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Barack Obama will be The Anti Christ

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posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by akasha22

The reason why there will not be an uprising against the beast is because he will have powers mildly similar to Jesus and will have the ability to bring plagues and famine to the people. The majority of the population will fear him/her because of the powers they posess. It's not like some normal person declares themselves God and has nothing to prove it to the people. The beast is said to have healed from a wound to the head also.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 04:23 PM
I was going to say the same thing, that is the point of it, someone who is God like in a big way, they can probably do anything really to a certain degree. With that comes the religious backing of their choice.
They can Pose as a Jesus and have Muslims and Christians uniting since they both believe in him but in different ways. Then with that he can have a backing to destroy the Jews, which Muslims would not say no to since that is in thier prophecy. But is in Christian prophecy that the anti Christ will want this.
What a better leader than the one that can unite the two world's biggest religions, well untill Christians see the deceptions, which the Muslims and athiests won't see by then. But the two witnesses will seem as the anti-Christs and they will be killed in Isreal and rise to heaven. Then the deception will take place and people will fall for that so there is a lot of confusion in that time and people will think the war of Gog and Magog with Russia and Iran attacking isreal will be Armageddon which it's not.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by Locoman8

I see what you mean. It will be very subtle. Like a coincidence, right? Then eventually we'll put 2&2 together & by then it will be too late, the damage will have already be done. Most of society is wrapped up in their own lives, so they will not see the signs until its too late. Might just have to keep an eye on all this after all...

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 05:59 AM
The Beast that was, is not, and yet is, is a reference to a position that was filled
at one point in history and seems to be unfilled at the moment, but really isn't, that being Emperor of the Known World.

People believe there is no world emperor, but fact o' the matter is, there's been a world Emperor since Babylon. The key is in the order of the empires, as they appear on the scene. The cut off point is number five, which is the Holy Roman Empire, at which point, the position of Emperor of the World, appears to be empty, but really isn't. It hasn't been empty for thousands of years. We currently have a world Emperor and it's the same emperor of the fifth Empire.

There are 2 individuals in particular to consider:
one is the military arm of the antichrist (Jesuit General, otherwise known as the "black" pope, who is not literally black. that's just a title)
the second is the one who looks like a lamb but speaks as a dragon (the Pope), which is a reference to him appearing to be christian, but really not a christian. How does the pope speak as a dragon? I have no clue. If anyone knows how a dragon speaks, please explain it here.

That's the reality of it all. The most powerful organization on this planet is the Holy Roman Empire, which STILL controls the entire world, now they just do it threw proxies. We still have an Emperor.

The order of World Empires:

1. Babylon
2. Medo-Persian
3. Grecian
4. Roman (Pagan)
5. Roman (Holy)
6. A Proxy of #5
7. A Proxy of #5
8. A Proxy of #5

6, 7 and 8, are under much debate, as none of them is actually running the show, they are merely proxies of #5, but a possible past example is the British Empire, which rules our country anyway. It's all trickle down from #5, which has so much accumulated power, you simply would not believe it.

[edit on 10-4-2008 by undo]

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by undo

One thing that those ancient Empires had in common was Isreal and the Jews in their home land oppressed or had control over them. The British Empire never controlled the Jews or treated them badly in their own land, well I don't think.

They say God shows harsh judgement on the Jews for leaving thier nation and for forgetting God's promise of it that this is why the World never accepted them and have treated them badly as as their curse. It was a curse for not listening to God which was to go back to their land of Isreal as instructed but it was prophecied that they will gather from their scattered nations and return home .

But the only Empire that fits the bill today that persecute Jews in their own homeland is of an Islamic alliance. But ever since Islam of 600AD it has never been broken up, it still is religious force so an Empire that resulted in that time is around today, so that can be considered.

The only national empire that goes against the Jews are the Arabs Islamic rule and their surrounding nations against Isreal. They won't allow the Jews to visit Temple Mount and you know that anything the Jews want goes against Islamic teaching and way of life so they are being forced to abide to another way like the Romans treated them, well if they get that far. But even in their democracy they know it still won't work. Now that the Arabs have grown in number they have become bullish in their attempt to secure every drop of the Middle East territory as theirs even though Isreal is 1% of it.

[edit on 10-4-2008 by The time lord]

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 12:46 PM

But the only Empire that fits the bill today that persecute Jews in their own homeland is of an Islamic alliance.

Well remember, the key word is "Empire" and the key phrase "was, is not, yet is." Compare Daniel's empire statue to Revelation's Beast that was, is not, and yet is. Daniel's empire list accounts for the first 5, which leads up to the Holy Roman (miry clay and iron of the ten toes). In Revelation, the fifth empire appears to be defeated, but it isn't, cause it's the beast that was, is not, yet is. It's gotten very creative and uses the next three empires as proxies. The final one, the eighth, is the culmination of it, the final ruling empire ruled by proxy.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 01:43 PM
Iraq is ancient Babylon and will lead the world astray as mentioned in Revelations and will come to its destruction as a City of world trade like it once was. But it maybe not an Empire as such but could be it's centre of Trade, but maybe not Religion as that aspect could still be Rome.
Iron mixed with clay? Rome mixed with Babylon - Europe and Arabia?

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by The time lord

read the rest of the scriptures then. 7 heads are 7 mountains. it's rome. it's the city where the saints were martyred, where most of the apostles died, even john, the guy having the vision, had it while in prison on the isle of patmos, where he'd been put by the roman empire (pagan). the whole vision of the 7 headed dragon is a reference to rome. rome is in control of the planet, via the vatican and the jesuit order.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 02:42 PM
well the guys are in charge, so they even have control of the islamic nations. they aren't beholden to anyone but themselves, so they will screw over whoever they need to, to stay in power. my personal opinion is that all the world leaders are on the same page with rome and have been since before christ died.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 03:00 PM
I have to say, as an Obama supporter, I find this topic really amusing.

In any event, I felt the need to comment on this one post:

Originally posted by The time lord
They say God shows harsh judgement on the Jews for leaving thier nation and for forgetting God's promise of it that this is why the World never accepted them and have treated them badly as as their curse.

Well "they" must not have studied much history... Jewish people were first forcibly expelled from the capital of Jerusalem... then later, the Crusaders came along and virtually wiped out entire communities of Jewish people while they were simultaneously slaughtering Arab people (Jews and Arabs fought together against the Crusaders....) But -- prior to the expulsion from Jerusalem, Jews had already migrated to many parts of the Roman Empire.

Originally posted by The time lord
It was a curse for not listening to God which was to go back to their land of Isreal as instructed but it was prophecied that they will gather from their scattered nations and return home .

Until 1948, there was no land of Israel to return to. The territory "Palestine" was a province of Southern Syria and under Arab rule. Not until the 1800's did large numbers of Jews (and also Arabs from surrounding areas) begin to emigrate to what is today Israel.

Originally posted by The time lord
But the only Empire that fits the bill today that persecute Jews in their own homeland is of an Islamic alliance. But ever since Islam of 600AD it has never been broken up, it still is religious force so an Empire that resulted in that time is around today, so that can be considered.

Actually the Sunni/Shiite split in Islam is fairly significant... Arabs (and to an even greater extent, Muslims as a whole) are not some monolithic force in the world. There are many differences (cultural, language, goals) between Arab countries, and definitely between predominantly Muslim countries.

Originally posted by The time lord
The only national empire that goes against the Jews are the Arabs Islamic rule and their surrounding nations against Isreal. They won't allow the Jews to visit Temple Mount and you know that anything the Jews want goes against Islamic teaching and way of life

Jordan controls the Dome of the Rock (the mosque that was built on the Temple Mount). Jews visit the Temple Mount all the time... ever hear of the Western Wall? As for the Mosque, that is a holy religious place for Muslims, so why would Jews want to enter it? Also, your suggestion that "anything the Jews want goes against Islamic teaching" is fairly ridiculous. Just in terms of basic theology (leave politics out for a moment), Judaism has a lot more in common with Islam than Christianity. For example, an Orthodox Jew could enter a mosque and pray, but could never do that at a Christian Church (because of the depicted images of God, which are a no-no for Jews and Muslims, and also the whole praying to a man thing, which would be considered idolatry by Jews or Muslims).

Originally posted by The time lord
Now that the Arabs have grown in number they have become bullish in their attempt to secure every drop of the Middle East territory as theirs even though Isreal is 1% of it.

That's a pretty simplistic view of a very complicated problem. The Arabs that live within Israel proper are Israeli citizens already and participate in the democracy. The issue is the "occupied territories." Arab countries haven't launched an offensive war directly against Israel since the 70's (and without Egypt, which has a "cold peace" with Israel, they never will again), so I don't think you can say that they "want" the territory. However, they sure don't want to help the Palestinians either.... Palestinians tried to overthrow the king in Jordan in 1970, and they were massacred. If the other Arab countries can keep that problem inside of Israel, it's to their advantage.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by undo

Your view of the "is, and is not and is to be" or whatever that passage is, does not mean 8 empires. There were 4 empires which you got right. The significance of the 8 is the re-establishment of the roman empire.

1. Babylon
2. Medo-Persian
3. Grecian
4. Roman x 7.

The predictions in Daniel and Revelation talk about 5 reestablished empires that the vision has shown. The 6th was when Hitler was trying to take over Europe. The 7th is the EU. The 8th is actually the leader of the EU which will be determined in 2009. Elections are taking place this year for a President of the EU. That person may well be the political beast as the pope will be the religious beast. Obama is nothing close to it. Mystery Babylon is the city of Rome: the city on 7 hills (The seven heads/mountains in revelations). The vatican/catholic religion is the Harlot woman.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 09:38 PM

which will be determined in 2009. Elections are taking place this year for a President of the EU. That person may well be the political beast as the pope will be the religious beast.

actually that's where people get tripped up. the pope's seat is both political and religious. it's run by two figureheads, one covertly, the other overtly. The covert faction (The Jesuits) acts as the pope's mafia (sometimes turning on the pope and killing him if he doesn't go along with something the jesuits have their mind set on). it's fits the description of how the one figure head causes the rest of the world to worship the other figure head.

if you ever get a chance, check out "Vatican Assassins." It's very interesting.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by undo

Well, I don't know about all that. It may very well be the same but I just think it's strange how the EU came about through a treaty since the constitution was voted against. They just prettied it up and called it a treaty so that no one would be able to vote on it. There will be one ruler in Europe in 2009 the same time our next president takes office and I am watching in curiosity. Barack Obama, though not the right person for the job of president, is NOT the anti-christ! Pope Benedict XVI is not the religious beast. The next pope will be.... in my opinion. The EU president will be the political and may very well be a Roman with ties to the catholic church and the pope.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by Locoman8

that's been going on for hundreds of years (the ten toes).
those are the european nations, no doubt about it, which have
historically been in kahoots with the papacy at some level, even
when under a protestant monarch. most war isn't even about
disagreement at the top levels. it's about something else entirely.
they are playing a very big game of chess with the lives of their

none of this is new. people "think" the roman empire fell.
it did not. people think the ten european nations as a group
in agreement, is new, it's not. they've been exchanging
sons and daughters in the royal families, patting each others
backs and lining each other's pockets for centuries.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by undo

I never thought of it like that. I always knew the 10 toes stood for 10 nations under the rule of the EU and I thought the 27 nation-states that make up the EU would maybe merge to make 10 but it never occured to me that the secret lies in the royal bloodlines. Of course the 10 toes could stand for the super unions in works. The EU (european union), NAU (north american union), the SAU (south american union), AU (african union), APU (asian-pacific union), SPU (south pacific union "Australia & New Zeiland"), MEU (middle-eastern union), EAU (Eastern-asian union) and any others that may be missing.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 03:19 AM
If you literally believe what you read in the bible says about the anti christ, you will not be guessing. It tells you that you will know who he is if you have knowledge. No guessing.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by SteveR

It could also be said about anyone: McCain, Bush, Obama, Saddam Hussein, William Shatner.

It's such a vague prophecy it even fits the can of coke I'm drinking.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by dave420

It fits the can of Coke you're drinking because that can has a barcode that has the numbers 666 on it. That goes for any product you buy that has a barcode on it. The first, middle and last set of double lines, which are longer than the rest of the lines are all 6's. It's not a vague prophecy. Most people just pitch the idea that our president is the anti christ when in fact, the anti christ is a group of people. The beast of revelation and daniel is believed to come from Europe. The catholic church is the harlot woman of revelation led by the pope. The harlot woman is the religious beast. The political beast will be the ruler of Europe. The EU is holding elections next year for a president of all 27 nation-states. I put 2 and 2 together and get a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Buck Division
I read in an ATS post last week that the main qualification for the Anti Christ was that this individual would have to speak out, and directly oppose, Jesus Christ and his teachings.

I've been looking for that thread (but can't find it.)

But, if that is true, I don't see how anyone who professes to be a Christian could possibly be the Anti Christ.

That also goes for Muslims, who also completely revere Jesus Christ, in their own way.

So, is that true? If it is, how could Barry Obama be the Anti Christ?

Careful of being too literal. The opposition would be in the actions. Speaking as Christ but not acting as Christ did. Remember and "He will come in my name".

Also, the Anti-Christ will assist- not rule. The way is being paved for Satan- not Satan's Anti-Christ.

The most important thing to watch for is that the Anti-Christ will be defeated- not destroyed!

And the Anti-Christ's identity will not be revealed until his defeat- he must be defeated at the seat of Satan. The Anti-Christ is merely warming the throne, folks.

This is a very interesting time because it is happening right now. Trying to guess who he is- that's the smoke screen to hide his identity. There is right now, an unholy trinity and any of the three are equal suspects as two hide the real identity.

The seat is not in Rome and nor is it in Jerusalem. It is much farther East!

[edit on 15-4-2008 by dk3000]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 04:00 PM
He will come in the name of Christ. Think about the Pope. The pope is said to be the human representation of Christ even though the bible opposes titles of such glory to men. He has the face of a righteous man but the toung of a dragon like the book of revelations says. YOu are looking the wrong way if you thing Obama is the A.C. You only need to look in the EU with the Pope and future president of the EU.

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