posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 09:52 AM
People have made some very good points about why AJ is still alive, and most of them are legitimate.
I don't know what is in store for humanity. I don't know what % of the truth comes out of AJ's mouth. But I do know a change is going to occur.
And I know this not because of any external evidence, something i read, heard, or saw on youtube.
I can just feel it.
Maybe the people who control our world are doing what they believe they have to do for humanity to survive. Can our earth continue to exist on the
path its heading now? Look what has changed in the last 100 years. It is not even remotely conceivable.
But there is no reason to fight them, or anyone.
Philosophic ideals are cute to talk about but no one takes them seriously. Maybe its time we became prepared to come full circle:
External reality is a function of perception. Our minds our powerful enough to convince us that all this is real.
Let everything go. Accept personal transcendence or perish in the new world of materialism.
Im not saying don't go to work. Im not saying burn your possessions and move into the wilderness. I am only asking that when the time comes, listen
to your intuition.
All of this madness does only one thing... it detaches you from your self and your inner mind.
We are all one mind. One = infinity.
I know this seems complicated, fantastic, or whimsical, but it couldn't be any more simple. In the words of an enlightened teacher:
Its just a ride.
- from someone who loves you