.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
reply to post by SKUNK2

Hey Im being polite and answering Mr Greens questions.

[edit on 9-2-2008 by Drakiir]

Hi Drakiir

Thanks very much for discussing your experiences. I found them very interesting and I just wish we could have found out more about your views on the world.
Yes this post did start out asking for connections between RH factors and abductions and I do not think it derailed from that at all. Maybe RH negatives do have a major part in the whole abduction thing why else would this thread have attracted so much interest from people with RH negative blood?

I can tick most of the lists that have been put up. What we need are more RH positives to tell us that they don t tick the boxes or indeed more RH negatives to say they also don t tick the boxes. I have a feeling that the majority of RH negatives will tick most of the boxes though from what Ive read on this thread!

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 01:44 PM
Hey thats cool I can start a new thread and anyone from this thread or any other thread can throw some questions and views around. I might call it A different life or something youll see my name next it anyway.

Im on to a new thread. Later guys and girls.


posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:44 PM
Hello! I've been following this thread for a while, and others about Rh negative people and I am truly intrigued.

I was at my friends house the other day, when I started asking what blood type my friends were, because I wanted to tell them they can or can't be cloned. This amazes me. Out of the 4 of us that were there, 3 of us are O- and the other didn't know his blood type, he thinks A-. This I found strange, because I always did feel like I didn't really fit in or belong to the human race, other than being with my friends. It seems like we were brought together by our blood type, or at least felt something that we are alike. Anyways I pulled up the list of the Rh negative common traits and it's amazing, each of us ticks nearly 3/4 of the list.

It would be interesting to find out the percentage of Rh positive people that would score at least 50% on those traits.

Well, about me, I have chameleon eyes, that change from grey to blue to green to a little yellow depending on the weather. When I was young, I had the blondest hair but now it's a mix of blonde, light brown and a bit of red. I've taken quite a few online IQ tests and always score around 130, though they probably aren't very accurate. Have seen many UFO's. Psychic dreams definitely. I'll have a dream of a person and encounter or hear from that person the next day. I don't dream as often as I used to, but when I do, they always hint me what that day will have in store. I could go on for a while but that's enough for now...

Anyways, I can't believe all the Rh negative, especially the O-, that are found on this thread! That's why I wanted to post, to add myself and my story along with all the other O-'s out there! Later.


posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Cajune

That is amazing that we seem to be drawn to one another through friendships, some of it could be cultural I guess. The religion thing with me was strong as a child. I was actually kicked out of Sunday school classes because of the barage of questions I would ask..interupting was not tolerated.

One of my daughters eyes change from blue gray, to blue green. Keep in mind that o- are about 7% of the population, I think the averages speak to what we all suspect. I wonder what the average is here at ATS?

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN
I thought this was fascinating!

As previously mentioned, 'Rh negative' blood indicates no protein connections exist to the Rhesus monkey, whereas 'RH positive' blood does carry protein linked to the Rhesus monkey - hence the 'RH' designation, i.e.. rhesus. All other earthly primates have this RH factor. Thus if all humans evolved from that line, all would have the RH factor. Obviously, that is not the case. Therefore, there must have been some manner of intervention giving rise to Rh negative blood groups.

Blood type 'O' is the most common of the blood groups. When we separate the 'O' types into 'negative' and 'positive' we find that 'O' negative (the universal donor blood) constitutes less than 7% of the world’s population. Science at this very time is attempting to create a synthetic RH negative 'O' blood, but without success. For while the protein in positive blood can be cloned, that of negative blood cannot - which is quite interesting, and may be indicative of an alien origin, or more probable, from early genetic experimentation during previous advanced human civilization(s). There was apparent need for a stable blood factor that would not mutate, nor could it be cloned.

A RH negative pregnant mother's body will reject her positive blooded baby in the womb. Her body fights the RHesus factor as a foreign element. Alternatively, and most interestingly, a positive mother's body does not reject the negative baby she is carrying.

Most do not know that as Rh Oneg individuals, they are tracked throughout their whole lives by world-wide governmental agencies interested in understanding the genesis of this group, and for other more complex societal purposes. (follow this line of thought in the new material to be posted as a continuation of Journey to the Absolute Elsewhere)


Never heard of this before!

Wouldn't this be proof of manipulation of early humans?

[edit on 2-2-2008 by IMAdamnALIEN]

[edit on 2-2-2008 by IMAdamnALIEN]

Coming from a life science background in University (4th year now), IMO, those are awfully rash and inconclusive suggestions.

That is amazing that we seem to be drawn to one another through friendships, some of it could be cultural I guess. The religion thing with me was strong as a child. I was actually kicked out of Sunday school classes because of the barage of questions I would ask..interupting was not tolerated.

I personally think that there's no conclusive evidence to suggest that someone who likes to "ask questions" or have abnormal psychological phenomenon is associated to presence or absence of Rh Negative.

I think most of the users on ATS are curious and have "out of the box" questions that wants answered. Those who post here happen to have Rh negative, that's all.

If you want conclusive evidence, I would suggest a random study. picking out random people and do some observational experiments to determine whether they are "special" or not. Then again, how would you define "special" or "alien-related". And what kind of characteristics would you observe to suggest that you are more alien-related than others?

we grow up in different environments and our brain are built differently, some like to ask more questionsn than others. that's totally fair to say. Just because those who ask questions stumble upon ATS and post that they are Rh negative, there's absolutely NO conclusive evidence to suggest that Rh negative is associated with alien-origins.

[edit on 9-2-2008 by yuwing]

[edit on 9-2-2008 by yuwing]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by yuwing

Thanks for your contribution. I do not like the thought of being tracked my whole life. I hope the boys at ATS have a nice safe and secure server with a team of attorneys to beat back any government probes.

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