posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by SteveR
I am relatively new to this website and I appreciate the chance to say how I feel and to say what I believe, as do the others who come here. I too
BELIEVE there is something subversive and off about Obama. I mean in the sense of - if I were to really trust my instincts totally? I believe this
man is the Anti-Christ. And it's odd the way I came to it. I don't care if anyone agrees with me or not, this is not up for debate. In fact, it
would go against prophesy for most people to see him for who he really is. "The devil is a liar" and "the liar" will do anything to gain complete
control. Most people for their own reasons and lack of discernment will fall for the Anti-Christ's charismatic oratory, believing his promises and
want to follow him as he tries to take power. This is foretold. If it wasn't so dangerous, it would be almost comical because in our politically
correct society it is perfect that he would came back as a black man. To point him out as the Anti-Christ would be so ultimately un-cool for fear of
being labelled a rascist. A perfect cover in our politically-correct tippy-toe around-the-truth, afraid-we-might-offend-someone society. What could
be more symbolic than to return as a half black, half white, Muslim/yet professes "Christianity"? He has a true Muslim name and heritage, that is
certifiable and undeniable, yet he denies any connection to this ("the devil is a liar" and "is all things to all people") if it is unpopular, he
changes. You know what I find even more interesting? John McCain just announced that he won't even be going into Michigan and campaigning, he
won't even try in Michigan. What no one is saying, because it would be political suicide to infer - is that Muslims want Obama. If you know
anything, anything at all about Michigan is that Americans are leaving the state by droves due to the massive migration and implementation of Muslim
practices and lawsuits to ensure
their way of life there - the Arabs are taking over the state and it is in fact the second-largest Arab
population outside the Middle East, right after Paris. Now why would Arabs and Muslims want Obama? Do you think they see something we Americans
don't want to admit could really be true out of fear of being labelled racist? Do you think they recognize a brother when they see one? Is it just
coincidental that Muslims would want a Barak Hussein Obama in the White House? He is Muslim. They are taking over the state of Michigan, not
taking over. So McCain isn't even going to try there. It would be political suicide for him to say that this huge populace of
Muslims (who are taking over Michigan) only want Obama. Remember when Obama's middle name was said in the campaign? All hell broke loose!! No, no
one wants to tell the truth out of fear.
What I do know is that if you trust in God you will be given wisdom and discernment. I trust what I feel. I do not expect the general public to
"get it". Why? Because the Anti-Christ does have a role to play at this time in history and God is allowing this drama to play out. It is a test
for us, to return to the wisdom of God's ways or suffering the consequences. There are many signs. Many will discount any such evidence as signs
and scoff and laugh. This too was foretold. I am a spiritual person and I do believe the prophesies of what lies ahead. I am preparing as well.
God is our protection and it is all about the battle between good and evil. We need to choose which side we are on and stand strong. God will give
us strength and courage if we turn to Him. We will come out all right in the end but not before we turn again to God, as a nation and only then will
He step in and defeat our enemies. Thank God the Anti-Christ will be defeated in the end. Thank you for allowing me to share how I feel.
God bless everyone!