posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 02:39 AM
Just a quick apology for bringin
this up, as I'm sure it's in here somewhere, being that it's
dated August '06. I couldn't find it though, so here is a revisit, however short.
First the story, which I have no other sources for:
A short video by the citizen of Nanjing City of P.R.China on 17 August, 2006. Very real. I can't find any evidence that this video is
What caught my interest was the last couple seconds of the video, (0:17-0:18) you see instantaneous acceleration following 7 lights
and then a flash
and nothing for about .5 seconds and the camera shuts off, which comparably shuts me off a little, though there wasn't much else to show.
So I analyzed it as much as I could, which isn't much just a little photoshop filtering, and closeups. one interesting filter (Stylize-Find Edges)
showing slight color changes throughout the sky. Obviously the sky is not a single color but very complex, so I know this is normal, but I don't
know what HOAXER's would do to make this, for lack of a better description,
balloon, which is what I leave to those more experienced
p.s. the positions of the seven lights are indicating it to be a circular (disc) shape