posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 02:45 PM
Here is a prescription to end the eternal gender war. I know this proposal will seem bizarre, even for ATS. I expect a lot of resistance from the
officers of this war, who will be quick to dismiss these measures as either impractical or unnecessary. I imagine a lot of responses such as “But I
like XYZ. Why should I change?” and “Why fix what isn’t broken?” and “This is moronic”. Criticisms of this type should be flatly
rejected as just more insane warmongering. Desperate times call for drastic measures.
#1. Provide the environment for an end to the Sex War, by implementing a “gender balanced” government. Amend the USA constitution as follows: of
the two USA Senators that represent each state, each Senator must be a different gender. Each sex casts votes ONLY for the Senator that represents
their sex. Men elect the male Senator. Women elect the female Senator. This will provide a political framework for implementing the various other
proposals I provide below.
#2. Increase uniformity between the sexes, de-emphasizing gender differences. There are so many elements of society that reinforce sexual contrast!
For example, I propose the establishment modest and gender-neutral mandatory dress codes. (I would suggest some sort of loose fitting unisex gray
cotton pantsuits, with long sleeve shirts, with no hats or ties. Pink and blue colors should be outlawed for any form of dress.) Another example
remedy: mix genders for all sports teams. American football (for example) would be a lot more interesting if half the players on both teams were
women. Modify the rules so that no player can touch the opposite sex without a ten-yard penalty. That would work for me.
#3. Outlaw all forms of pornography, the use of sex in any advertising, or any suggestive language on television or in public discourse. It is just
pure provocation to continue with the status quo here. Let’s get people off of the internet and out of x-rated theatres, and into the real world,
where legitimate forces (outside of human imagination) can apply leverage and control. End the governance of the real world by that which is unreal!
We are the victim of stereotypes, perpetrated for the profit of others, manipulating us into a frenzy that leads to pointless pain and artificially
immutable positions.
#4. Codify the temporary marriage contract. No marriage commitment should last past one year. Just make renewal of a marriage certificate a routine,
like filling out your income tax form. Any marriage that is not renewed is automatically dissolved, fault-free, and people can move on. For those love
birds that are looking for a life long commitment, by all means renew those vows each year, and more power to you! I have seen too many marriages that
began with two years of bliss, and ended in ten years of subsequent agony.
#5. Mandate GPS tracking info, shared by all married couples. Consider that two people, in love, share the most intimate relationship achievable in
this world. We might as well go the full way here, and force couples to wear unremovable GPS tracking ankle bracelets, so as to increase marriage
trust factors. It is just a pragmatic extension of the traditional wedding band! You already share so much with your spouse! Don’t you want to know
where he or she is? At all times? Of course you do! One heart. One being.
#6. Require mandatory enrollment of all single adult citizens in a national online dating service. With marriage being just a temporary institution
(above) I fear that some people might feel lonely, and become discarded. I propose that all people, not currently contracted in marriage, must be
drafted into an online dating service, make themselves available to members of the opposite sex for dating. Note that this enrollment is MANDADORY! We
can’t let shyness stand in the way of progress.
#7. Establish a national system of Sex Points and Sex Ratings. We all live with credit ratings imposed upon us, as an arbitrary judgment by others as
to our credit worthiness. I propose the exact same thing, except with regard to our sexual behaviors. You receive points based upon the number of
positive encounters you have with the opposite sex, as reviewed by a mixed gender panel. (Does not necessarily mean consummate sexual encounters, but
that may count heavily.) Note that this works pretty well for ATS (so it appears); this Sex Rating would be very helpful in the mandatory online
dating service described in the previous point, permitting easy and rapid assessment of possible compatibilities, and promoting generous dating
activities. Plus, you are consoled after any bad date with a liberal Sex Point reward.
#8. Create compulsory arranged marriages. Any person who fails to meet a specific number of dates per time period, or remains single too long, will be
subject to compulsory civil union (temporary of course, as with all marriage contracts). These compulsory civil unions would be selected by a
gender-neutral panel of matchmakers, as empowered by the state. This will be the ultimate solution to bringing two shy hearts to blissful union.
#9. Finally, create the gender police, a secret society of dedicated men and women who are on the prowl for any violation of the above rules. This
panel could provide applause to increase sex points, could reduce sex points, facilitate love relationships, and in general furnish those elements
needed to ensure this new system functions as expected. As an extreme measure, this group could make liberal and covert use of Depo-SubQ Provera 104
(a.k.a. temporary chemical castration) for the more violent and anti-social offenders of the Sex War.
Those are my suggestions. Obviously, there are certain aspects that I haven’t addressed, such as the place of progeny in this scheme, how to address
same sex orientations, or how we solve income inequity between the genders. I will leave that as an exercise to others, having made this brave start.
I will only guess that solutions are even possible.
But I can affirm this: hate can be conquered by love. Do not lose faith in that.
Thanks for listening.
“In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.” -- Janos Arany
[edit on 8-2-2008 by Buck Division]