After being an avid conspiracy theorist for a few years now, it comes to my attention that nobody is ever going to take us seriously. We have no hard
evidence to back our claims, and when we do, they either take us out or label us as paranoid. How do we stop this?
I always leave a penny on their doorsill, drives them wild. How do we stop menanites from us whackjobs who believe in ufo's and funky shadow critters
at their backdoors? Good ?. Not sure if that can be done.
By the way my friend, I don't like the word paranoia. It sounds to much like something out of a horror movie. I prefer to use the term "Heightened
Awareness." So much more Believable.
I would honestly suggest you take a look at the survival threads.
A number of us ATSers are trying to gather as much information we can should we actually have to escape martial law and have to live "off the grid"
so to speak.