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What UFO evidence couldn't be Debunked?

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posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:51 AM
My mother tells me of an interesting experience she had when she was young. I can't remember whether it was the late 50's or early 60's but she was walking home with a friend and up in the sky there was a giant multi-colored object (very, very large she says) slowly moving over the city and she says that everyone that was around was just fixated on it, didn't move, or anything. This was Northern Virginia mind you - so it had to have been seen by many, many other people. Anyways, she ran home to tell her father and he said he hadn't seen anything. Well, later that night, on the news, the object had been seen and was reported by many, many people. Although you don't hear about this case very often (most people have short term memories).

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by EmbryonicEssence
My mother tells me of an interesting experience she had when she was young. I can't remember whether it was the late 50's or early 60's but she was walking home with a friend and up in the sky there was a giant multi-colored object (very, very large she says) slowly moving over the city and she says that everyone that was around was just fixated on it, didn't move, or anything. This was Northern Virginia mind you - so it had to have been seen by many, many other people. Anyways, she ran home to tell her father and he said he hadn't seen anything. Well, later that night, on the news, the object had been seen and was reported by many, many people. Although you don't hear about this case very often (most people have short term memories).

My cousin told me about that story in a newspaper in West Virginia when he was visiting his mom; he lives in Chicago if that matters.

Why am I �interested� in extraterrestrials? Well, for one I have seen two UFO sightings myself, and both by far weren�t convention aircraft. My cousin (same one I just mentioned) also claims sightings to two UFOs, and he�s not a BS type of person, trust me. We exchange conversations about this topic every know and then, in fact he pointed me to this website. I�m just now trying to find information, and do a little of my own research. Then again, all those fony alien sites out there make it hard........

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 01:33 AM

where did you get your signature from?

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 08:14 AM
thank you everybody for your thoughts,

it does seem to me that, the only thing to really make anyone unquestionably believe in ufo's is to actually SEE one,
I was always skeptical to the possibilities of extraterrestial life, bordering towards non belief,
but when i actually saw a ufo I just didn't know what to believe anymore, for there was absolutely NO logical or rationable explanation for what i saw.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 08:19 AM
Anything is possible. Depending on your thoughts prior to seeing something that "cannot be explained" could possibly strengthen that belief.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 08:43 AM
good point oswald,
i've talked to various people who had ufo sightings,
most are people i know really well, and it seems that when you really see a ufo, u just know,
tells you that that ain't from earth,
besides whether its a craft performing physics defying stunts that would puree a human body, fire dancing in the sky sorta sighting or where the damn ufo flies over your head and/or you get to see it up close, I think you just gotta ask yourself what do you really believe....

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by psycosrus
good point oswald,
i've talked to various people who had ufo sightings,
most are people i know really well, and it seems that when you really see a ufo, u just know,
tells you that that ain't from earth,
besides whether its a craft performing physics defying stunts that would puree a human body, fire dancing in the sky sorta sighting or where the damn ufo flies over your head and/or you get to see it up close, I think you just gotta ask yourself what do you really believe....

At 34, I wish I had another sighting of something unknown. While I already have a strong believe in UFOlogy I think I would get more of it now, than when I was just a kid in the late 1970s. I had sorta grown up with the known of UFOs, thanks dad and his LOOK magazines with UFO articles in them and numerous books (Project Blue Book report, I think) that I looked.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 08:56 AM
I been seeing a lot of sightings now in illinois and in wisconsin. I used to live in the chicago area. When I was about 14 I was at a scout camp in crivitz wisconsin way up north near up michigan. Anyways we were hiking back late in the night and walked up on this limestone mound we called stereo rock because of the great echo it made. Then suddenly my friend starting yelling ufo we looked up in the sky and i was rectangular with lights all around it moving slow with no sound. Most of my troop ran like hell me and one toop leader looked at the object and then at eachother and looked again it was gone. Then last summer around fourth of july we were walking back from my local shopping center with my dad and my girlfriend. When we noticed a sort of glowing comet thing really low in the shy wisk by us at great speeds. Next thing you know in just about 3 mins 4 blocks blackout of power for about 30 mins and 2 car crashes because of the blackout. Then the next day my dad runs in the house drags me out and says look. I look at the sky and notice what looked like 3 jets running a circle from a very tight one to a looser one they a 4 joined in they just kept circuling but no noise. nothing and they had all strobes going at a different frequncey one was blinking 2 times the other 3 and so on then they just dissaperd.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 09:08 AM
I live in an area called Whitchurch in Bristol,UK and I had previously had one close encounter (the damn thing hovered completely silently a mere 30-40ft directly over my house!!!!!) since moving here myself, my girlfriend, my brother and numerous friends have all witnessed various ufo's around my area over the past 6-7 months.
I did hear a few years ago that the Bristol mendhip hills was a ufo hotspot but i've never really investigated it

posted on Feb, 15 2004 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by EmbryonicEssence
There are videos of it. I can't actually remember what year it was though. You see the clip of it every now and then on the history channel through the ufo shows they play. I know some people who were in DC and saw it happen. They scrambled fighter jets to go after them.

Yeah, Embryonic, like Heelstone said, I think you're writing about the 1952 Wasington DC sightings. In one of my debates (look in the debates forum of ATS), I made the 1952 sightings the centerpiece of my 'UFOs are really aliens' argument. I had a lot of links there that I think you should check out.

Also, everyone should look into the 1975 SAC interceptor sightings where, on more than one night, F-106s were scrambled to chase away UFOs over missile silos. Official docs exist out there that cover these scrambles, though the UFOs are humorously called 'mystery helicopters' in them.

posted on Feb, 15 2004 @ 02:13 AM
I've also heard back in '87 two iraqi fighter jets were scrambled to intercept ufo over beirut? i'll have to find a link to the story

posted on Feb, 15 2004 @ 02:27 PM
The best evidence comes from the government itself, as most of the most undeniable cases are from government sightings (Roswell, being the most known case).

You must remember, the government at one time DID announce the capture of a flying saucer, and only LATER recanted the story... Do you REALLY think a trained intelligence officer, can't tell balloon wreckage and then jump to the conclusion of a saucer???

The cases mentioned, along with plenty of others, and tons of documentation (official government documents)...are the evidence....

As for proof for the masses, it will take a public landing, an official release by the government, or a personal experience to convince most people... The evidence is out there, especially in alien tech and debris, in addition to that already mentioned... So far though, the g-men have done a superb job of quickly recovering anything obviously alien-related and least before making more than local news....

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 01:03 AM
You hit it right on the head!

Yes, on July 7, 1947 an official press release from Roswell Army Air Field stated that a 'flying saucer' (or is the exact wording 'disc') of unknown origin had been captured by the USAAF and was currently being studied....

...A press release like that would only have gone out if all the senior officers at the base agreed about its contents.

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 04:31 AM
thanks Gazrok, I'd almost completely overlooked that fact that for one whole day they had officially found a crashed alien disk and the next day it has become a weather balloon,
thats was one hell of a mistake by government officials!!

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 08:21 AM
Another thing to mention....

Anyone remember the UFO Coverup Live specials from the 80's...??? Well, these are now infamous for the "strawberry ice cream" remark, but it should be noted that many channels airing it, only aired it partially (including my local affiliate at the time).

Not to mention, the news was going to have interviews, and reactions, etc. Well, the first show was cut off about a half hour before it should have mention on the news, etc. even after THEY advertised it. SOMEONE told them to nip it.... The second was even more interrupted. Only a half hour into it, and poof... I've since seen the entire episodes, and including the strawberry ice cream, it all seems to add up well...despite what you may think of the Aviary, Doty, etc.

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Another thing to mention....

Anyone remember the UFO Coverup Live specials from the 80's...??? Well, these are now infamous for the "strawberry ice cream" remark, but it should be noted that many channels airing it, only aired it partially (including my local affiliate at the time).

Not to mention, the news was going to have interviews, and reactions, etc. Well, the first show was cut off about a half hour before it should have mention on the news, etc. even after THEY advertised it. SOMEONE told them to nip it.... The second was even more interrupted. Only a half hour into it, and poof... I've since seen the entire episodes, and including the strawberry ice cream, it all seems to add up well...despite what you may think of the Aviary, Doty, etc.

very interesting info Gazrock, I did not know this,
I'll have to find out about it!

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 09:43 AM
Do a search on the specials... "UFO CoverUp Live" and you should find it...

Here's some of what I remember...


Double eyelids
Single heart/lung organ
One waste organ, seem hermaphroditic, little digestive tract
4-4 and a half feet tall
no teeth, just a hard gum (the strawberry ice cream makes sense now...doesn't it?)


Typical Zeti-Reticuli 4 reference


Included J-Rod reference and contact (for those who know about this...if not, look up "J-Rod alien" in a search...)
The Aviary, Falcon (which many believe to be Richard Doty) and Condor as government agents divulging info...
Hexagonal Crystal holocron, and other Yellow Book related info....


Use an anti-gravitic drive, similar to Lazar's descriptions.

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 11:46 AM
nice one mate!, will look it up

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 11:57 AM
Interesing link about the show...

Note, this was a nation-wide (in the US) effort, and was to be shown simultaneously at 8pm in ALL markets and time zones...and was for the most part... It goes a little beyond the standard UFO special in this respect alone...and was, as it's title implied....Live.

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Interesing link about the show...

Note, this was a nation-wide (in the US) effort, and was to be shown simultaneously at 8pm in ALL markets and time zones...and was for the most part... It goes a little beyond the standard UFO special in this respect alone...and was, as it's title implied....Live.

i just read that article, good find!,
it just makes me want to see the programme even more!

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