posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 07:44 PM
just had this thought again,. and did a search only to find this was the closes thread to the subject.
again i was searching the recent posts when a thread caught my intrest so i clicked it,. then 2 pages into the thread i realized that it was started
about 8 months ago, and i didnt have the time or want to read the rest of the 13 pages.
so i again searched for a way to find new threads, and saw in the recent posts that it shows the date of the last post. i was thinking maybe there
could be an added section to the recent posts that also states the original date of the thread started?
i guess this isn't a big issue as it hasn't come up many time,. just thought it could help people searching for new topics or views of old topics
without them getting pushed to the bottom of the recent posts by recent posts
sometimes im gone for a few days and know that i have missed something important, but i have no way of finding it
i do now use myATS, but again that doesnt help in searching for "NEW TOPICS"
thanks for the replies,. if any
and love you guys, keep em comin at any rate
oh and sorry if this is right in front of my face,.as this has happened to me before
[edit on 3/26/2008 by keeff]
[edit on 3/26/2008 by keeff]