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Barack Obama will be The Anti Christ

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posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 05:29 PM
He fits this to a T... Rev 13:12 ....This beast which I saw was like a leopard (African tribal member), but it had bear's feet (hidden support from Russia Jan 22 2011..) and a lion's mouth (charismatic and/or speaking English). To it the dragon (the Chinese) gave the strength that was his (economic support), and great dominion (comes in the Aftermath).

I wouldn't blame him if he became the AC, he was basically played like a fiddle and used as a scapegoat/fall guy for all the other president's screw-ups since Kennedy was shot. What will likely get him into kill mode will be a terror attack to bait his attack on Iran, and he will come to find out Israel was the real culprit of it.

The AC is just a job title, he is the one that dispenses Judgment and Justice, where the Christ was the bestower of Grace and Mercy. In all likelihood the AC's message will be along the lines of learn to share and cooperate, or DIE OUT, he will weed out false and idolistic religious worship by very compelling arguments in favor of worship of a god that is without form. In fact, the religion will differ from Christ's teachings in only one area, that is in that god gives GRACE and forgiveness of sin. In the end the Antichrist will be deceived and declare himself the "vessel" of this god and demand worship. I think we all know what happens next...

edit on 9-9-2011 by eywadevotee because: more details

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 01:39 PM
So wrong because of these reason.

1) The anti christ is a S/he or a He/r the Opposite of Jesus Christ who is/was a real man and 1/3 of Gods Master Plan. Instead of the son of God Satan is the Daughter since the bible says over and over "Male and female made He them". So that just makes Satan the Black Sheep in the Trinity family. The child of Woe foretold to Come

2) The Anti Christ could be anyone but it was always part of the plan for Her to be a Woman or aka His Bride since Jesus Christ is known as the Bridegroom to Come. She has other names such as Satan, the Devil, Beast and was desscribed as the Serpent in the Garden, and why Satan said in his heart, I sit as a Queen and Shall be No Widow

3) Yes Satan job was to Deceive the whole world; and all this time She did well cause you didnt know she was a
girl nor did you know she was the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh that was inside of the 1st Adam. As Jesus slept on the cross God use this bone to make him a new wife suitable for Him.

4) So to make a long story short on Sept. 26, 2011 the US Supreme Court will decide whether to address a Complaint #11-5381 made by a woman claiming to be Satan in the Flesh and claims Mass Religion Fraud and Breach of Contract due to No Law respecting an establishment of religion and all of the Oath sworns on the Bible.

Yep; Satan asked for the Separate and Equal Right to Have Laws instead of No Law that respect an establishment of religion. Looks like to Me; that GOP made the wrong choice by a pledge of allegience to the wrong flag pole

giances. He is the black sheep. He is deeply inspiring and popular. He floats on the desperation of the masses. He is the great deceiver. He demands difference. He seeks power, and will sell his soul to get there.

All of these statements apply to Him at the time of writing.

Uniter: Obama has white, black, male and female support - support in every demographic in South Carolina and many places across the United States.

Allegiances: Obama is a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ, an African-American fundamentalist Christian only club.
ception: "On Iraq my position is no different than George Bush's". Bill Clinton has done a fair share to expose Obama's lies. The anti-war and change ticket has been thoroughly compromised, yet no uproar from Obama s
ower: To put it lightly, Obama has long obsessed about power, and the Presidency, even from his studious years in the far east.
who obama really is

He is The False Messiah.

ll try to destroy the Jewish People and Israel( Obama has said he loves the Arabs specially the Palestinians, hates Israel and Jews. Admires Hitler, Osama etc)
6.- He will present himself as good and righteous but in fact he's Satan himself. Violence is in his heart
7.- Obama will help Al Qaida in its evil projects.
8.- Barack Hussein Obama is the “King of the South” predicted in the Bible.(Daniel .11, Kenya is south of Jerusalem)
9.- Obama comes to implant muslim Sharia Law upon America.

Barack Obama says he wants to bring Change. I believe him.

Remember, you will know the truth in your soul.

Trust your Instincts

"People can think what they want about me, I could really give a hoot. People think that the AC is coming out of the mid-east. My personal belief is that the AC is going to rise right out of the UN, and with this guys popularity, charisma, and how he is climbing the ranks in government real fast!!!, He may be in the UN next."

"When I first heard of Barak, a few days ago, the first thing I heard is that he is a guy who came out of nowhere and now many flock to his side. When my wife and I heard this, we both thought the same thing, the anti-christ. Now I am not claiming him to be, just something that triggered that thought in both of us."

"My sister and I both feel something “spooky” about this guy, but can’t quite figure out what it is. It is odd that strangers come up to him on the street. Why would they do that, unless they were drawn to him."

"I don’t think we should directly label Obama as AC, but it is very interresting. While I was watching him, the VERY FIRST thought that came to my mind was asking the Lord if I was looking at the AC. I don’t have a big opinion either way, but man, that was pretty scary."

[edit on 2008/1/27 by SteveR] [/qu

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 02:06 PM
If there is something that takes America down to her knees resulting in a group of kings supporting Obama, like another global bailout, so to speak; then I can see Obama moving into the UN from this seat he now possesses.

There is still time before the AC takes control. Firstly, the US needs to be removed because we are not in scripture, unless you are reading Rev 17.

Currently we are just nearing Rev 12, the Woman cloaked in the stars with the moon at her feet! This September 29. Maybe ELE-nin will make a new appearance by then.

I am really less worried about who the AC is, there will be many heads to the beast so the AC can reach everyone far and wide, what I am most worried about is the "Mark". There is no way I will accept this so that is my fate if this should come to my town! I won't accept internment! This is it, this is where we draw the line.

By the time the AC is fully recognized I would suspect that the chip will be in place and working smoothly.

I plan to go by way of the Hopi, for what ever that is worth I would go wild before I get placed in a camp!

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 02:32 PM
Related to the Devil possible. Son of the Devil possible. Anti Christ I wouldn't give him that much credit.

I pray all our souls are saved through Jesus Christ Our Lord.

"Haile, full of Grace, God is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Our Lady, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death."

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:19 AM
j'ai vu mon sang circulé sur l'étoile de david et je me suis retrouvé sur un trhone en pierre a la droite du diable en reve . il s'est produit en 2008

un 2eme reve en 2009 ou je vois le diable et il me dit en pointant du doigt " regarde massimo c'est Dieu , c'est lui qui m'a créé et il ne se montre jamais " j'ai vu une lumiere et j'ai vu un homme avec la peau bleu ( sa peau était lumineuse) il avait les cheveux rasé, des yeux brun , un peu de barbe , playboy , il avancait vers moi en souriant et a la fin il m'a fait un clin d'oeil.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by Greensage

i go more with the 42 months/ 42 months model

the person who will later be revealed as the AC will grow in stature and charisma and power for the first
1,260 days which equals 42 months (or the first half of the 70th week ~end times & tribulation~)

As it stands now, Øbama entered office in January 2009
42 months later will be July 2012 ...this date would be the earliest date that the AC would be 'revealed'...
scriptures inform us that in the middle of the final week the AC will receive a fatal/mortal head wound but shall recover and live...and all the world will be astonished

so, if Øbama does get a fatal head wound, sometime between June-July 2012, which falls into the 42 month period of becoming president

Or if the man Øbama does not begin the 42 month countdown until he won the 'peace Prize' in Oct 2009... then the 42 months would fall in April 2013.

in any event, we will not know if Barrack Obama will become the AC until July 2012 or April 2013..
so we all have some months to prepare, for the forced Mark/Number/or Name to be accepted on our hand or forehead

~doom radio playing in background~

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
reply to post by Greensage

i go more with the 42 months/ 42 months model

the person who will later be revealed as the AC will grow in stature and charisma and power for the first
1,260 days which equals 42 months (or the first half of the 70th week ~end times & tribulation~)

As it stands now, Øbama entered office in January 2009
42 months later will be July 2012 ...this date would be the earliest date that the AC would be 'revealed'...
scriptures inform us that in the middle of the final week the AC will receive a fatal/mortal head wound but shall recover and live...and all the world will be astonished

so, if Øbama does get a fatal head wound, sometime between June-July 2012, which falls into the 42 month period of becoming president

Or if the man Øbama does not begin the 42 month countdown until he won the 'peace Prize' in Oct 2009... then the 42 months would fall in April 2013.

in any event, we will not know if Barrack Obama will become the AC until July 2012 or April 2013..
so we all have some months to prepare, for the forced Mark/Number/or Name to be accepted on our hand or forehead

~doom radio playing in background~

Excellent post.

Consider this video, Obama has very little respect for the bible or the teachings of Jesus:

And yet he acknowledges that Jesus Christ is Lord just yesterday and he is not really all that pleased about the circumstances in which he makes this admission. The look of distaste on his face as he makes this admission is clear:

Even Satan and the demons acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.

JAS 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.

MT 8:28 When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. "What do you want with us, Son of God?" they shouted. "Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?"

Everything seems to be lining up. Somebody just had a dream that Obama would be wounded in the head by a plastic or glass sword/dagger while standing on a podium. Check out this vid and read the description below of the dream (skip to about 5 mins in to get to the dream):

Description of the dream:

Underground troops marching through tunnels and across suspension bridges through caverns, someone attacks the president with a non-metallic knife or sword (maybe glass?) - looked like probable head wound, people in the future caught worshiping and educating their children about Jesus in secret.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 07:07 AM
Can we please stop listening to America's village idiots??

edit on 29-9-2011 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Athenian
Nostradamus disagrees with your whole ani-christ statement, and says Obama will in fact bring peace.

Century x
The walls will be converted from brick to marble,
Seven and fifty pacific years:
Joy to mortals, the aqueduct renewed,
Health, abundance of fruits, joy and mellifluous times.
A hundred times will the inhuman tyrant die,
In his place put one learned and mild,
The entire Senate will be under his hand,
He will be vexed by a rash scoundrel.

Obama is definitely learned and mild compared to the inhuman tyrant (Bush). The entire senate makes sense, he is a senator. Vexed by a rash scoundrel - Bill Clinton.

What a crock! Obama is nothing more than a political puppet... Just a good dog doing the tricks his master commands!!!

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 02:48 PM
On September 26, 2011 the USSC decided whether or not to grant petition #11-5381. This is discrimination complaint filed by a woman who claims to be Satan, the daughter of God, Sister Spirit and espoused wife of Jesus Christ in the flesh of a regular Christian. Most of the cable network programs showed a heckler of President Obama that claimed Mr. Obama is the Anti Christ. So if people believe that Anti Christ exist; than why dont they believe the one who says she is Satan? Many people call America a Christian nation because when the pilgrims 1st came to lands not their own they had a Mayflower Compact in hand that said "In the name of GOD Amen.We the undersigned having undertaken for the glory of God & Advancement of the Christian faith.

Then after getting all they wanted these sons of guns turned around and came up with the 1st Amendment. But did you know or think its fair that Native American Indian were were the heads of their household and bestowed land rights and blessing from Mother to Daughter. But women were not allowed to Vote, ever given a choice or the decent respect of being asked their religious convictions. Now we have a Father, Son and Holy Ghost religion that doesnt acknowledge the Mother or Daughter as a Holy Hostess. Although all females are born virgins, these (Daughters of God) are treated more a like a DOG or called a witch who set them up for a fall after they were caught in a wrong. But the Good News Gospel is this woman claims to be able to prove the bible as true, but grossly misunderstood because a Man due to his gender Rev. 5:5 was never to be able to receive the Hidden Manna promised by Jesus Christ. That job like childbirth was prepared by GOD for a Woman and Lioness of Judah because She is the fiercest of beast in protection of her children. According to our Declaration of Independence, Women, as One People & other form of Mankind have the duty and right to dissolve, separate and throw Off the political body of govenment men who allowed such Evils to exist.

The fact is men are too accustomed to thinking about sex or using the wrong head they are unable to right themselves. Surely if GOD made men 1st and all men are created equal than the God who made women 2nd had to create them better. But here is the thing I want to know; if the DOJ can to impeach or charge the GOP Congress with Treason, Fraud and Religion, Ancestry, Political, Ethics, Race, Age, Gender & Equal Employment (RAPE RAGE) Discriminations & Retaliation against US citizens due to their anger about the election of our 1st Black President. We all know how the Tea Party & GOP have pledged allegiance to G. Norquist, sold their souls to a Dont Tread on Me flag pole. But I'd bet the only GOD they really Trust is aka the Almighty Buck. I dont believe they even know GOD's name as the claim. More troubling is the fact each has sworn their oaths on a Bible and US Supreme Court is still letting them use God's name in vain. In truth I think that GOD is pretty pissed off at US due to the 1st AMENdment- No law respecting an establishment of Religion, cause I don’t recall GOD giving ADAM(Any Darn Arrogant Man)the right to say NO GOD, We wont obey or respect your established Laws and it is for this cause America will Fall.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 04:16 PM
Obama is not the Antichrist. We will see the Antichrist when Satan is thrown from Heaven.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Do you have any candidates for the false prophet?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:02 PM
Obama being the Anti-Christ is ludicrous, to me. He isn't uniting anyone. This country, and the world, is just as divided now as it was before he came along.

He isn't a man of Babylon.

He is just another POTUS. Big whoopee doooooo.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by SteveR

I can't agree with you for the simple fact that the AntiChrist is supposed to be a great orator.
The time I checked, no previous and memorable speakers needed a teleprompter.

Sure, Barry has a nice voice and I like the way he looks down his nose at everyone, but he's not the AntiChrist.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:18 PM
Didn't you know that surely Teleprompters are the work of Satan?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by EfficacyOfTruth
Didn't you know that surely Teleprompters are the work of Satan?

You just have to wonder whose words ol' Barry is reading. He doesn't appear to be very stoic and wise when a reporter catches him off guard. Also, take note as to how he pauses between words, It's quite strategic. His speeches are based on a type of mind control where the audience is kept remembering and hanging on certain words, while not registering others. It's rather brilliant, actually.
Who is Barry's speechwriter anyways?
edit on 28-4-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by oghamxx
Do you have any candidates for the false prophet?

My personal belief is that the false prophet will be the next pope. I think it will be either Peter Turkson or Bertone. And he will work with the antichrist (Obama is looking like a pretty good candidate.)

They will announce their new one world religion, probably something ridiculous like "Chrislam" and make it mandatory to pledge allegiance to allah the moon goddess.

I could be wrong.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by oghamxx
Do you have any candidates for the false prophet?

Not that I agree Obama is the antichrist, I believe a figure as the antichrist would choose to operate behind the scenes in ways normal men cannot understand.

But I do believe many scientists are false prophets. Some of them even claim to know for sure there is no such thing as an afterlife, or a soul or even free will.

Just one example, before you know it, people will be doing it with everybody like in Babylonian times and everyone would be ok with that because science explained how there is no such free will so temptations like lust can't be ignored - it's something that's in humans DNA, completely natural, and cannot be ignored.

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 09:10 AM
I think the Anti-Christ will be a good person first operating behind the scenes, preparing to show himself. If he comes out of nowhere and starts fullfulling these prophecies he'd scare the people. He's not against, he's for the People. If God was for the People, why would he enjoy slaughtering them like sheep?

The Anti-christ is a heart-inspired person led by Consioussness ('Satan'). I think he will tell the People he's Jesus because it would be stupid to say that he's the Anti-Christ. It would scare them and they wouldn't follow/help him. If he told them he's Jesus, the People will help and when the time is right, he'll tell who he really is. Seeing his True nature doesn't mean seeing he's some kind of beast but that he has Good intentions, not Evil.

The strong will protect the weak and the weak will help the strong.

That's what I think about it. :-)

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 06:48 PM
Total hogwash, balderdash, and kumquats - undeniably.

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