posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 04:37 PM
Interesting article about the recent Larry king show. It talks about how the skeptic and Mr King appear to be using the recent UFO sightings as a
means to convince people that these are conventional craft. Its a way to continue the coverup of alien life.
Still I have to wonder how they will keep the public from screaming over suppressing technology that can end our dependance on oil. The skeptic on the
show did state that we should accept suppression of technology to prevent our enemies from having it
A portion of the above link...
"Excluding the extraterrestrial hypothesis and focusing exclusively on the UFO sightings themselves may ultimately serve to perpetuate non-disclosure
of extraterrestrial life for several more years. I can easily see how the TR-3B can one day be unveiled to the world media, and U.S. Government
authorities claim that it has been around for decades, was highly classified, and was what people were mistaking for UFOs for decades. The Air Force
or CIA could claim that they actually cultivated the UFO issue to hide the truth of these very classified projects. Hence, it would be claimed that
the UFO problem has been solved, and the idea of extraterrestrial life is still just the conjecture of conspiracy theorists. James Fox and Leslie Kean
current strategy may be opening the door to such a scenario. In short, it's a very dangerous strategy to exclude discussion of the extraterrestrial
hypothesis given the likelihood that classified antigravity vehicles have been developed and will be eventually unveiled to the public and used to
explain away decades of UFO reports. Then skeptics like Michael Shermer will claim that they were correct all along and that 'unidentifieds' were
highly classified government aircraft not disclosed to the public for several decades. "
"We might need to accept that we are probably in the midst of a well developed disclosure plan with a clear sequence of orchestrated events, and that
the Larry King Live show is part of the process. The plan likely will take advantage of the recent Stephenville UFO sightings and other UFO sightings
so as to promote a disclosure scenario where UFOs are explained away as highly advanced classified antigravity technology. Indeed, we might consider
such a scenario as inevitable, coming before a more genuine disclosure of extraterrestrial life, since it will do much to allay public concerns over
extraterrestrial motivations and technology."
"After all, the government can say that we have our own fleet of advanced antigravity craft that can replicate the performance of UFOs, so no cause
for concern if extraterrestrial life is found to exist. I believe it inevitable that genuine disclosure will be preceded by a limited disclosure based
on the idea that UFOs are classified antigravity projects. The secret planners may want to sow this idea into the mass consciousness for a few years
or more before going ahead with genuine disclosure of extraterrestrial life. So eliminating the extraterrestrial hypothesis while discussing
unexplained sightings plays into the hands of the shadow government planners. "