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Hey Scientists, why is space travel impossible?

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posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 04:23 PM
This may have been discussed before, if so, sorry...

I was watching a show concering ufos a couple weeks ago when i heard a scientist on the show claim "space travel is highly unlikely, the distance is to great, nothing can travel faster than light, the energy it would take to blah blah blah..." You know the same ol thing that we always hear from the "experts" on what it would take and how it is impossible.

Am I the only one out there who thinks they are full of it?? I think of it like this, please tell me if i am wrong;

If alien exist and are here, their intelligence compared to ours is like comparing our intelligence to that of an insect, lets say an ant.
Now with that being said, is it possible for an ant, left to its own devices with no help from anything else, to travel from Texas to Australia? Again, the ant cannot travel on anything man made, it has to find its own way.

I think it is basically impossible for that ant to accomplish this task given the distance, its lifespan and the types of enviorment it would have to cross.

Now, since it is impossible for an ant make that trip, is it impossible for us? Of course not!!! We have the means to travel there and much farther, it can be done without a question.

So back to my conclusion that an alien's intelligence would dwarf ours, how can scientists say that it is so impossible? Its impossible for us, just like the trip to Australia is impossible for the ant, but IT CAN BE DONE. Why is it that if a scientist cannot figure out a way to accomplish something, in their minds it just cannot be done??? It is very frustrating and I believe that this close mindedness is holding us back. We dont know everything and i wish they would realize this. There are other possibilites out there other than what we can create.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 04:30 PM
sorry man. they stopped producing De Lorean DMC-12 in 1982...

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by blvr5
If alien exist and are here, their intelligence compared to ours is like comparing our intelligence to that of an insect, lets say an ant.
Now with that being said, is it possible for an ant, left to its own devices with no help from anything else, to travel from Texas to Australia? Again, the ant cannot travel on anything man made, it has to find its own way.

The biggest problem with traveling long distances in space is not one of intelligence, but of the distance and the speed of light limit. It doesn't matter if you're an ant or Stephen Hawking. Accelerating something up to light speed takes a tremendous amount of energy, and even then it's going to take you years to get to even the closest stars around here. That means huge ships with massive engines and enough space to carry enough of your own world to survive basically forever.

If you want to assume that there's some tricky way around that problem that we're just not smart enough to have thought of yet, that's fine. But that's just conjecture. There may be no way around it. No warp drive or wormholes or any of that stuff.

It's not that long-distance space travel is impossible. We're doing it right now, riding on our planet through the galaxy, and at a pretty good clip, to boot. But where are the alien ships? That's what Enrico Fermi was getting at when he said that assuming a civilization in this galaxy got a few billion years head start on us, even at modest sub-light speeds, they would have found us by now. We would be aware of them.

So where are they? Maybe there ain't no such animal.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 04:36 PM
You quote him saying 'highly unlikely', yet you think he said 'impossible'?

Space travel is possible given you have the right resources. However, why do you assume that an alien race must be more intelligent than us? Maybe, all other planets that gave life to beings were destroyed before intelligent life forms could evolve, or maybe they are so intelligent that know that a trip to Earth would be pointless, or maybe Earth was the first planet to hold life after the big bang. Who knows

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 04:39 PM
In my, quite humble, opinion, there is a fundamental difference between the ant going to New Zealand from my backyard and us traveling faster than the speed of light.

Consider that you have billions of billions of billions of ants that you released in the States, and that these ants crawl in all directions. Sooner or later a few will get stuck to a bird's feathers and what not, or on a log or a raft floating in the ocean, and drift away to Oz. Sooner or later a few will be found in New Zealand.

The analogy here is to the process of observation that we employ. We collectively have observed an untold number of phenomena with various cross checks which point in the direction of speed of light as being a fundamental parameter in this Universe.

While it is indeed possible that the body of scientific knowledge is flawed, it's pretty useless to assume that. An example: we all know that dinosaurs are extinct. Consider that a few eggs survived in Antartctica in state of hybernation (was in the movies). Who knows, after all? This doesn't mean that you or I would bet $100 that one of us will see a live, natural born dinosaur in our lifetime. I wouldn't even bet a $1, personally.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 04:45 PM
Well since time is relative to where you are and how fast you're going, 500 years for us may be a few years or even hours to "aliens" living on a different system in a different galaxy.

Using that logic, then the UFO sightings that have spanned over the last 500 years could in their reality have been just a short time period for them ("aliens").

And currently scientists are coming up with more and more innovative theories of traveling at the speed of light, or with wormholes, and while we have yet to accomplish these theoretical phenomenon, that doesn't mean that someday these theories won't be obtained

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 04:53 PM
yep for star trek style space travel we need new laws of physics. Not looking likely right now.

Slower space travel is always an option even if it means using "generation ships" but you would need to be crazy or desperate to do it.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:09 PM
Because a man smarter than you or I will ever be discovered something called "Relativity."

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by yeti101
Slower space travel is always an option even if it means using "generation ships" but you would need to be crazy or desperate to do it.

I wouldn't like to be stuck my entire life in some huge tin can out in the middle of dangerous interplanetary space, just because a bunch of my ancestors decided to pay a visit to another planet a few thousand light years away. Also it would certainly suck knowing that the ship wouldn't even get to where it was going for another hundred generations, and that your primary purpose is really only to keep the species alive long enough to get there. At that point, I'd say why even bother? The ship would have to be self- sustaining. And I'm sure that after a few hundred years, there would be a lot of the great-great- grandchildren who would only know of life on the ship, and might not even be interested in actually visiting a planet.

That's why I don't think mankind will ever be much of a space-faring civilization. We're just not built for it. Our intelligent machines will probably take over that job, if they want to, which they might not. They can at least shut themselves off for long periods of time and "sleep" until they get where they're going. Not like us.

[edit on 30-1-2008 by Nohup]

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:21 PM
the answer is simple,you travel as light

if the information paradox of qauntum entanglement,
can be breached,hey presto you got instant teleportation,aka stargates.

theres no need for massive engines when you can shrink your being down to nanoscale and below.

since mass is an effect of interacting forces,mass can be nullified thus the problems asscosciated with accelerating towards the speed of light can be explacated.

you can also use the method of removing the propulsion systems from the craft and placing the required energy to propel the craft an antenna form, in which you just hitch a ride on the slip stream of energy,a natural example would be sailing on the jets of quasar.(thk matyas for that idea)

lastly there is no need to travel in a bodily form,its only really your consciosness thats needs to travel,if conscionsess can be encoded/digitised then it can be transfered via the qauntum entanglment method(if the information paradox is nulified) and thus you can instantly be anywhere you want in the universe if theres a body waiting for you at the destionation point.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by beastamerica
sorry man. they stopped producing De Lorean DMC-12 in 1982...


Actually, there's a company in Texas that's is building New DMC-12's from previously stored spare parts.

"Flux Capacitors" not included.

Who knew there would be so many wannabe "Temporal Machanics" out there!

And more on topic;

As previously stated the problem is not one of intelligence, but of distance...and the physics that would be required to deal with that distance.

To use your analogy, If an Ant were 6 FT tall, roughly the size of a human being, then there is no reason to believe that an ant couldn't walk the distance.

But don't loose too much faith just yet...

Ants have been around a lot longer than humans and we humans are still learning alot about ants.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Nohup

That's what Enrico Fermi was getting at when ... they would have found us by now.


We would be aware of them.

And here i see the problem .... would we?

Does, that they had found us already automatical lead to that we knew about them being here? Only if they say hello we are here!

There are a number of hints that extratherestrial visited earth in the past
and a number of photos, reports and videos in todays time and of course all this questionable...
But can we conclude from we (the general public) simple don't really know if or if not they were here that they sure weren't here and therefore according to fermis thought not exist!? No.

And back to the topic:
I just see that there are 2 threads the same topic. IMO, I think we will find a different way once no one can think of now simple because we don't have the basic knowledge for an alternative probabily outside our known physical space and matter 'traveling' method. And I bet that's how extratherestrials travel if they exist and not the classic way. Sure that is and sounds impossible for todays sience but do we really know all there is already? And if we don't know everything already now can we exclude it is ever possible? No.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Nohup

again, this argument against space travel revolves around the speed of light.

Lets say that teleportation is possible, what is the speed of teleportation?

My point is that yes, from what we know, light is OUR measuring stick. Thats not saying that there is nothing out there that can travel faster than light, only that light is the fastest thing WE can measure. We may not have detected an source of energy, matter, whatever that exceed the speed of light

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by daniel_g
However, why do you assume that an alien race must be more intelligent than us?

Well, because if they traveled across space and made it here, it would seem they are doing something we are incapable of, so...

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Nohup
But where are the alien ships? That's what Enrico Fermi was getting at when he said that assuming a civilization in this galaxy got a few billion years head start on us, even at modest sub-light speeds, they would have found us by now. We would be aware of them.

So where are they? Maybe there ain't no such animal.

From what i have seen and heard, THEY ARE HERE. Videos, radar confirmation, mass sightings, these are forms of proof.

Also, if they didnt want to be seen then it is very possible that they can conceal their existance.

Again, i go back to the ants. If I had an glass ant farm, covered all the ants in the farm with a black sheet and left it that way (keeping a food supply available) until the captured generation died and only their offspring remained, the off spring would never know of the human existance outside the glass and behind the curtain. Doesnt mean that we are not there, only that we have concealed our existance.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 10:14 AM
Hi everyone,

This is a bold statement but the scientists are wrong. Heres how aliens can time travel and it has nothing to do with engines or velocity because all those things in alien technology can be lest just say "avoided".

The universe works in a "binary code" of numbers its what creates non linear events to happen on earth and other places. Through various means the numbers which are part of mathematical physics can be moved or replace to reshuffle events. Earth has a certain frequency which alien craft can tap into kind of like a "number radar" if earths frequency is picked up on their system the shift in the binary signal is registered then "they know we are here" so to speak. When they first discovered earth I don't know.

There is a binary number for every event that ever happens. This includes gravity, speed. friction, inertial and many others. Aliens can tap into any event with a number tagged to it essentially the Matrix of the universe itself, and disable them at will. Laws of physics can be in-fact avoided since they are also based on numbers. The space time continuum also works on these binary laws. The key to time travel is energy and what type it is not necessarily huge amounts either. Also mastering tapping into any event with a identifiable "tagged" number on to rearranged and even bend time.

These scientist are thinking on a human level only it comes nowhere near alien technology its not even worth comparing. Some scientists think that the universe doesn't work on numbers well what the hell is a Universal Matrix and Harmonic Frequency and Alpha Brainwaves work on than, fairy dust? Frequencies are electric signals made up of numbers. The human body works on electrical impulses and yep all forms of electricity are essentially binary as everything else. The human race just hasn't figured out how to rearrange these binary signals to stop and bend time itself with causing major time shifts.

Im no alien but I am a contactee after being abducted. Im limited to the information i can give do to codes and rules i have to take notice of but this is just the tip of the needle. Its so complex Id need 100 posts just for starters.

And why do i get the feeling that i am the only contactee on this entire ATS site. Either that or i haven't found one yet.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 12:14 PM
Its all about Gravity. Understand gravity and the speed of light barrier will be broken. Einstien says you need mass for gravity but what if he was wrong. What if you could actually create gravity and manipulate it or even better focus it. Its not about traveling in a straight line on a road from point A to B, its about eliminating the road by taking route C. If we are ever to master space travel we must first fully understand the force of gravity and its relationship to space/time. The other 3 "universal forces" can be manipulated through frequency. I.E Radio waves and electromagnetic waves can be changed. If we can create our own artificial gravity wave then we'll have taken our first step towards deep space. Understaning Gravity is the key to FTL travel.

[edit on 31-1-2008 by credible_evidence]

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Hello gentleman, I'd like to put my two cents in if you don't mind here. I mean no disrespect for this topic but I must point out a few things. There are a lot of problems with us traveling anywhere in space anytime soon or in the future. Let me explain, us as humans are a race with lots of different fields of industry and living and technology to make our lives easier and comfortable. How are we ever going to get to space if we continue to spend in so many different places other than NASA? They need more money and dedication If we are going to get any place past the moon with a man or woman. Speaking of NASA though, I don't see why we can't combine our space organizations around the world?

Secondly, we do not have the resources on this planet to power a ship past light speed, or the metals to construct it, or the technological data, or the intellect to figure out how to build something like an alien craft. The core or the fuel source of a craft that could make trips around the galaxy with ease would have to be essentially a miniature sun. Energy would have to envelop the craft and artificial gravity would have to be installed. Why we see UFOs all the time suggests that a civilization somewhere in the stars has focused most of their mental energy on building spacecraft, has mastered the physical world, physical space, and has materials and energy sources that we will never acquire. If all this can be found then we are space travelers and we will never have to worry about mass extinction from disasters.

Finally, can we with our human bodies survive a trip like that across the stars in a craft of that sort. We are fit enough to travel in our regular rockets at a decent speed but what about light speed or beyond that? These aliens we hear about all the time, are they like us in form? Yes you could say they are humanoids, but not really. The heads are different with bigger skull structure with a larger brain inside, large black eyes to maybe adjust to polarization, skinny frame suggesting that they move well, no appearance so they don't have to take care of anything like us (hair,nails,skin,etc.), and long fingers probably good for reaching.

The point is if we got a craft able to travel across the stars in no time at all and we made it work, whats going to happen to the pilots as they travel? Maybe because of all the energy powering the craft which is beyond nuclear radiation will poison them without a massive layer of lead in every part of the ship which would weigh it down (unless it was made out of lightweight but strong and dense metals) it would move very slow. How are we going to protect ourselves from it? Also humans can only withstand so many g-forces that light speed would kill us very fast unless a inertia machine in the craft delivered the same amount of force back at us keeping us stable. There is one more problem out of many that we would have; how do you keep yourself strapped into such a fast moving craft? There is no way to keep still on such a thing as far as we know but we would die as soon as it picked up speed.

In conclusion, we are just simply too dumb, too unprepared, and too human to make a light speed trip in space.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 07:59 PM
we are aware of them, thousands of people see them every year and are not believed..

Originally posted by Nohup

Originally posted by blvr5
We would be aware of them.

So where are they? Maybe there ain't no such animal.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 08:24 PM
The point being, what? Can we strap ourselves in? We are on a planet, in a solar system, in a galaxy travelling at a combined (I don't know, but it's
) Last time I checked, I'm not strapped in the way I believe you mean. I am surrounded by and held by the gravity of the Earth. What my opinion is, is that as previously mentioned, manipulate gravity, and many light speed shackles wil become moot. In your own gravitational field, strong enough to counter that of the Earths, the movements displayed by witnessed UFO's becomes understandable. And possible.

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