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Originally posted by bodrul
Has anyone noticed the only people that are having a problem with this arent the UK members but members from the US,
Originally posted by apc
I'm all for everybody who doesn't require gas-guzzling ginormous vehicles choosing something more environmentally friendly. I chose to myself. I went from a big offroad SUV that got 15MPG to a sedan that gets 30. Once the battery technology and disposal process is improved, I fully intend to choose a hybrid. Choice however is the operative condition in all this. The quality of a society that voluntarily chooses the best course of action is immeasurably superior to that of one denied such a right.
Instead of London providing incentives to encourage helpful choices, they are providing gainful punishment for those that fail to do so. As with any other wealth-redistribution scheme it is in their best interest for these actions to remain legal, yet they simultaneously condemn it.
Hypocrisy is something government is good at. These people have it down to a science.
Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
The difference between rewarding people who make good choices or charging people extra money who make bad choices is just a matter of semantics. If we offered a rebate or tax break to people who bought fuel efficient car, the net effect would be that people who bought fuel efficient cars would have a lower tax rate. If we made people who bought gas guzzlers pay a fee or extra tax, the net effect would be people who bought fuel efficient cars would have a lower tax rate.
Originally posted by TheAvenger
I'd like to catch someone putting a sticker on my vehicle. I'd teach them to dance to ".45 music." Meanwhile, the hero of hypocrites continues his rape of the world.
Originally posted by West Coast
Originally posted by pavlovsdog
I can do things with it that a smaller car with less HP cannot do. And besides, the whole climate change is a fiasco that is taking the brits by storm. Yes, there is climate change...but, its a natural cycle. Its happened in the past, and its happening now. Co2 emissions are not the cause of it. The ocean is the number #1 source of Co2 emissions, yet I dont see anybody boycotting the ocean, or "taxing" the ocean..
Well presented and completely true
You people from across the pond are being taken for a ride... Its all a ploy to make more money off you through fear mongering tactics.
You hit the nail right on the head!
Taxation in 'rip off' Britain is gathering momentum courtesy of a government obsessed with increasing tax on anything and everything that will generate more revenue (presumably to fund the financial stresses that immigration has created) and the increased Congestion charge increase for SUV owners is yet another knee in the b***s.
The eco penalty is another addition to bleed more revenue from motorists at a time when automotive fuel prices increase weekly.
Greed is the motivation & seemingly the government want more than their pound of flesh.
Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
The particular plan that is put in place in London may have its flaws, one of which may be classifying certain cars as "large" that are not "large" and perhaps classifying certain cars as "small" that are not "small" or perhaps larger than some of the "large" cars. The principal of having people who drive large cars pay for the externalities of driving large cars is sound.
You are right that few, if any, portions of the US would adopt a policy of having truck and SUV owners pay for the externalities of driving large cars. While some people in the US are thankful that nobody is going to take away their Ford F150 that they sometimes use to tow their toys, others may be lamentful of the fact the US is killing itself with its appetite for oil.
In case you did not notice, terrorists funded by oil money launched an attack on the US on 9-11. If US cut their consumption of oil, they would decrease the money supply to the terrorists.
In case you did not notice, there is a mess in Iraq right now. The large US appetite for oil complicates the mess because
i) the desire to control oil rich regions of Iraq spurs conflict between various factions
ii) the US desire to keep the oil supply stable does not enable it to get itself out of the conflict.
In case you did not notice, the scientific community has at the very least good reason to believe fossil fuel consumption is causing or will cause environmental problems. If Americans took simple measures like cutting back on the size of their cars, they could help solve the problem.
Originally posted by dnodnodno
So whose next, what do you drive - and is it better than mine
Originally posted by SpectTater
Freedom is driving what you want when you want to.
If they can afford the gas and their vehicles pass current smog emmision laws there is no reason why law abiding citizens should be fined for driving them.
If you want to save the Earth by driving some econobox by all means go ahead. I won't put a stupid bumper sticker on your car.
Originally posted by whistleryank3
It's also a bunch of # that people accept "I'm changing the climate" bull as fact when it is only speculation and theory
Originally posted by biggie smalls
The whole global warming discussion is irrelevant. You are harming the environment and in turn yourself.