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CNN Debate

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posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 08:40 PM
While i am a supporter of Ron Paul , IMO Huckabee and him got the raw end of the deal tonight.They were the only two that seemed to want to talk about issues.Am I the only one that also noticed how they kept skipping Ron Paul and cutting him off ?.This political system is bought and paid for.

[edit on 30-1-2008 by rootlevelaccess]

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Our political system is broken and is manipulated by the two main elite parties.

The next candidates as per corporate wishes in our nation will be Hillary and McCain.

I guess this year I will skip election if this happen.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 08:49 PM
Romney needs to shut-up. He never says a single thing of substance and is given the freedom to simply babble inconsistently about the question being asked for minutes on end.

Watching Romney talk is like watching a badly-acted emotionless humanoid on an existential mission to become more human-like.


posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 08:52 PM
Wow.... I cant believe what I just saw. It was the Romney-Mccain debate, Huckabee and Paul were totally left out and cut off. Ron Paul is asked a question and then he says "yes" and is cut off and then Mccain is allowed 30 seconds? Wth? Our political system is manipulated by MSM and is totally unfair!

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 10:39 PM

This debate was a shame.

Ron yet again was silenced. Huckabee, as well, but not so rudely. This was a Romney-McCain debate. And that is like trying to decide between Margarine and I can't Believe it's not Butter. Just chemical induced mockery that's not the real thing. Left me angry if anything.

Ha, and they claim to be Republicans (talking about the other 3), ignorant to the original thinking.

It pissed me off, every time they cut off Dr. Paul, or told him to answer, " Yes or no." Jesus, what kind of moderator allows such a debate. Oh that's right, a moderator who doesn't moderator, but sets up a predetermined handicap. How do you come away from a debate strong, when you automatically silenced.

What is that????

Media corruption. You would think there were safeguards set up for such a thing. Yet they are no better then a corrupt fascist state. Elitist Controlled Media. Tell me it doesn't reek of corruption. FCC should handle such corruption, thats if the system worked.

And to those who watch this, and say wow, that was fair and balanced? Are you so sure? Do you lack the intelligence to grasp the concept? It's just another sad day for our nation, when citizens watch and can't not see the bias. Do you just shut the brain off while watching until you see Romney's smile or McCain's squint/ smirk.

BTW my comment on CNN's site (debate commentary) was censored by CNN.

Oh yeah, and Dr. Paul needs to grow some Balls and stop being so passive, when he's railroaded. Stand up for our nation bud, don't just sit there in defeat when they skip you over and over again.

[edit on 30-1-2008 by squidboy]

[edit on 30-1-2008 by squidboy]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
I guess this year I will skip election if this happen.

No Marg, don't do that
there's always a line down there for a candidate write-in
Mine is gonna say Ron Paul

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 01:18 AM
well I know for sure Ron Paul did a post debate interview
with CNN for almost 7 minutes with no interuptions.

CNN Ron Paul Post Debate Interviw

even with this 7 minutes added he still didn't get
equal time as the others

oops, the link is embedded by java script from that page
you have to scroll down and click the video link to see
it as it won't let me post the original url
sorry for the inconvenience

[edit on 31-1-2008 by SimonSays]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 03:31 AM
Paul and Huckabee both have my respect for not standing up and walking out of that sham of a "debate".

I'm thinking that this mistreatment of the two, was to illicit a "Howard Dean" moment. I really think they are looking for Paul or Huckabee to lose it on stage.
Something they can then play OVER and OVER ad nauseum.
They won't get it from Paul.

He remained a gentleman while the school kids had their playground scuffle.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by spacedoubt

Paul and Huckabee both have my respect for not standing up and walking out of that sham of a "debate".

I'm thinking that this mistreatment of the two, was to illicit a "Howard Dean" moment. I really think they are looking for Paul or Huckabee to lose it on stage.
Something they can then play OVER and OVER ad nauseum.
They won't get it from Paul.

He remained a gentleman while the school kids had their playground scuffle.

I agree, however there are ways to stand up to being silenced other then having a Dean moment. He needs to grow back bone. If your in a debate, and the debate turns out to just represent two of the four men, stand up and say something.

A corrupt media is running the show. It's time for David vs. Goliath.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 02:21 PM
If it makes you feel better, we can see that a lot of people are turning on McCain and Romney in today's news cycle.

CNN moderators were obviously trying to pit McCain and Romney against each other. I'm disappointed that those two fell for that.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Justin Oldham
CNN moderators were obviously trying to pit McCain and Romney against each other. I'm disappointed that those two fell for that.

I think this is a true statement .... they wanted the boxing gloves
to come out so they could have a front runner. The sad problem
was that Huck and Paul were only window dressing for the show.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 07:40 PM
It's pretty bad when the Moderator has more speaking time then a Candidate (Paul). Again, the CNN Moderator spoke more then Paul. (this is fact, and the most shocking stat of CNN's debate).

If it makes you feel better, we can see that a lot of people are turning on McCain and Romney in today's news cycle.

Does it surprise you? If I have to hear one more time about their former jobs/lives and qualifications on why they are the man for the job, and not their plans of action I am going to shoot myself. We get it, Romney your a former Gov who liked the Big dig and corporations, McCain your a military man who understands war and guns and stuff, we get it, now what??? Oh that's right, tell us again, about how your qualified, your merit badges, how your past defines your future as president. Right, give us clear concrete examples.

When they keep rehashing the same answers and spin tactics, then people just get bored.
When there's four people there, and they only focus on two, whose answers are akin to broken records, it gets boring.

[edit on 31-1-2008 by squidboy]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by SimonSays
well I know for sure Ron Paul did a post debate interview
with CNN for almost 7 minutes with no interuptions.

CNN Ron Paul Post Debate Interviw

even with this 7 minutes added he still didn't get
equal time as the others

oops, the link is embedded by java script from that page
you have to scroll down and click the video link to see
it as it won't let me post the original url
sorry for the inconvenience

[edit on 31-1-2008 by SimonSays]

Was this interview on TV?

Where's the ticker?

My guess, online interview.

Edit: She opens it up with, were online, and this is your chance for people to hear you. So never aired on TV. That's important to remember.

Wtf.. Someone should post this video on youtube, calling it CNN's Secret Ron Paul video.

[edit on 31-1-2008 by squidboy]

[edit on 31-1-2008 by squidboy]

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 01:13 PM
My impression from watching the debates:

McCain is a warmonger who would have us in Iraq for the next 100 years;

Romney has the persona of a used-car salesman, and seems even less honest that that. I just don't trust him at all.

Huckabee was like a small child screaming for attention, because the big boys wouldn't let him play;

Only Paul seemed to actually want to talk about the issues, when they let him open his mouth, that is.

Go Big Media!! We sure need you to keep telling us who to vote for because obviously we are to farcking stupid to decide for ourselves!

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 03:55 AM
I wish the government would have their own TV channel and let the candidates have time to speak about their issues and what they would do to fix the problems we have. And give them each a fair amount of time.

I sent an idea to Ron Pauls website to have him make a DVD about his issues and what he would do to fix our problems and send them to as many public news channels as they can, if they can do that not sure if there is any laws against that.

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