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Barack Obama will be The Anti Christ

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posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 06:41 PM

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 07:46 PM
i don't think barak obama will be the antichrist if you talk of the one in revelations book of the bible! why? the beast(nation which has political and religious power in one leader,and there is only one place like that on earth!) is where the antichrist will reveal himself first! now also remember that there is the image of the beast!

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 09:29 PM

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 02:16 PM

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 02:18 PM
Every time this ridiculous thread is about to die, some Anonymous poster comes along and brings it back (and I assume it's a dumb comment because they never seem to get approved).

Find the conspiracy in that.

[edit on 1-10-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by SteveR

I feel in my heart that he is the AC i feel what he is saying is good,but i have this great feeling of deception that i cant put my finger on, he is not as he appears. Im tired of people useing the race card and crazy christians excuse well see in the end who's right (:

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 01:59 AM

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by SteveR

I am relatively new to this website and I appreciate the chance to say how I feel and to say what I believe, as do the others who come here. I too BELIEVE there is something subversive and off about Obama. I mean in the sense of - if I were to really trust my instincts totally? I believe this man is the Anti-Christ. And it's odd the way I came to it. I don't care if anyone agrees with me or not, this is not up for debate. In fact, it would go against prophesy for most people to see him for who he really is. "The devil is a liar" and "the liar" will do anything to gain complete control. Most people for their own reasons and lack of discernment will fall for the Anti-Christ's charismatic oratory, believing his promises and want to follow him as he tries to take power. This is foretold. If it wasn't so dangerous, it would be almost comical because in our politically correct society it is perfect that he would came back as a black man. To point him out as the Anti-Christ would be so ultimately un-cool for fear of being labelled a rascist. A perfect cover in our politically-correct tippy-toe around-the-truth, afraid-we-might-offend-someone society. What could be more symbolic than to return as a half black, half white, Muslim/yet professes "Christianity"? He has a true Muslim name and heritage, that is certifiable and undeniable, yet he denies any connection to this ("the devil is a liar" and "is all things to all people") if it is unpopular, he changes. You know what I find even more interesting? John McCain just announced that he won't even be going into Michigan and campaigning, he won't even try in Michigan. What no one is saying, because it would be political suicide to infer - is that Muslims want Obama. If you know anything, anything at all about Michigan is that Americans are leaving the state by droves due to the massive migration and implementation of Muslim practices and lawsuits to ensure their way of life there - the Arabs are taking over the state and it is in fact the second-largest Arab population outside the Middle East, right after Paris. Now why would Arabs and Muslims want Obama? Do you think they see something we Americans don't want to admit could really be true out of fear of being labelled racist? Do you think they recognize a brother when they see one? Is it just coincidental that Muslims would want a Barak Hussein Obama in the White House? He is Muslim. They are taking over the state of Michigan, not integrating, taking over. So McCain isn't even going to try there. It would be political suicide for him to say that this huge populace of Muslims (who are taking over Michigan) only want Obama. Remember when Obama's middle name was said in the campaign? All hell broke loose!! No, no one wants to tell the truth out of fear.
What I do know is that if you trust in God you will be given wisdom and discernment. I trust what I feel. I do not expect the general public to "get it". Why? Because the Anti-Christ does have a role to play at this time in history and God is allowing this drama to play out. It is a test for us, to return to the wisdom of God's ways or suffering the consequences. There are many signs. Many will discount any such evidence as signs and scoff and laugh. This too was foretold. I am a spiritual person and I do believe the prophesies of what lies ahead. I am preparing as well. God is our protection and it is all about the battle between good and evil. We need to choose which side we are on and stand strong. God will give us strength and courage if we turn to Him. We will come out all right in the end but not before we turn again to God, as a nation and only then will He step in and defeat our enemies. Thank God the Anti-Christ will be defeated in the end. Thank you for allowing me to share how I feel.
God bless everyone!

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 05:36 AM

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:09 PM
I hope he is the anti-christ and kills all these ignorant moronic christians.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:26 PM

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by SteveR

All I can say is, I'm yet to meet a revelation-beleiving christian who dosen't get a bad sence from this guy. But, the fact is, if he IS infact the antichrist, then he will come to power wether we vote for him or not, because it is prophecied that he will, and he will have to in order to acheive what must be acheived

its frightening times

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by PunPryde
I hope he is the anti-christ and kills all these ignorant moronic christians.

How typical of those who will follow Obama into the lake of fire. The time frame Obama has burst on the world stage is perfect for the antichrist. The messiah complex that surrounds him also fits..............

He is on the "left" of society, Satan was the at "left hand" of God. He believes you can abort a baby after it is born. Thats pretty evil.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

Wjhat do you think of him now, not only the democrat nominee, but he has fooled enough people to be President, then leader of the world from there.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 12:44 AM

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 01:04 AM

To say that because Obama was 'exposed' to the Muslim religion and that it therefore MUST influence his life and decision making is absurd.

I myself was raised a Roman Catholic by a mother and father who were and still are 'good Catholics' - that is, non-hypocritical and 'Christian' in the sene that they do genuinely try to live by Christ's teachings, not their own warped version of it. Now, although I was immersed in this religion from a child into young adulthood, recieving the sacraments and attending two Catholic schools, I decided at University that I disagreed with organised religion on a fundamental level and that although it is right, beneficial and helpful for others (fair enough) it was not the path I wihed to choose. I have no residual guilt or 'Catholic' feelings that wont dissapate - I decided it wasn't for me, therefore I am no longer a Roman Catholic and am in no way influenced by Catholic sentiments.

My fiance's father is from Kuwait. He too was 'raised' a Muslim yet he too decided that such a practise was not right for him. Therefore when his son, my fiance, was concieved (by a white, protestant Scottish woman btw) hee did not insist that his son remain in the country and be brought up immersed in the Muslim way of life, instead advising that he be brought back o Scotland and raised in a nation which is less Religion orientated.

Any argument that 'once exposed, forever 'contaminated'' is ludicrous, ignorant and offensive in the extreme. Stop referring to the Muslim relgion as though it is some kind of radioactive substance that Obama has been affected and permanently mutated by.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 07:28 AM
The "end of times" is now. It's not too soon to identify the AC, I think he should run around here anywhere. The "official begin" of the 7 years described in the revelation, is on 12-21-2008, that is in two months. In august 2012, Satan will be beat (by Michael) and thrown out of heaven ( this is in the middle of the 7 years; also the end of the mayan calender, when their snake-god comes to earth). He is thrown to earth and will possess the person that is prepared. This person may be also the ancestor and preparer of satans realm, before he is possessed by Lucifer himself (and should have power before Satan gets into him).
Please google "secret+tammus+17" and you will find the web page, where you can get further information on the schedule of the 7 years. I have a strong feeling that it's true.
And Obama is a very good candidate, in fact the only one I can yet see.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Athenian

barack is the antichrist, and barack has ties to the middle east, you see, stop thinking of the middle east as just israel and palestine, because its not. egypt is included in that, and i would certainly say KENYA is as well. obama has the means of making peace because he appeals to muslims, he is one himself, and remember, the antichrist will bring about peace and prosperity for a few years. another fact is barack has already won this election, he even has mccain speaking good things about him, saying he would not fear him as president, and he is a great man.....etc. obama was born when sodomy was decriminalized, he "rose out of the sea", he came from nowhere, in 2006, no one knew obama, now he's captured the world, and try and tell one of his supporters your not voting for him, and see how angry they get, why? because he has them entranced. he speaks boastful things, promises change, and yes we will get change, just not the change we expect. obama will make peace with venezuela, with iraq, with afghanistan, with all the little countries of the world, and oil will be excessible, and gas will drop to 2 dollars a gallon, people will be happy. he will pull the country out of defecit, and then, after he accomplishes this, he will expect worship in return. He will turn brother against brother, father against son, mother against daughter, man against man, until man exists no more. BE WARE

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 02:45 PM
I find this site laughable. You know where the sun goes at night don't you? The problem with people that rely on the bible as their only source: They're stories people!!!!!!! If they were literal then there would still be talking snakes and we would all be relatives by blood. Wake up and smell the coffee

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 06:15 AM
The Republican Party was founded during the civil war because they didnt agree with slavery. I would like to know what is racist about republicans.I am an independant btw. People need a refresher course in history, including Obama who proudly posed and spoke in front of the Victory column in Germany. For those of you that dont know about the Victory column Hitler considered it so important he had it moved from one side of the city to the other. The angel on the statue is not one of peace. It is the angel of war and victory. He might as well have stood in front of the swastica. Obama has a messiah complex just like Hitler. Hitler was well aware of the Nostramaus texts and had teams of people study them over and over to see if it stated that he would achieve his goal. Whether or not Obama is the true antichrist of the bible, only god knows for now. But people with messiah complexes are 100 percent sociopaths and have no cares except for themselves. I wanted so bad to vote for Obama 6 months ago. Then like a resonsible, educated American I did my research. I was horrified and in awe at what I found. Hilary Clinton and her people made sure that information on Obama didnt disappear. Hilary was not my favorite person but she KNEW that he was a very bad man and thats why she refused to give up. Most of the articles I researched and saw
with my own eyes are now wiped from the net. Hes not even in office yet and our freedom of speech is being taken from us.

One more thought on history repeating itself. Germany was an economic mess and knew it was looked down upon to the rest of the world. Hitler started campaigning giving people hope and immense pride in themselves as a nation. Sound at all familiar? Obama will become president. There is nothing anyone of us can do about it.

I write here because if I can make ONE PERSON do research, it will be worth it. However like I said, there is not nearly as much to research as there was. Please read this

May God Have Mercy On the United States of America and the World

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