posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 04:06 PM
Thanks for bringing this up LeapordSeal. The world of Ufology is, as many of you realize, littered with misconceptions and it's nice to know that
individuals, such as yourself, are willing to address the potential confusions and request clarification.
In regards to the Burisch comments....It is important for everyone to know that the Greys and Reptilians are uniquely separate species. PERIOD.
Saying that, it is also vital for us all to remember something we've all witnessed over the years. There are too many accounts of experiencer's
seeing human-alien (baby) hybrids to ignore the possibility that they, the reptilians, have also intermixed other species groups for reasons unknown
to most of us. Indeed, Reptilian+Grey hybrids appear to exist, just as it is now commonly believed that there are Reptilian+Human hybrids living
amongst surface humanity. If there is any misidentification as to what species group the encountered being belonged to, it's most likely due to
someone having contact with the biological result of their interspecies hybridization program.
When someone meets a being that has physical characteristics shared by both species groups, it's going to cloud the line of species delineation, but
to suggest that Reptilians "might be" simply misidentified Greys, is pushing the barrier of imagination. It also indicates the speaker's distrust
of thousands of experiencer's observations.
It seems as though the more lecturers in the field of ufology address the subject of reptilians, the more misinformation there is to wade through. (If
the project Camelot duo wanted to share more about reptilians, they could easily do so. I was interviewed on camera by them after I spoke at the 2006
Bay Area UFO Conference, but the interview has never been uploaded to their site for people to review - Perhaps ATS members might contact them and ask
why and could they see it).
Again, great question and I look forward to reading everyone's comments.