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Have you had a Time Gap Event

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posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:46 AM
Hi Everyone,

First note, I am new to ATS and am an abductee.

I am seeking some insight into other people who have experienced a Time Gap Event. A Time Gap Event isn't necessarily a loss of time but actually being "caught" in a momentary or prolonged pause of time itself. Here is what i experienced and by the way this only started happening after my abduction:-

I was working at a Nursing Home as a 3d architectural designer for a period of about 2 weeks. On a Friday at about 4.35 I was working away when i felt the weirdest feeling and then suddenly dead silence. There was no noise, people, fax machines, printers, copiers, talking, computers running. Every single ambient noise that would usually be heard in an office was instantly "put on pause" and completely inaudible.

Imagine a thousand people in a choir, half way through a song simultaneously stop singing.

This was a workplace with around 500 people working in it and for all the background sounds to just stop in an instant would be impossible under normal circumstances. I went down stairs and glanced into every office with no one there, downstairs the lights were off and the doors locked. Something compelled me to get out of there and i did so quickly.

I asked as many people as I could the next day, on the way in from work where everyone went and they had no clue what i was talking about. There was no way that 500 people could leave early for work, go down stairs, turn the lights off and lock up in half a second flat.

This also happened at my high school which numbered around 1000 students who "vanished" at approximately 12.06. Again no students, bikes, bags, no wind nothing just dead still and the same abrupt "paused silence" feeling. This has also happened at 2 colleges i attended, one just recently. Again no one was aware of the what happened or what i was talking about.

The last couple of Time Gaps I saw what could only be described as heavy footed, metal clad beings about 7 1/2 feet in height and i feel a huge connection with them.

I would appreciate any insights or suggestions and experiences of other people who have experienced similar events.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 02:30 PM
I have one or two good time rips a day...It tends to relax me.

But since you're talking about the other kind...I think there are many who have in fact experienced it without the use of herbology. I've had at least 5 hours escape from me entirely one day when I was about 8 years old or so. But I don't think it had anything to do with being taken, or invited by aliens. Believe me when I say this, I'm not the kind of person who's brain gets scrambled over seeing extraordinary things. This is not to say that I would be unaffected. But I'm also not going to freak out. And I doubt I'd even tell anyone if I did have such an experience, depending on what I learn, I'd be inclined to keep it to myself. Not of out fear of ridicule, but that would be like giving the population of the world a list of your fears and hoping for the best. And I would want to heavily study the experience.

Time is a tricky thing inherently. We have a rather primitive view of what time actually is. And because of this, may not understand how little time perception is a part of how time works. We can influence our local time to a certain degree, by making rules. But sometimes weird things happen. Sometimes there's what we would call a fluctuation in time. It might have something to do with the expulsions in the center of the galaxy, being carried by gravitational waves at the speed of light or maybe faster. If Time is dimensional. I wonder sometimes if there's a particle associated with time. An elementary particle that can be moved and carried by the fabric of space. Being influenced by gravitational waves and occasionally, screwing with our perception of time. Whether you lose five minutes or five hours, is dependent on how strong the fluctuations from the gravitational energy, and the particle of time being carried through space at the speed of light...Or much faster. It may very well be that time is constructed of hyperluminal elementary particles traveling faster than light, in all direction throughout the universe. And the centers of galaxies are very actively creating, not only quantum flux, but that of gravity and space-time. So think for a moment, could these fluctuations really be happening? could everyone who experiences 'lost time' be undergoing alien experimentation? Well in either case, I just don't know. I have no evidence of any sort that would prove time has a particle associated with it. And I have no evidence that flux in the center of the galaxy has anything to do with our perception of time. But I don't have evidence that I was taken by aliens either. So I have to ask as many question as possible. And make no conclusions until I truly know what happened. Because the universe is vast, and it's true nature entirely unknown. I look at the alien hypothesis, and it is safe to assume an alien race that advanced could do just that, erase memory. And I even used humans endeavors in mind alteration as a model for conceptualizing this possibility. But then I started to think if Time itself had anything to do with it. So I researched what I could about it, and came up with this hypothesis as an alternative to really examine. Even if my model for time is wrong, it may just follow a different one with similar effects. We just don't know.

So, I throw this out there for brain crunching.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 02:51 PM
I haven't personally had this happen but I have read similar accounts

If I were to throw my instinctual response out there I would have to imagine it to be some sort of silmultaneous diminsional experience.

The poster before me projectvxn made an elequent and mind bending *thesis* (for lack of a better word) that really gave life and body to the experience.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 02:55 PM
Yes I have them and they are just out of the ordinary, the interesting thing is that my husband and me had them at the same time.

We just look at each other and say "there goes again"

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
I haven't personally had this happen but I have read similar accounts

If I were to throw my instinctual response out there I would have to imagine it to be some sort of silmultaneous diminsional experience.

The poster before me projectvxn made an elequent and mind bending *thesis* (for lack of a better word) that really gave life and body to the experience.

First, thank you for the compliment.

I think of these time particles existing everywhere in the universe traveling in all directions at well beyond the speed of light. When we look at the atomic clock on earth and one in space, the one in space is going to be slower because there's less gravity influencing time. But if time can be influenced by gravity would it not stand to reason that there might be a physical property of time that can be affected by other forces? I think of it as an inter-dimensional particle that is small enough to travel between dimensions. I hypothesize that it is THE smallest particle out there. Even smaller than quarks, with less mass than even photons. They carry with them information about what happened and what has happened. When two of these particles get close to eachother time gets faster according to perception, it gets slower when they move away from eachother. Consider De Ja Vouz, as time particles colliding. When the time particle carrying the info of now hit's a particle with the info of then, we have the feeling that this has happened before, but it's never quite exactly the same is it? No it's not.

This is why I think that time travel in a classical sense is also not possible. Because since it is an inter-dimensional particle, you would only traverse the path to another dimension. I also believe that it is the most abundant elementary particle in the universe. And fills every point. If you could see these particles you would probably see a soup of dust expanding and contracting in every direction. And you would not be able to see anything else.

More to chew on...

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:34 PM
When you left your workplace, was everything normal outside?.... or where the streets empty and lifeless too?

Was the effect limited to your workplace?... or if it wasn't, at what point did things get back to 'normal'?

Interesting story by the way

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:56 PM
It depends on what one would believe a time event is.

I've had many many times, 99% of them while driving. I'll be going merrily on my way, when I realize, I don't remember passing such and such a place, and I'm well past the location I can't for the life of me, remember passing. Did that make any sense at all? almost like, how did I get here, I don't remember passing the shopping mall a mile back. The malls are huge, I wouldn't think I could miss passing them.

I used to be in the courier business, so I drove 300 miles per day on my routes, so yes, if those could be called time events, I've had many.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Heres a related thread you might want to check out. I have experienced a time gap and I and others have posted our stories here.

and heres another

good luck!

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 05:46 PM
One more thing, when thinking of time particles, etc, you are limiting your view.

Light is a medium that consciousness may be able to attach itself to in a sybiosis fashion which would allow the being to experience both or more realities within the same computer/brain.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 05:48 PM
Well I am indeed discussing superluminous particles that carry information..All of the information of the universe as a sort of record. This would also include thoughts. And other conscience processes. This would only stand to reason under my theory. Great observation! You are very foresighted and imaginative.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 09:59 PM
one time i was picking my nose and this is a true story and once i reached what i was reaching for i kid u not 30 minutes had gone bye and i didnt even know it

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:40 PM
Hi everybody,

Im really appreciative of the responses I have received and am glad that i now know that Im not alone on this one as not many people I know have experienced a time gap event.

Ok here are some extra details that I will contribute to the discussion.

Dagar - Was the effect limited to your workplace?... or if it wasn't, at what point did things get back to 'normal'?

I actually was so panicked that I just had to get out of the environment I was in and. As far as I remember there were no cars at all, I know all the bike stands were empty. The very next day things were back to normal although it felt as if the day had "reset" itself.

projectvnx - I've had at least 5 hours escape from me entirely one day when I was about 8 years old or so. But I don't think it had anything to do with being taken, or invited by aliens.

The thing is that I felt anything but welcome by the presence of the entities it was actually like they were searching for me. I felt I had to hide from them, thats how panicked I was and the fact that these tall beings weren't the same as the grey like beings I had on my first abduction didn't make sense. Yet other times I feel a strong connection and have stood as close as 2 meters away from them maybe they are split into different sects with different agendas.

The second time i en-counted these beings I didn't panic but made sure to keep myself hidden and got a good look at them.

Actually could anyone give me some info on what kind of species these beings are as I have researched on the net on found that reptilians could be a close match to what I saw.

Heres a description.

Height approx. 7 1/2 feet tall, Red markings on their shell, by shell I mean metal coverings, heavy footed and a clanking sound when they walk, deep breathing and a sand brown vapor. Im guessing very advanced and dangerous. Usually packed in groups of 2 or 3.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 11:42 PM
I don't really have a problem believing you. I just think there are other forms of lost t time that have everything to do with time and the way it actually works. ...And sometimes, people are visited, taken, watched. I have a hell of alot more evidence documented of alien interaction to really be inclined not to believe people. Not all of them can be liars. Not all of them are delusional, something is happening and you know the answer just as much as anybody who's had your experience.

But I study UFO and alien reports because I want to go up among the stars some day. So I can't help but wonder how it all works. And if such effects can be produced. It's a seriously strange universe, and it tends to have a nature totally hidden from us..We can all feel it in our guts. Like we're somehow hard wired into the system. And we can't hope to explain all of it. I love messing with the idea of time though. It's nonsensical and tends to fool us at every turn. And time is at the bottom of it.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Did you see their faces? Your description sounds like reports of robotic lifeforms witnessed in a few alien contacts. Perhaps they were drones exploring out -of phase pockets of space time, or as long as were guessing, it might be possible you were abducted, and dropped off at work after closing. Either way, it might pay to undergo hypnosis with a qualified hypnotherapist. Also, concerning the nature of time. Time, according to Einstein, is nothing more than the calculable and quantifiable movement between two or more relative points. Simply put, if nothing is observably moving, time is not moving. If one cannot separate a relative point to measure, such as in the high density "BIG BANG" energy singularity, time cannot be measured.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by dashen]

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 01:21 AM
Did you see their faces? Your description sounds like reports of robotic lifeforms witnessed in a few alien contacts. Perhaps they were drones exploring out -of phase pockets of space time, or as long as were guessing, it might be possible you were abducted, and dropped off at work after closing.

I could see their faces but they were hidden behind what looked like sharp metal plating which seemed to incorporate glowing sections. Their skin from what little I saw had "thorns" sticking out of it.

I should of highlighted this area before so here it is in italics these tall beings weren't the same as the grey like beings I had on my first abduction I did actually see both greys and these taller beings together at the same time in one of my earlier time gaps.

The one message I do remember from my grey abduction was they said that "I would be changed and things would be different". I came back feeling like a brand new person and could tune into what I like to call the "cosmic radio" pretty much learning at a higher level. I couldn't tune into things half as well before I got taken but now im actually happy I was changed. That was of course before these time gaps started happening.

There seems a link between these taller beings and the greys but as far as I have learnt each race is split into sections so you could have essentially "good and bad greys" Also greys communicate telepathically or in their "native tounge" a series of random tick and tock sounds where the other race communicate through deep vibrations with a modulating up and down tone,

As for projectvxn I was just noting your take on the situation as i am open to all opinions and beliefs so I hope no offense was taken.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 09:58 AM
None what so ever. I don't deny this is happening. But I also wonder if some missing time cases have something to do with time itself.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 10:36 AM
The species you describe is a hunter-class. Typically bounty hunters, mercenaries, and the likes. However also are keen to exploring time and technology relating to time.

If you've seen them with others, likely the others hired them to do work. OR... as I suspect grays are genetic engineers...they may have hired the Grays to make better hunters.

That is what I am told; not what I know.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 10:50 AM
Since different beings are being discussed I wanted to ask if anyone ever saw an extremely tall blonde couple, man and woman, side by side with very long blonde hair.

I believe I encountered them during a missing time experience that involved my hypervenitilating, coming to seeing the image of those *entities* in front of me. I experienced telepathic communication with them that left an image in my mind of the male communicating with me by inserting his index finger deeply into my notstril. This seemed to bring me back from the hyperventilating experience only for me to look at the clock and see 3 hours had passed, I thought it was 20 min or so.

I feel I had a natural '___' experience.

Great observation! You are very foresighted and imaginative.

Thanks for the compliment, projectvxn.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Foxe

That is what I am told; not what I know.

Do you mean you know someone who has seen them as well?

They looked pretty well protected so yeah Id say the were mercenary types. I find even though both species have been seen to be aesthetically different they will only associate with people who have been in contact with them. From what i was told both species were on the same ship/environment that I was in on my abduction, thats why I have a connection with them.

How I feel about being connected to these species metaphorically would be like having a t-rex as your best pet, you feel privileged but at the same time it is the most deadliest dinosaur of them all If you get the drift.

Since different beings are being discussed I wanted to ask if anyone ever saw an extremely tall blonde couple, man and woman, side by side with very long blonde hair.

I did meet a being she was a female around 19 years of age 5 foot 3 and could not talk english that well. She was on the same craft I was and seemed to be "learning" how to interact with people. They communicate mentally so as not to alarm you and to calm you down. You would of heard them speak softly and gently to your with subtle smiles or a neutral expression. Hope that helps you out

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by saturnsrings

Yeah its heading in the direction of what Im getting at and it sounds like you had a time event as well. What i mean by heading in the right direction is that in your experience you passed the malls and didn't remember it.

In the high school experience that i had i was in the present time as follows:

Usual background noise of an everyday school was heard people laughing, talking, walking etc.

Sudden silence and no noise what so ever.

Hid in the library as I heard heavy footsteps as described in my second last post.

Remained there until I felt save

Heard the background school noises taken off "mute' walked outside everything was back to normal.

Asked students and friends where everyone went and no one had a clue what I was talking about. As far as they knew they were there the whole time.

Freaked the hell out of me thats for sure. Thats what I mean by being in the "gap' and having memory of it, as apposed to waking up wondering what happened.

It still sounds like you had a different type of time event and thanks for sharing your experience

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