Hello, i have read some news on the web like everyday and apparently a meteorite had fall in a little village in the cher( france's departement ),
nothing disturbing here until i read that some witnesses had seen a flying disc over their head.
Here is the
link to the original source, it's in french so here is the
"ORLÉANS, Loiret (Reuters)- A meteorite would have crashed on Friday, on the start of the evening, on the Municipality of Trouy, in the south of
Bourges ( Cher ), had report a local astronomer.
The object, first assimilited to a "burning plane",according to the testimonies "collect" by the fire brigades of Vaucluse, was seen in the South
of France before an employee of the aerodrome of Bourges, besides astronomer, confirms his fall in the Cher.
After a first fruitless beat, made on Saturday morning, the rush towards the meteorite began to shake the spirits.
***here is the intersting part***
"Auditors call us to say that they saw a brilliant disk which parked over the head ", reported a journalist of France Bleu, the localradio
At Trouy, where the national press started to come this saturday morning, this meteorite is considered " as a sky's present", had declared to
Reuters an habitant of the village of 2.900peoples.
End of article.
What is this "brilliant" disc? Is this the meteorite that had been misidentified or there was a ufo ( man or not made ) looking at the "show"?
I will try to find more about that and update the story.
Sorry if the translation are not that good but i mixed my knowledge with a web translator so some times....
[edit on 26-1-2008 by ufopunx]