posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:35 PM
It's great hearing everyone speak out about such disgusting behaviour. (Excitedly) I must tell you guys that this Valentine's Day, I will have gone
an entire year without eating any chickens, cows or pigs and I couldn't feel any better! I sleep wonderfully, have more energy and an over all sense
of well's great. There's 3 reasons I've chosen not to eat our little buddies:
1. There's simply no justification in how we kill such mass quantities of animals to fill our fat bellies. Slaughterhouses treat ALL animals poorly
(chickens being the worst). Sure, death is never pretty, but treating animals like a product and not a living entity that has the same fear, joy and
love you and I have, isn't right.
2. My health. Read the book "Slaughterhouse" by Gail Eisnitz. Workers that actually do all the killing are seldom given any breaks. They
urinate/defecate in the same place they kill such animals!! Plus the animal's blood/waste is all over the factory floors as well. I wonder why they
tell us eating uncooked meat is unhealthy? I haven't caught a cold or flu this year which I credit to being vegetarian but I could be wrong. I feel
much better after eating a vegetarian dish...having meat sitting in your stomach just doesn't sound appealing anymore.
3. The men and women who work in slaughterhouses. They're treated very poorly. Videos like this are disgusting to watch, but both the animal and the
worker are victims in this case. Workers are paid very little to kill minute by minute, hour by hour. They're no longer attached to emotions or their
feelings...they CAN'T be having to do what they do. Blood and death are their 9-5. One man is known to have gone to a mental institution because he
would dream night after night that chickens were coming to kill him. Please read Virgil Butler's blog: It's
very sad that we put so much stress on workers and the animals. It's not uncommon for workers in the meat industry to be alchoholics and
wife/child/family abusers.
If you have the heart, and the stomach, please watch the documentary "Earthlings":
It's incredibly disturbing but also very well made. It's pretty much that CNN footage but it shows how not only slaughterhouse animals are treated
but also your local vet and the fur trade (as a warning, during the "fur trade" scenes they show a skinned fox that is still alive that literally
kept me from sleeping for weeks). It's gruesome but it's also a side that needs to be seen.
Last but not least, if you'd like to learn about being vegetarian, check out the podcast "Vegetarian Food for Thought". Great advice and well made.
Thank you for reading and I'm sorry for ranting. This is a topic I'm very passionate about.