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Anti-gravity and the search for Dr. Ning-Li

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posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 08:03 PM
In December of 2000 Dr. Robert Baker filed the following patent:

Gravitational Wave Generator Utilizing Submicroscopic Energizable Elements

And the abstract:

A gravitational wave generating device comprising an energizing means which act upon energizable elements such as molecules, atoms, nuclei or nuclear particles in order to create nuclear reactions or collisions, the products of which can move in a single preferred direction with an attendant impulse (jerk or harmonic oscillation) of an ensemble of target nuclei or other energizable elements over a very brief time period. The target nuclei or energizable elements acting in concert generate a gravitational wave. A preferred embodiment involves the use of a pulsed particle beam moving at the local gravitational wave speed in a target mass, which is comprised of target nuclei, to trigger a nuclear reaction and build up a coherent gravitational wave as the particles of the beam move through the target mass and impact target nuclei over very short time spans. An information-processing device connected to a computer, controls the particle beam's high-frequency, (GHz to THz) pulse rate and the number of particles in each bunch comprising the pulse in order to produce modulated gravitational waves that can carry information. A gravitational wave generation device that exhibits directivity. A gravitational wave detection device that exhibits directivity and can be tuned. The utilization of a medium in which the gravitational wave speed is reduced in order to effect refraction of the gravitational wave.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a "submicroscopic energizable element" refers to a nanoscale superconductive array, or something to that effect. This would match the research approach of Dr. Li, Podkletnov, and others who are working on an even bigger breakthrough currently.

In discussing this matter with a friend of mine (not associated with ATS in any sort of way), he recommended that I might reach out to Dr. Baker (to see if hey may know something about the possible cooperations of Dr. Li with the Chinese gravitational effort). I have, and will report back anything that he may see fit to reply with. I don't hold my breath, to be honest. The email i have sent is below:

Dr. Baker -

I have been researching quite a bit about the recent history of gravitational wave propagation, primarily as it relates to materials science.

I came across a patent you filed in 2000 (6784591) relating to the study of HGFW's, and it led me to a document on your website (

My understanding (gained via a few separate encounters) is that Dr. Li has moved off to China to work on her gravitational theories and concepts.

Along the way i have had a friend refer me to you, stating that perhaps you could shed some light on where she has gone.

I apologize for what appears to be a completely random email. Any information you might have would be helpful (if there is any, as i have not found anything as yet linking yours and her work).

As well, i would like to add that I have spent the greater part of the last week going over your work with HGFW's and am awestruck. It is some amazing work you have devoted your life to.


posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 02:35 PM
OK, i emailed Dr. Baker, as i indicated above. I recieved 2 replies. See below:

Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 22:46:48 -0800
Dear Mike: I really appreciate your interest in High-Frequency Gravitational waves. I have not heard from Dr. Ning Li for several years. In Huntsville several years back her husband prepared what my wife and I consider the best Chinese meal we have ever had. At the time I was evaluating her work on HFGWs/superconductors for the US Army. According to them she never presented them with a final report on the $500,000 contract that they paid her. I have no idea where she is or what she is doing. I am working with a Professor Fangyu Li from Chongqing University . You can find information on our activity at Regards, Robert Baker

Then, i received this one:

Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2008 07:04:29 -0800
Thanks Mike for your interest. I have lost track of Ning Li since refereeing her never completed Army contract. You probably have found the site. If not, then take a look. Robert Baker

I replied to him, stating thank you (and that is about all).

I am confused. The email address used is not the one i sent the email to. As well, why would i recieve 2 replies?

So, i am left with the US Army, who is not well known for being forthcoming. Does anyone have any ideas? How could i contact the US Army to determine any further info, or should i even bother?

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:34 PM
The first thought that comes to mind is a personal and work email address with maybe a forwarding service from the personal to the work one so possibly some duplication and a little forgetfullness, who knows.

I can see there are a lot of blind alleys and if someone does not particularly want to be found then unless you are in the FBI, CIA or maybe even in the private investigation business than you do not have much of a chance.

Personally I think it would be interesting to see the kind of response the army would give at least it would give a template standard for any future decisions on contacting them for anyone else.

Well done on your efforts so far

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 04:42 PM
Well...i am unsure how to go about contacting the Army about this. I may reach out to Zorgon (he doesn't seem to have wandered by here, anyway). He may have some ideas.

In the meantime, i sent an email to Dr. Ron Koczor. He was Li's "boss" when she worked at Marshall.

I also am curious what Dr. Baker meant by "refereed".

When i hear back from Koczor (if i do, it was a NASA email addy, after all), i will report back to the forum.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:45 AM
Settin' foot in here for future reference.

They gots mah eyes! (posts button)

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 04:13 PM
I have spent some time talking about Dr. Baker. While i wait to address the email to Dr. Koczor, i thought i might expand on the work of Dr. Baker.

High-Frequency Gravitational Waves

If we can generate ripples in Einstein's fabric of space-time, then many applications become available to us. Some examples include:

1. Multi-channel communications (both point to point and point to multipoint through all material things – the ultimate wireless system). One could communicate directly through the Earth from New York to Beijing, China without the need for fiber optic cables, microwave relays, or satellite transponders – antennas, cables, and phone lines would be things of the past!

2. A remote means for causing perturbations to the motion of objects such as missiles (anything from bullets to ICBMs), spacecraft, rogue comets or minor planets, land or water vehicles or craft – a totally new propulsion system!

3. Remote coalescing of clouds of hazardous vapors, radioactive dust, etc. by changing the gravitational field in their vicinity.

4. The potential for through-earth or through-water “X-rays” in order to observe subterranean structures, geological formations (such as oil deposits), create a transparent ocean, view three-dimensional building interiors, buried devices, etc.; and

5. The potential for remotely disrupting the gravitational field in a specific region of space and even producing nuclear reactions there!"
- Dr. Robert Baker

There are further pieces of information related to this article (which basically summarizes his work during calendar year 2006):

I am sure just about anyone would agree that netting even one of the above capabilities would make the research worthwhile. There are things that he has not discussed that could likely be far more worthwhile.

Consider the implications of being able to transmit data at lightspeed, without wires? The only thing that would be superior would be the proposed "Entangled Photon" approach to ultra secure communications.

Since 2006, Dr. Baker's worked has pushed forward with all impetus, as this 2007 video (announcing a new HFGW detector) shows:

Google Video Link

His research (as part of Gravwave, LLC) is closely tied to the current Chinese efforts. Keep in mind, he is associated with Lockheed Martin (listing Buzz Aldrin as a business partner on his website, as well as a professor, running the preeminent HGFW research department in American (and possibly world) academia at UCal - Berkely.

The below video is a 16 minute presentation (I believe you can find the .ppt in an .mht format on his website) discussing the China endeavor. He shows a lab in China, stating "the amount of money that they are willing to spend on this research is staggering".

Google Video Link

There is an extensive bio on him here:

But some highlights include:

...While on a two-year tour of active duty in the Air Force he worked on a variety of classified aerospace projects...

...was appointed to the Academic Review Committee on Gravitational Research with the U. S. Army from 2001 to 2003...

...Advisory Professor Chongqing University, China 2004...

...Dr. Baker has been Project Manager on three prototype development, fabrication, and test projects under contract to the U. S. Navy and Principal Investigator on several NASA and USAF projects while Director of Lockheed’s Astrodynamic Research Center

This is certainly a lead that I will be watching. I can't be the only one who finds it interesting that we are allowing this man to work so closely with China. If you look on his website there are pictures of him laughing during a meal on a boat in China. You can see the local peasants paddling by.

And this guy worked on classified projects? Did we forget about the Chinese at Los Alamos?

[edit on 11-2-2008 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:44 PM
Self deleted

no value added to current topic

[edit on 12-2-2008 by masawa]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
In December of 2000 Dr. Robert Baker filed the following patent:

Gravitational Wave Generator Utilizing Submicroscopic Energizable Elements

And the abstract:

A gravitational wave generating device comprising an energizing means which act upon energizable elements such as molecules, atoms, nuclei or nuclear particles in order to create nuclear reactions or collisions, the products of which can move in a single preferred direction with an attendant impulse (jerk or harmonic oscillation) of an ensemble of target nuclei or other energizable elements over a very brief time period. The target nuclei or energizable elements acting in concert generate a gravitational wave. A preferred embodiment involves the use of a pulsed particle beam moving at the local gravitational wave speed in a target mass, which is comprised of target nuclei, to trigger a nuclear reaction and build up a coherent gravitational wave as the particles of the beam move through the target mass and impact target nuclei over very short time spans.

Greetings BFFT,

I looked through the patent and the diagrams enclosed with it. The contents of this document seems to be at odds with physics it's trying to describe. The nuclei in a crystalline lattice are already oscillating due to their thermal movements, and in fact they can oscillate coherently (in the same direction) if you subject the crystal to a plane sound wave. I don't beileve that is capable of producing any kind of noticeable gravitational wave effect.

Coherent interaction of the particle beam as a whole with multiple nuclei in crystal (vie nuclear reactions, as the patent states) is impossible due to great many reasons, including but not limited to, the cross-section, the statistical nature of the collision, and typical results of such collision whereby the nucleus is destroyed alltogether.

[edit on 12-2-2008 by buddhasystem]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 07:23 PM
Buddha, you should really research a little more deeply. Not because i want to argue with you, but from what you say you gave this no more than a cursory glance.

First, how are you with materials science? Specifically, superconductors?

Second, are you familiar with HFGW's? If so, to what extent?

Third, have you actually reviewed his research (or his research partners)?

I mean, he is extremely well known, extremely influential, and extremely respected. I cannot imagine another scientist in America with much more credibility than this guy.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:24 PM
Buzz Aldrin takes an interest in HFGW too.

I wonder how BS plans to debunk with clout like that.

Besides, he cannot even admit soft radiation particles can bounce on a surface in an airless environment like the Moon.

I bet if we showed him the experimental results for neutron bounce he would argue that too, just because it is a cornerstone for Dr. Poher's work.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:22 PM
BFFT, I saw you quoted a mutual colleague of ours, but I can't find it just yet. In an email I received from the same party, he states in this heavily edited paragraph:

There is little doubt in my mind Dr. Ling Ni stumbled upon Born's
application of amplitude probability as it applies to the ionic gravito-electro or
as some call it electrogravity. ...The presence of our relativistic phase differentiates the classical from the quantum. Both Drs. Poher & Ni are attempting the same thing. The point about the precession of electron spin is it reminds me of the commutator of Heisenberg whereby the discrete variables are those that go or fly off he real axis in an imaginary direction. As you know both imaginary numbers, histories & directions are very much a part of the reality of the quantum-world.

Remember, we wouldn't have an applied understanding of AC without imaginary numbers, so I am in agreement with his statement. If I can find more time I could expand on the Poherian model, which I believe is key to all this.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:34 PM
Yes, Buzz Aldrin most certainly has some level of agreement with the postulates pushed forth by Dr. Baker. He serves on the board of Gravwave, LLC:

Buzz Aldrin, Senior Science Advisor

Scroll down about 2/3's, you will see him.

BTW...while i was researching some stuff on Leonid Grishchuk I found the following:

2003 Gravitational Wave Conference

What is interesting is its the first mention of Ning Li post 2002 (where i found the reference in the budget information from 2004, referencing AC Gravity, LLC, the company Li founded). She was listed here as "Honorary Co-Chairwoman" (on page 3).

While you are perusing this 36 page treat, take note of the scientists represened at this conference. It is a virtual who's who of gravity physics and materials science (sans a few that choose to be more low key).

As well, take note of who is in the "keynote" position with his information. The very same Dr. Baker of whom we are currently defending the honor of.

Finally, take a few moments to peruse the subjects (abstracts) issued forth in this publication. This rabbit hole just got deeper, and this rabbit looks like Giorgio Fontana.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Matyas
BFFT, I saw you quoted a mutual colleague of ours, but I can't find it just yet. In an email I received from the same party, he states in this heavily edited paragraph:

There is little doubt in my mind Dr. Ling Ni stumbled upon Born's
application of amplitude probability as it applies to the ionic gravito-electro or
as some call it electrogravity. ...The presence of our relativistic phase differentiates the classical from the quantum. Both Drs. Poher & Ni are attempting the same thing. The point about the precession of electron spin is it reminds me of the commutator of Heisenberg whereby the discrete variables are those that go or fly off he real axis in an imaginary direction. As you know both imaginary numbers, histories & directions are very much a part of the reality of the quantum-world.

Remember, we wouldn't have an applied understanding of AC without imaginary numbers, so I am in agreement with his statement. If I can find more time I could expand on the Poherian model, which I believe is key to all this.

Man, I have been HOPING you would share some of that here. It blows my mind everytime I see it. I spent some time perusing the links you provided but got distracted by Dr. Li and Dr. Podkletnov. The latter, i believe, lacked access to the same level of materials science available to the former. As well, I think Poher is continuing along the same lines of thought (thus, why I would love to hear an update on Poher's work).

It is good to hear such, as it supports my thoughts to a very large degree. It is also good to hear that our friend is discussing it along the same lines as well.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 12:48 AM
wow..great work BFFT and fellas... a lot of information to sift through indeed. interesting Buddha has not chimed in more
considering he was a professor (if i remember correctly) and all. Maybe their is a LOT of validity to all this stuff after all...sure seems to be anyway.

how cool would it be if something of this nature could be utilized for the greater good of the public!?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:05 AM
A few days ago I mentioned here that I had sent Dr. Ron Koczor an email regarding the whereabouts of Dr. Li.

To: Koczor, Ronald J. (MSFC-VP61)
Subject: Ning Li

Dr. Koczor-

I am researching some materials surrounding HFGW's (and the materials science behind it), and have come upon some rather dated articles on Dr. Ning Li and some apparently outstanding discoveries she has made.

But I have found that the trail has run cold. From my current research, it would appear that you were tied closely with her research. Is there any light that you could shed on her location? I would like to ask her a few follow up questions relating to the information currently available, if possible, and see what the status of the research is currently.

I would like to point out that i am not a journalist, or anything close. I am an independant researcher.


His response:


Thanks for the note. But I'm afraid I can't help you much. I haven't seen Ning Li for almost 8 years. When she left UAH, she went to the Baltimore area for some medical reason ( I don't know what they were). Someone told me she came back to Huntsville a few years later, but we never had any contact since we ended our work together in the mid-90s.

I'm afraid that's the best I can do for you.


Dr. Koczor was her boss. He is the "guru" of gravity research for NASA's Marshall Space Science Center.

If you recall, Dr. Robert Baker basically claimed that she had stiffed the government for a $500k contract that he helped sponsor her for.

Now, Dr. Koczor states that she went to Baltimore for "some medical reason". I am unsure if he meant for her own (or family) issue, or if she was beginning to work in some medical research position.

I am getting a little distracted with other avenues, so staying focused on this is difficult. But I still plan to reach out to Noevers and see what he knows (if i can find him....that seems to be something questionable as well)

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 05:10 PM
I have hesitated to post this information just due to the facts that is is kinda going to be thought of as "woo" by some. But moreso because it would be noteworthy as a thread of its own (which i may well do, if someone else doesn't want to do it first).

Having said that, remote viewing is a well documented endeavor (I even have some "lessons" saved from a Pegasus contributor). There is no reason to question the validity of its' existence. What we can question is the validity of these papers.

IF anyone is better at confirming them, please let me know:

Please visit the site, as there is much, much more.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:04 PM
I recieved some help from a friend in my search for Dr. Li:

Ning Li Search Results

So, maybe the above link is not very helpful and just full of jibberish. But i did search out the address provided (5005 Holmes Ave NW) and go tthis:

White Pages Arial View

It is very near the University, and just next door to some large building.

Anyone from the Huntsvile, AL area around here?

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:28 PM
This has nothing to do with Ning Li, and barely anything to do with anti-grav....except that it disucsses a new way to cause levitation (by reversing the Casimir effect)

Levitating Nanomachines

Perfect lenses are nothing like conventional glass lenses. Instead, they are made of metal carved into a repetitive lattice-like structure. Glass lenses such as the ones used in cameras can't resolve details of an object that are smaller than the wavelength of the light bouncing off them. Perfect lenses do not have that limitation. And they bend--or refract--light in a direction opposite to that in which ordinary materials like water and glass bend it. Researchers predict that perfect lenses could lead to higher-density DVDs, ultrahigh-resolution microscopes that can image nanoscale objects, and faster fiber-optic communications.

The technology to make such optical lenses is only a few years old. But Philbin says it's already good enough to produce lenses that can convert the Casimir attraction between objects into repulsion. Leonhardt and Philbin's calculations show that such lenses should also be sufficient to levitate an aluminum foil 500 nanometers thick. "In theory, if you could build the right kind of lens, you could levitate heavier objects," Philbin says.

Yes, levitation means little without a terrestrial environment. However, when considering the increase of friction due to weight (and the inefficiencies that lie therein), one would figure that it could possibly be relevant.

As well, an anit-casimir force field would be VERY useful in LEO.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Excellent work!

I have put Ron on the trail of Dr. Poher, I hope he is more fortunate than I. Imagine a round table: Drs. Ning-Li, Poher, and Smid Discuss the Future of Energy and Space Travel...we oughta talk to undo about that possibility. I have a friend in Jeane Manning, perhaps she could help too.

Our unnamed mutual email colleague has given a thumbs up to Dr. Smid's work! Furthermore along those lines but in a very different context, Chris,
the one who is developing tabletop hot fusion, also is in accord with Dr. Smid, but "found the reading very difficult" one of his own countrymen!

What impresses me about Chris is the part of his mind that does work is one of the most brilliant bulbs I have come across in years! I just hope it is not the flareup before the dying of the light....I would throw Chris in too for the roundtable.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Very interesting development, IMO. I posted this on another thread while discussing an idea I have of it's potential role in the unexplained attraction of DNA molecules.

I believe that the creation of a perfect lense that could convert the Casimir effect to a repulsive phenomenon could have quite a lot to do with anti-gravity. It is a possiblity that the force behind the Casimir effect is very related to gravity and mass, potentially much more related than current mainstream physics would indicate.

Here are some other thoughts and pointers I have on anti-grav technologies (I really recommend checking out the Woodward effect):

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