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MythBusters Viewer Challenge

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:50 PM
I think that many people have a hard time understanding how sensitive of a subject 911 is. The CTrs and debunkers look into the events out of respect for the dead and a desire for truth but that sort of philosophy would not fly on television. To use the deadliest terrorist attack in history as a premise for a "mythbusting" show would offend and hurt more people than those who would find it interesting.

Not because of some media conspiracy. It is a strange thought to imagine every producer of every major show being sat down and talked to by the government and warned about what will and will not be on television.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by newagent89
It is a strange thought to imagine every producer of every major show being sat down and talked to by the government and warned about what will and will not be on television.

Only because you have the details worked out wrong.

This is how it works at FOX News, for example (by admission of the people that work there -- see the documentary "OutFoxxed"):

Before news anchors/political commentators/etc. go on the air with their talking points, they are sent around a memo by the corporate heads (at Fox, in this case). The memo essentially tells them what issues they are going to talk about, and how those issues should be handled (ie what "view" should be favored). This is how the corporation influences the information that is broadcast.

Again, there is a documentary out there about this that interviews very real and very famous people that tell you this themselves. There are only 5 or 6 companies handling virtually all of the media in this entire nation today, and the conflicts of interest are significant to put it mildly.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by UK Alien Buff
thats a ........... different sort of myth to test.

though i don't think they will do it

A chance to blow stuff up? And you don't think they'll do it??

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 10:55 PM
Already been mentioned to them .

Have a look at this

NOTE: Listen to the audience .


[edit on 1/12/2008 by Omega85]

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 12:26 PM
Point your browser in this direction; This may shed some light on the subject:

In this video, someone just such an idea direcctly, he says a scale twin towers experiment has been "...on our list; It's been on our list for a long time"

Sounds like adam and Jamie are down with the idea personally...

Just came across this vid, and figured it was signifigant in this thread.

-Big E

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