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"The Next President" a prediction

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posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Why all the debating and fussing over the candidates when we all know that "W" will take us to war with Iran before his presidency is over with another inside job 9/11 to fool the world into thinking it was Iran that attacked us. He will make sure the elections are postponed during this time and will serve an unprecedented 3rd term.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 07:45 PM
You know, Bush has had a ton of chances to declare martial law, suspend the elections, etc, but still hasn't. Why do you think he'll wait until the last minute to do so?

And don't you think that in times of war, they don't have elections? They have in the past. He wouldn't have any sort of precedent.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by ajm
Even if he does leave office, they've made so much money on this war already and they probably know it won't be so easy to pull out like some people may claim. It really does seem that the relgious and NWO are hell bent on WW3 to fulfill prophecy anyway. It's like Bush said: "Bring it on!"

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by jerico65

I think the general thinking is if Homeland security goes red, Martial Law is implemented, and elections are suspended.

I was reading about the Minot missing nuke story again today, and where it stands now. There may have been something in the works there with Dubya, and it got shut down.

I've also noticed that there doesn't seem to be a lot of fight from the Republican President to keep his party in power. When they asked him if he was going to wait up for the Iowa returns he just said no, I'm going to bed. That stuck with me.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 08:02 PM
The illusion of a Democratic process has to go on to satisfy the people and to validate the fact that Bush isnt going anywhere when the "next" attack comes, all these people are willing participants.

I beleive they know. This is why i dont pay any attention to any of them and i dont care who wins. Its all going to be the same and nothing will change.

That's my prophecy for the day.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by jerico65

if he does do it, and i really dont think he will, he'll probably wait til the last minute, because there is a lot of time between now and the elections for him to be 'overthrown', or possibly assassinated.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 08:07 PM
Time for us to clean house of the war mongering Bush's and the Corruption Kings(Clinton's)! Just finished watching the secret life of the clintons on youtube. WOW, sure glad I didn't know them(or about them) very well as I'd already be GONE!!! REcommended for voters!! to watch!!

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by ajm
Why all the debating and fussing over the candidates when we all know that "W" will take us to war with Iran before his presidency is over with another inside job 9/11 to fool the world into thinking it was Iran that attacked us. He will make sure the elections are postponed during this time and will serve an unprecedented 3rd term.

So what do you post about when this doesn't happen?

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 09:18 PM
O.K. folks....Here is my prediction for the future presidency of the United States of America! DRUMROLL PLEASE!! Hillary is "elected" barely squeaking by wahetever dupe is picked to run on the Republican ticket- with Ron Paul on an independant ticket being used as the "spoiler"(remember Ralph Nader and Ross Perot anyone?) dividing the Republican vote making the election of her despised murdering lying scumbag a#$ seem plausable. W "retires" to enjoy his old age in a drunken drug induced stupor after doing his final part in the "Grand Illusion" by keeping the U.S. economy barely afloat by carpet bombing the nation with $100 bills, the economy will finally crash in flaming ruins during Billarys first year in office. The yowls from the media shills and Neocon players will be heard far and wide as they tell the nation what fools they were to trust the nation to a "Liberal". As the Great Depression of '09 grips the world Congress continues to do its "job" by talking about talking. Civil unrest sweeps the nation causing a "tearful" Hillary to take a tough stance and implement draconion measures and deploy troops on Amrican soil to "restore order". Then- as Lady Liberty reels from being punched and kicked from every direction by the architects of the New World Order the next fabricated "terrorist" attack will occur in late 2011 perhaps in lets say oh .. maybe...mid september... I will take a wild guess here and say September 11, 2011. Even as the radiation still makes the melted slot machines glow amidst the smoldering ruins of Las Vegas ,the drumbeat of the Neocons grows louder and louder as they tell the hopeless nation how this was all their fault for being so stupid as to trust our security to weakling liberals. But then - like a gift from heaven, a new hope to "rescue" our bleeding Republic emerges from the clouds of Florida...and the NWO Neocon Goldenboy Jeb Bush descends upon us to usher in a new era of stability as the first American Dictator! You heard it here first folks!!!!

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by ItsHumanNature should so write a book. haha

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 09:46 PM
I'll buy that.

Great book or movie. See if Hollywood will pick up the script for it.

I like it better than my prediction!

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 10:10 PM
I say americans that are aware of their current situation should just move away from there.
isn't that a better option?

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 10:16 PM
At this point in time, I almost don't care who gets elected, as long as it isn't Billary. You know, the US has had a Bush or Clinton as a leader since 1981, if you count Bush Sr as VP with Reagan.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 10:20 PM
I would think that this summer Bush and Israel decide to make a sudden attack on Iran facilities and military structures. Russians get killed from it and so Russia attacks some US and Israeli assets. Both nations return the same. The cold war is on again and there is open hostlity and we all go to defcon 4. Meanwhile China is nrevous over the oil and decides to fles some muscle and send troops to aid Iran, they also attack Tiawon. WW3 begins to break out and sombody mistakenly sets off a nuclear weapon.
When the war is over and most of the nukes have dropped, we return to an culture similar to the 17th century. The whole world does. New nations rise out of the old ones with new names and borders.

They who do not learn from the past... are doomed to repeat it.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

i think that if war happens, it will happen closely to that.
as well as japan and the US aiding taiwan, australia will try to keep peace in the pacific, and germany will go after russia cuz theyre still pissed off from the first 2 world wars. britain will ally with the US, japan, and germany agaist iran, china and russia. france might help too, but probably not. and then the smurfs will emerge from underground, and attack the US with nuclear weapons that saddam gave them because the drilling of oil destroyed their underground homes, and then the rest of all hell will break lose. any questions?

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by wisefoolishness

I always knew the smurfs were inherently evil. Now i have my proof!

Maybe it was them who were behind 9/11?

In seriousness though, i think the next major war will be between China and India over China's proposed damming and diversion of one of India's largest sources of water. It was touched on recently in the '3 possible causes of ww3' topic.

When that # hits the fan i don't know what countries will ally against others, but it sure won't be pretty.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 11:12 PM
I agree that it doesn't really matter who is elected from the primary candidates because Americans are still ultimately going to be subjected to the same "disregard of the average citizen" scenario.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by fooffstarr

freakin smurfs, haha.

but anyway, theres no way to tell how anything will start. but i think that one thing will happen, and then many things will happen at once. theres gonna be a big chain of events that would take place at the beginning. i believe that WW3 has the potential, that is if no nuclear or bio weapons are used, to be a very long drawn out war, maybe lasting as long as 5-10 years before all fighting has stopped. but the chances of those weapons being left out are not good at all. either way, massive casualties for anyone involved.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by bonijean

yeah, we're still screwed any way we go. it really makes voting useless if any of this happens. it'll probably be 1 or 2 elections from now before it actually matters who is in office.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by ajm
Why all the debating and fussing over the candidates when we all know that "W" will take us to war with Iran before his presidency is over with another inside job 9/11 to fool the world into thinking it was Iran that attacked us. He will make sure the elections are postponed during this time and will serve an unprecedented 3rd term.

"Unprecedented????" Don't have much of a grasp of American history do you?

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