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Any good 9/11 introductory threads??

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posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:34 PM
As some of you may know, I tend to post in the UFOs and Aliens forum rather more than in the 9/11 forum. However, in the last few years I've developed an interest in this area.

Due to a discussion in another thread, I've recently been wondering if it would be useful if I tried to post an introductory thread in the 9/11 forum along the lines of my "Free UFO Researcher Starter Pack" in the UFOs and Aliens Forum.

I can't remember seeing anything similar in this forum already. Have I missed it?

What good introductory threads are there? (In particular, I have in mind threads that point to online resources rather than simply give opinions on relevant topics).

For those that haven't seen my "Free UFO Researcher Starter Pack" in the UFOs and Aliens Forum, the sections I included in that guide were:

I currently have in mind similar sections in a new "Free 9/11 Researcher Starter Pack".

All the best,


posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:57 PM
That's actually not a bad idea, at least imo. It would take mod support to sticky anything that could eventually be decided upon and posted.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

Im a very big fan of your work in the UFO area!

I have been following this forum for a while now and just became active of late. All I can tell you is that what you looking for it will be hard to come by in this forum, the main reason for it is that there is no common ground here as what did or did not happen on 9-11.

With UFO'S skeptics and believers alike can at leat find some common ground, here there isnt none of that.

To better explain it, here everyone is a skeptic, a skeptic of the official story or a skeptic of the CT'S.

So for ATS as a company to start a sticky of what happen on 9-11, it will be something like this:

"It was 11:59 on September 10,2001, the clock hit 12:00a.m and it became September 11,2001."

I think thats as much of an agreement you will get on this lands, anything else would be perceived as disinfo or CT'S propaganda.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by Bunch]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by Bunch
what you looking for it will be hard to come by in this forum, the main reason for it is that there is no common ground here as what did or did not happen on 9-11.

Hi Bunch,

I think it should be possible to draft something which points out relevant resources etc without trying to say what happened on 9/11 or why it happened.

My "Free UFO Researcher Starter Pack" did not result in suggestions of bias, and (as you probably know) there isn't that much common ground in the Aliens & UFOs Forum either!

Anyway, unless anyone can point to a similar existing thread which I've missed, I'll have a go at drafting a "Free 9/11 Researcher Starter Pack" and see what people make of it.

All the best,


posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

Maybe this one will help? It's made by myself and a few have said I have interesting points but eh just figured I'd throw it out there.

A Simple and Elegant Plan (9/11) ATS

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by WraothAscendant
Maybe this one will help? It's made by myself and a few have said I have interesting points but eh just figured I'd throw it out there.

A Simple and Elegant Plan (9/11) ATS

Hi WraothAscendant,

Thanks for the link. While it includes several interesting points, I had in mind a thread which merely points readers in the direction of, and gives links to, useful resources (e.g. core government reports/documents and other key material).

There are a few threads, e.g. the one entitled "Forum Reference Index AND Thread for Discussing anything related to 9/11, Pentagon, etc.", which give details of relevant existing threads on ATS - but I think it may be useful to have a summary of some of the more useful reports/documents available elsewhere on the Internet.

I think I'll have a go at drafting something since I still can't find such a thread in this forum already.

All the best,


[edit on 28-1-2008 by IsaacKoi]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:45 AM
Hi Isaac,

Most in the 911 CT'ers know that I am a skeptic of the 911 CT theories. If you don't mind, I would like to add a couple links to some rather informative sites that provide factual information surrounding the events of Sept. 11th.

Have a great day

I suggest reading the government documentation 1st. Athough the 911 Commission report and NIST report is rather boring, I highly recommend the Moussaoui Trial exhibits.

Government Documents

The 911 Commission Report:

NIST Report:

Moussaoui Trial Exhibits:

Since Controlled Demolitions are one of the more passionate of the CT's, the following are some papers that were written that may or may not shed some light:

Good Science & 911 Demolition Theories

Impolsion World & tHe Twin Towers:

When The Towers Fell:

I have several more informative sites that I can share if you are interested.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 02:16 PM
The Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice organization's website ( ) has design claims from the engineers of the towers and pre-9/11 literature along those lines, information on construction of the towers, and then visual records, oral histories and scientific reports regarding the collapses and aftermath. They also host information on the Pentagon, Flight 93, the military response, and information seeming to indicate foreknowledge, in an informative way. Then it goes on to lay out specific alternate theories and critiques of different theories. The organization is made up of a good number of scientists and engineers, including structural engineers. They also host 44 articles here:

The NIST, FEMA, and Kean Commission links are all must-haves, too, of course.

You can find a collection of over 1800 9/11-related images here and numerous relevant video and audio clips here.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by bsbray11]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
I have several more informative sites that I can share if you are interested.

Hi CaptainObvious,

My thanks to you and babray11 for the links to specific resources. Thanks to your both for taking the time to do this.

From the responses so far on this thread, it seems that there isn't an existing introductory thread which compiles such links already. I'm happy to try drafting some posts to start such a thread - I simply didn't want to reinvent the wheel if the work had already been done...

I wouldn't want to put you to any great effort in posting further links (since I'm happy to start the ball rolling with my own collection), but I'd certainly be interested in any links to particularly useful resources which I may otherwise miss.

(For example, my thread entitled "Free UFO Researcher Starter Pack" in relation to UFO resources gives links to several websites which are generally overlooked but contain the text of various classic books about UFOs. I haven't seen many equivalent websites in relation to 911 - but this may simply be caused by the fact that the 911 books are much more recent and copyright will therefore not have lapsed and/or few 911 authors are yet prepared to make the full text of their books available free of charge online).

Kind Regards,


posted on May, 8 2008 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
For those that haven't seen my "Free UFO Researcher Starter Pack" in the UFOs and Aliens Forum, the sections I included in that guide were:

I currently have in mind similar sections in a new "Free 9/11 Researcher Starter Pack".

Since starting this thread a few months ago, I've been working on the relevant "Free 9/11 Researcher Starter Pack". I'm currently finalising it, and the sections have grown and changed quite a bit during the writing process.

The current list of sections (which may change again as I'm tidying things up a bit) is as follows:

  • Section 1 : Introduction
  • Section 2 : 9/11 search tools
  • Section 3 : 9/11 Wikis and chronologies
  • Section 4 : Relevant abbreviations
  • Section 5 : “Loose Change” video and related resources
  • Section 6 : Other free Audio/Visual 9/11 material online
  • Section 7 : 9/11 Government documents online
  • Section 8 : Useful free books and articles online
  • Section 9 : “Truther” websites and resources
  • Section 10 : “Skeptic” websites and resources
  • Section 11 : 9/11 discussion forums online

If anyone has any further thoughts or brainwaves on the contents of such a "Free 9/11 Researcher Starter Pack", now would be a good time to speak up.

All the best,


posted on May, 10 2008 @ 09:07 PM
The search option on this website can be very useful if you use it intelligently. For example if you type in WTC 2005 you get a selection of threads dealing with 9/11 WTC related issues which were started in that year. You can follow the development of the 9/11 discussion that way, choosing topics that interest you.

The search engine is your best friend. This subject (9/11) has been discussed exhaustively from almost every standpoint.

The problem with so called introductory threads is that they are somewhat pre-masticated and wouldn't necessarily reflect a balanced point of view. And of course so many threads focused in some way or another often quickly escalate/degenerate into savage intellectual warfare.

[edit on 10-5-2008 by ipsedixit]

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