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Bill Maher's ex-hero Ron Paul?

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posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 04:59 PM
Regarding the 2008 US Presidential Election, Bill Maher has repeatedly expressed support for Ron Paul, calling him his "new hero."[12]

Not sure if anyone watches "Real Time," but this season has been interesting for one major exclusion. Compared to last season, when Dr. Ron Paul was considered Maher's hero, this season Maher has taken a silent stance on Paul, not mentioning his name once. A hero who has been blacklisted by the media, not a word. A hero who is still fighting with the big dogs, not a word. Breaking records, moving up in polls, not a word.

It has only been in passing, from guests, that Paul's name is mentioned, and it is never even discussed by Maher. The word Ron nor Paul, have not been uttered.

To anyone who watches the show. Is it me, or has Maher alienated himself from Ron Paul this season?

I learned of Paul through the show. It is shocking, considering it being an election year, that Maher has turned his back on his former hero. Did HBO step in, and silence him?

I must point out, that he doesn't mention anything negative regarding Paul, just silence. Not a word. This leads me to believe that Maher has been silenced, and is just another pawn.

It sickens me. And honestly after watching this for the last three episodes, I feel no need to watch the show anymore, its just like the rest of them.

Maybe his writers were Paul fans...

It seems that this season, Maher is a Clinton fan.

Anyone else see this?

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by squidboy

yeah i would like to comment.... who is Bill Maher???????

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:10 PM
This is Bill Maher.

A Comedian/ Political Analyst that currently has a weekly show on HBO called Real Time.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by squidboy
This is Bill Maher.

A Comedian/ Political Analyst that currently has a weekly show on HBO called Real Time.

I think a more accurate description of Bill Maher would be Former Comedian/ Political Shill
Either the NAZI villains that have stolen this country have written him a big check, Threatened his livelyhood or life, Shined the blue light in his eyes, Or have a video of him in a pile of naked little boys sucking away like a starving calf. He is despicable and a disgrace.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by ItsHumanNature

Originally posted by squidboy
This is Bill Maher.

A Comedian/ Political Analyst that currently has a weekly show on HBO called Real Time.

I think a more accurate description of Bill Maher would be Former Comedian/ Political Shill
Either the NAZI villains that have stolen this country have written him a big check, Threatened his livelyhood or life, Shined the blue light in his eyes, Or have a video of him in a pile of naked little boys sucking away like a starving calf. He is despicable and a disgrace.

I enjoyed the show. It wasn't until this season, that I realized that.

God only knows what happened. I should have known with how he handled the 9.11 truthers. Not even dialog, or a chance to put forth evidence, just a "this is my show, shut up" stance. Just like the rest of media.

But the Paul thing really gets to me, almost sickens me. I just like to see debate. Healthy debate. Guess Real Time, isn't that real.

If his silence was bought, he is a disgrace. It's a shame.

If he kept his support for Paul, it would have made for excellent television. Guess blacklists run the gamete of media.

[edit on 27-1-2008 by squidboy]

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 09:33 PM
Bill Maher has been getting soft but this is one of my alltime favorite videos when he was on with Tucker Carlson who has a history making himself look stupid

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by jimrat201
Bill Maher has been getting soft but this is one of my alltime favorite videos when he was on with Tucker Carlson who has a history making himself look stupid

Soft doesn't describe it.

Here is a link for his interview with Paul, when he was hero.

Now Nothing. Just silence. Just turn your back and support Hillary.

In my opinion Maher is a spineless media pawn.

I noticed a similar thing with Howard Stern. If you listen to his show, they've brought up Paul a number of times, and Stern was very supportive of Paul, and the fact that Paul was one of a handful against the FCC's fining of Stern.

Same day, when Stern had a chance on Letterman to mention Paul, when asked about the candidates, he remained silent. Media Pawns are just media pawns, nothing more. Their pockets are lined with our blood and pain. They benefit, while we starve.

Remain silent Maher. Spineless twit. Let your country fall to the elite, something you strive to be, but will always remain another slave on the chessboard.

Silly stuff.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by squidboy]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by squidboy

Yes ... In fact my wife who used to love Bill ..will not watch him anymore!.. It's a pound the republican show only now IHHO. He actually did say" he's my new hero" ..and then ...Poof. Scary.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by DrPaulisENKI
reply to post by squidboy

Yes ... In fact my wife who used to love Bill ..will not watch him anymore!.. It's a pound the republican show only now IHHO. He actually did say" he's my new hero" ..and then ...Poof. Scary.

Ah, so I guess I am not the only one.

I would say email the show, but what would that do. Nothing.

posted on Jan, 31 2008 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by ItsHumanNature
Or have a video of him in a pile of naked little boys sucking away like a starving calf.

Now you went and made the thread all sexy.

Still, you're over analysing. Let's say you have an extrodinarily lucrative career with short hours and a bright future. You make fantastic amounts of money that you are in no way qualified to make. You have no scientific or economic expertise, and yet you live like a king among peasants. Men want hang out with you and women want to empty your bag and neither expect anything in return. If your boss tells you to stop talking about someone, you stop. It's very simple really. That order may have come down from the highest source possible and you'd never know, and you wouldn't care too much either because you'd still know exactly where your money's coming from and whom you're sleeping with next.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 10:49 PM
It makes perfect sense.

If you look at the factor of who owns HBO, or what larger corporation oversees HBO, it opens your eyes.

HBO is a subsidiary of Time Warner, same thing with CNN (Turner Broadcasting). The higher you go, the more your realize everything is connected.

If you look at what Maher has done this season, and even add this week's past CNN debate (republican), considering that they are both Subsidiaries of Time Warner, well it starts getting clearer.

Fun facts for week four of Silence by Bill Maher:

1. Four Weeks without muttering Ron nor Paul. His hero of last year, is last years news. Hero's come and go. He is now saying that the best Race would be between Obama and McCain (odd).

2. He now uses the "Final Four" slogan, as seen on NBC, and the rest of media. Basically Maher is saying there are only four Candidates, despite there being six total. Huckabee and Paul do not exist, and despite only being February 1st, and super Tuesday is upon us, these two men are omitted at the most crucial of times.

Huckabee and Paul have been omitted. Repeat, before they have withdrawn, they have been omitted. Maher does not mention Paul nor Huckabee, at all.

What happened to his hero Paul, if anyone is still a fan of the show, this is proof that even Maher is a flip flopper, is no better then whom he criticizes. A pawn of the elite. This media personality silent flip flop is a huge indicator of a corrupt process. He was silenced, people. We have a silenced reality.

MAHER IS TRASH, and just a joke. How can people look past such a hidden unmentioned flip flop.

At least a real truth worthy man would explain, why the Dr. is not his hero. Give a little," hey I know this last season, I flipped cuz of this, or that. And I now support this or that"


Oh yeah, just at the beginning of the new season...

Time Warner hired a New CEO:

Jeffrey Lawrence Bewkes (born 25 May 1952 in Patterson, New Jersey) is an American media executive. He has served as CEO of Time Warner since January 1, 2008.

Time Warner Inc.

* Richard D. Parsons, Chairman of the Board of Time Warner Inc.
* Jeffrey L. Bewkes, President/CEO of Time Warner Inc.


* Randy Falco, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AOL LLC
* Glenn A. Britt, President and CEO of Time Warner Cable
* Barry M. Meyer, Chairman and CEO of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
* Bill Nelson, Chairman and CEO of Home Box Office
* Jonathan Clavin, Chairman and President of Intercontinental Operations of Turner Broadcasting System
* Peyton Bateman, President of Publishing Corporation of Turner Broadcastion System
* Philip I. Kent, Chairman and CEO of Turner Broadcasting System
* Ann S. Moore, Chairman and CEO of Time Inc.
* Robert Shaye, Co-Chairman and Co-CEO of New Line Cinema
* Michael Lynne, Co-Chairman and Co-CEO of New Line Cinema

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 11:08 PM
Maybe he should rename his show "Fake Time with Bill MEYER"

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 03:54 PM
He only liked Ron Paul for his anti-foreign war message and anti-drug war policies. Maher questioned Michael Scheuer's statement the US should not be militarily involved in Israel's security. Maher is very liberal on many issues and only libertarian on social ones. He's a comedian with some political acumen but no expert. I think he had Huckabee on twice already. But he gets a lot of material from Huck's religion. One can't underestimate what the corporate media has done to downplay Ron Paul.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 04:06 PM
I think maybe I was wrong about Ron Paul. I was very suspicious of him because he WAS getting so much attention... and now this. Total blackout. Stephen Colbert one day , in his own way, supporting Ron Paul, and then a week later, totally mocking him. What's happening here is just unforgiveable, and I feel saddened because everyone will just forget about him, and laugh about how rediculous that guy, Ron Paul, was because Stephen Colbert said so.

Bill Mahr as well. Shame on them for profitting from a country in the utmost of turmoil. I don't find it funny anymore. You can joke about serious issues, but please... do not use humour to cover up the truth.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by DrPaulisENKI
reply to post by squidboy

Yes ... In fact my wife who used to love Bill ..will not watch him anymore!.. It's a pound the republican show only now IHHO. He actually did say" he's my new hero" ..and then ...Poof. Scary.

And Dr. Paul introduces bills that decriminalize weed.
Bill Maher worships green bud, almost in a pagan way, yet dumped ron paul like a leased car expired. Loved him, but it's time to move on ?

Maher was huge Clinton fan and Hillary supporter, then magically started show with "Gee those Clintons are slime, like a goo on a dress" type of jokes.

Weird 180 flip to Obama, then mocks Obama dancing like black man can dance, that is why I can vote for Obama "I feel good, sugar and spice" does James Brown dance.

Bill Maher claims every sentence "I not a conspiracy theorist" then goes on about big pharma, fast food HGH hormones, biofuel scam, and believes that aliens were in the UFO over TEXAS March 2008, "What else could have been inside but aliens ?" with a straight face .

Bill Slams Morales as "ONE OF THOSE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS" for mentioning "AMERICAN DRUG WAR" film , backs Rev. Wright claim that CIA dumps coke on inner city blacks, contributed to crack epidemic as well.

AMERICAN DRUG WAR - get the torrent link, has Chong in Prison interview as well.

Drug traffic launders money, banks wash it, investors buy private prisons, Cartel buys lobbiest that push congress for tough drug laws, private prisons have non-violent slave workers to crank out widgets and take your telemarketing jobs for a pack of cigs for week of work. They make good workers compared to other prisoners, smarter, more educated, less violent, and guess what ? LESS LIKELY TO GET REDUCED SENTENCED OR PAROLE......they do there jobs tooooo damn good to let them go free !


posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Sunsetspawn

Originally posted by ItsHumanNature
Or have a video of him in a pile of naked little boys sucking away like a starving calf.

Now you went and made the thread all sexy.

Still, you're over analysing. Let's say you have an extrodinarily lucrative career with short hours and a bright future. You make fantastic amounts of money that you are in no way qualified to make. You have no scientific or economic expertise, and yet you live like a king among peasants. Men want hang out with you and women want to empty your bag and neither expect anything in return. If your boss tells you to stop talking about someone, you stop. It's very simple really. That order may have come down from the highest source possible and you'd never know, and you wouldn't care too much either because you'd still know exactly where your money's coming from and whom you're sleeping with next.

Bill hated the blackball ABC and from W.H. Ari Fliesher aka dual citizen Zionist "Be carefull what you say" or I will Anthrax you Bill, while cabinet is on Cipro for 3 weeks before anyone heard of Anthrax attack. Sure I too was on Cipro, next question"

Bill does mention his HBO executives happen to be old white Jews that don't pay well .

Remember when Bill jumped the 9/11 WTC 7 Truthers spread all over his audience to defeat the Delphi Attack from gatekeeper Bill Maher, who calls out the truthers every week as kooks, never mentions WTC 7 in his quick history lessons of 2 buildings, 2 planes, what is the mystery ?

Week after he jumped the crowd from stage Bill opened with sad remark "My new security is blackwater now, I dare you !" says in pissy manner.

Bill don't talk about 9/11 anymore.... We silenced 1 gatekeeper. Other Bill, O'rielly forgot to call Jesse Ventura a Pinhead on his growing 9/11 doubts he has. And his underwater demolitions expertise and CIA showdown at Gov. Mansion.

Eventually we called there bluff ?
they geared down the ridicule after Ron Paul exit ?
Iran bombing next ? 9/11 just another mystery of past like Murrah, buried in memory hole of conspiracy theories ?

As long as perps are alive and have control of MSM and coming out with Net 2.0 taxed and censored. Very few in secret society have express 9/11 doubts, most all of them know but uphold the oath of secrecy and rationalize human blood sacrifice to pagan gods.

Net 1.0 is only free place on earth ? Cyberspace underground pirate wi fi signal stream of freedom ?
Rest is a false programmed paradigm of lone nuts and magic bullets and disappearing black boxes.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:28 AM
Bill's Satelite guest from CIA says "I don't agree with invading Iran, did not want to invade Iraq either" Because Bill "I don't feel this war, which is basically protecting Israel, is worth spilling nations blood and treasure, but I like Jews, say good luck to ya, but not worth it"

Bill Maher put on spot "I do think it's worth it"

Bill Maher is Pro-War, the guy was confused and hacked. The guy penned the torture techniques, Patriot Act and Lord knows what else. Also added that he accepts mass civilian causulaties and brutal methods, then adds we should not be in Middle East at all.


THAT WAS SO WEIRD ! I turned on Bill after his proclaiming to be an Israeli firster that thinks war protecting Israel with US blood and treasure is well worth cost.

Then shouts "I'm with Dick and Bush on 9/11, that about only thing we completely agree with "

Sure Bill, you are admitted Israeli firster/aeithistic Jewish Catholic/Nymphomanic/Cronic who is NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORIST, who believes in UFO's, but not Jesus.

Does Bill know who Bill Is ?
His best friend licks O'reilly's balls every night, Dennis Miller "I can't wait for the new Empire Bill O'reilly" (Dennis Miller)

Remember when Miller was funny ?
Howard Stern says he is a prick that won't join the film cast, sits in private trailer and bitches until his scene then locks himself back in trailer and is above the rest of the cast. Sound about right !

To Sterns credit he did have witness on phone, saw the strange white plane circling in Penn. 9/11 , "I knew it, they shot down a passenger plane they gave the order, they did it" (Stern was amped up about the whole thing) Stern and Maher were soon fired despite record ratings.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by vanosman


Dennis Miller, Bill's best friend. A Dennis copy cat used in cartoon. Just happend to be contracted to do stand up @Bohemian grove. After Jesus crashed party and swaped pagan music for "Gloria" song that transcended the universe in harmony like in underground Matrix Zion Rave dance. Dennis Miller character bombs on jokes, taps mic, is this thing on ? Ending Dennis ends up as the wicker man sacrifice at the Grove, DJ Jesus spins his tunes at the grove. So it's not just me that can see celebs that have taken the pieces of silver as they denounce Christ existence and side with O'reilly-Dick-Bush-Colon. The king's jester, not mine anymore !

Gloria song Grove remix

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by indierockalien
I think maybe I was wrong about Ron Paul. I was very suspicious of him because he WAS getting so much attention... and now this. Total blackout. Stephen Colbert one day , in his own way, supporting Ron Paul, and then a week later, totally mocking him. What's happening here is just unforgiveable, and I feel saddened because everyone will just forget about him, and laugh about how rediculous that guy, Ron Paul, was because Stephen Colbert said so.

Bill Mahr as well. Shame on them for profitting from a country in the utmost of turmoil. I don't find it funny anymore. You can joke about serious issues, but please... do not use humour to cover up the truth.

Sure, where was the Colbert Bump for Paul ?
He pushed Huckster on us.
Huckster probably only stole about 1/2 of Paul's potential support.
Paul got him back on that Huckster ad with cross and Xmas tree with flag.
"When fascism comes to America, it will come holding a bible and flag" (Ron Paul 2007)

Ad was controversial so media would have excuse during weekend, to omit Ron Paul $6 million money bomb of small donations. Nor, Highlight fact troops gave most to Dr. Paul.

Ad was pure diversion from Paul to Huckster. A baptist aligned with Pro-war Jew and NeoCon Zionists after Wallstreet abandoned 27 yr marriage to GOP/Evangelicals to side w/ Obama and Dems. Wallstreet divorced themselves from Huckster, McCain, Rudy. After Mitt left, so did Wallstreet.

GOP has new friend with AIPAC and still has Halliburton, Bush 43 largest donor in 2000, no surprise Dick was CEO and Boss of CFR.

Stick your head in a microwave, see what happens Dick !
Your 8% approval rating may go up when we all stand over you and piss on your grave

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by squidboy

Ron Paul spoke out against Israel. Maher is a racist zionsit pig, who hates Christians. Paul is out to protect Christian Americans against Zionistic greed. That frightens Maher.

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